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Ode to Azhdaha is a soundtrack from the album The Shimmering Voyage.

Soundtrack Usage[]



Production Credits[]

Position Staff[1]
Composer Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸)
Lyricist Yu Sun (孙宇)
Choir Shanghai Zhu Zirong Art Studio (上海朱梓溶艺术工作室)
Piano Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸)
Orchestra International Master Philharmonic Orchestra (国际首席爱乐乐团)
Recording Studio Shanghai Media Group (上海广播大厦), Jintian Recording Studio (金田录音棚)
Recording Engineer Jiawei Mo (莫家伟), Xiaosi Wang (王小四)
Mixing Engineer Zach Huang (黄巍)
Mastering Engineer Zach Huang (黄巍)
Production HOYO-MiX


Chinese and English[]

Chinese Transcript Pinyin Unofficial English Translation
肃雍! Sù yōng! Solemn!
昔若陀徽土 Xī Rětuó huī tǔ, In the past, the territory of Azhdaha was vast
越天遒广及青墟浦 Yuè Tiānqiú guǎng jí Qīngxū-pǔ, Crossing Tianqiu Valley and Qingxu Pool
川亹亹毖流兮 Chuān wěiwěi bìliú xī, As the mountains and rivers flowing slowly
金阙连望舒 Jīnquē lián Wàngshū, The imperial palace even reached Wangshu[Note 1]
哀时兮时兮 焉薄余属 Āi shí xī shí xī yān bó yú shǔ, Saddened by the lost of time, why did you (Rex Lapis) fail me?
恚君常违兮 灵囿作堀 Huì jūn cháng wéi xī língyòu zuò kū, Maddened by your (Rex Lapis) annoyance too often, turning the rich earth into wasteland
夫黯黮命兮 险巇壅阻 Fū àndǎn mìng xī xiǎnxī yōngzǔ, (I lamented) the injustice and vagaries of fate, as dangerous and painful as the rugged mountain road
咄! Duō! Alack!
怨憺兮 瞀乱 Yuàndàn xī màoluàn, Annoyed by this peaceful (Liyue), such serenity never belonged to me
山峦耸荡 Shānluán sǒngdàng, When the mountains are crumbling
龙躣之出 Lóngqú zhī chū, The dragon leaps forth
嗟! Jiē! Alas!
安归乎? Ān guī hū? Can I still go back to the past?
蕙园憭栗兮 宫为渚 Huìyuán liáolì xī gōng wéi zhǔ. But the homeland's now a sorrow land, and the palace's now an oasis.
  1. Wangshu can refer to Wangshu Inn. It is also an archaic term for the moon. So as a hyperbole, the line can also be interpreted to mean that Azhdaha's domain even reached the moon (basically Azhdaha's domain was very large).

Developer Insight[]

Manny Calavera, Creative Concept and Writing Team: The BGM of the Azhdaha boss fight is the first Genshin Impact soundtrack with Chinese lyrics. The lyrics creation of the song also follows the same concept as Azhdaha's appearance, encompassing both familiarity and detachment. What we mean by familiarity is that players will not only know that the lyrics are in Chinese the second they hear it but they will also feel the ancient and mythical elements of the song. As for the detached aspect, the song has an ancient, regional style that is strong and unique. The verses talk about things that aren't relatable or easy to understand. The combination of the two is a representation of the relationship between Azhdaha and Zhongli. We referenced Chu Chi (Verses of Chu) when writing the song's lyrics. We wanted to emphasize the vibe and emotions of the song using this ancient form of literature and writing, and to also differentiate it from more mainstream traditional cultures.

What the song is trying to express, at least in my opinion is the manifested hatred and grudge of Azhdaha after being sealed underground for thousands of years. It's not just the hatred of having lost previously or hatred for Morax but the deep hatred of being sealed alive and watching as he is forgotten and alienated by the world. These overwhelming emotions are written into the powerful lyrics combined with Yu-Peng Chen's majestic orchestral music, electric guitar, and erhu. We were successful in presenting this impactful combat BGM.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishOde to Azhdaha
Tiānqiú Gē
Song of Tianqiu
Tiānqiú Gē
Tenkyuu no Uta
Song of the Firmament


  1. NetEase Cloud Music: Ode to Azhdaha 天遒歌

