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Genshin Impact Wiki

Of Fields Green: Smoky Labyrinth is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

It can be purchased from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×80.

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use Of Fields Green: Smoky Labyrinth as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishOf Fields Green: Smoky Labyrinth
Lǜyě Bìyīn - "Yān Jǐng Mígōng"
Jadelike Mattress in the Verdant Wilds - "Labyrinth of Lovely Scenery"
Lǜyě Bìyīn - "Yān Jǐng Mígōng"
Aoao to Shita Midori - "Maboroshi no Meikyuu"
Verdant Green - "Phantom Labyrinth"
Korean푸른빛 싱그러움-「몽환의 미궁」
Pureunbit Singgeureoum - "Monghwan-ui Migung"
Blue Freshness - "Labyrinth of Dreams and Phantasms"
SpanishVerdes campos: Laberinto de humoGreen Fields: Labyrinth of Smoke
FrenchÉden verdoyant « Labyrinthe enfumé »Verdant Eden "Smoky Labyrinth"
RussianИзумрудные поля: Дымный лабиринт
Izumrudnyye polya: Dymnyy labirint
Emerald Fields: Smoky Labyrinth
Thaiแดนอัศจรรย์อันเขียวขจี - "วงกตม่านควัน"
VietnameseKhu Vườn Xanh Ngát - Mê Cung Sương Khói
GermanGrüne Felder Rauchiges LabyrinthGreen Fields - "Smoky Labyrinth"
IndonesianLadang Hijau: Labirin BerasapGreen Fields: Smoky Labyrinth
PortugueseCampos Verdejantes: Labirinto Esfumaçado
TurkishYeşil Ovalar: Sisli Labirent
ItalianCampi verdi Labirinto fumoso

Change History[]

