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Och-Kan, also known as the Sacred Lord, is a quest-exclusive NPC who appears in the World Quest Series Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm.

He was the King of Ochkanatlan and a tyrant who ruled over Natlan during the era of the Grand Alliance. He was overthrown by the Scarlet-Eyed Youth and his party.[6] He later split his mind and body, with his mind becoming Cocouik while his body became the Dragon of the City of Flowing Ash.


Och-Kan was the son of Waxaklahun Ubah Kan, and a "dragon mixed with a human soul" who bore the Flamelord's Blessing. His father intended for him to slay the Pyro Dragon Xiuhcoatl and ascend as the new Pyro Sovereign, uniting the dragons and humans under his rule.[7]


Och-Kan was said to be "half-human" with golden patterns on his face. He hated his true visage, and after he was freed from imprisonment, he wore a mask to hide it. Over time, his features became more draconic (e.g., his pupils became vertical).[8] By the time of his overthrowing, his features were described as "gaping holes that were fearsomely draconic," and his form as "disfigured."[6]

Quests and Events[]

World Quests


Waxaklahun Ubah Kan, seeing the degradation of dragonkind after the Pyro Dragon's faked death, wanted to save his race. To that end, he looked to humanity and nurtured his son Och-Kan, a dragon mixed with a human soul. He hoped that he would slay the old Pyro Dragon and become the new Pyro Sovereign. In his youth, Och-Kan was raised among the human tribes. At some point, he became a prisoner of the dragons.[7] Xbalanque, who hadn't yet ascended to become the first Pyro Archon at the time, showed him great compassion, so Och-Kan devoted himself to serving him after he was freed from imprisonment and accepted by his former tribe.[8] He joined Xbalanque's party, and when they ran into Yupanqui, Och-Kan was the one who tricked him into a mire, humiliating him into joining them.[1] During the war with the dragons, Och-Kan helped the human warriors decipher their Iridescent Inscriptions. He had learned these skills from the dragons and took great pleasure in using them against his enemies. However, his unconcealed hatred for the dragons concerned his allies.[9]

After Xbalanque "arose from the throne to enter the Sacred Flame," Och-Kan took the reins of authority in his stead and proclaimed himself the Sacred Lord. Though the people were awaiting Xbalanque's successor, Och-Kan believed that Xbalanque should remain the one and only god. He became obsessed with eliminating all possible threats to the humans that Xbalanque so treasured, and inadvertently became a tyrant in the process. He eventually broke the commandments that Xbalanque left behind regarding the peaceful coexistence of humans and dragons and established a city in which "heaven and earth were separated from one another."[10]

During this time, the tribes handed over their authority to the Grand Alliance and the dragons were persecuted. Och-Kan banned the practice of offering live sacrifices and forbade people from worshipping the Night Kingdom in order to consolidate authority and to prevent humanity from becoming "strung up on the Lord of the Night's strings".[11][12][13] He used the Turnfire to oppress anyone who opposed him.[14] His hatred of dragons only grew when he saw that his sole visible pupil was becoming vertical.[8] His behavior grew increasingly erratic. At one point, he ordered craftsmen and artisans from the tribes to excavate "gigantic beastly constructs" from the underground of his city,[15][16] then burned the ruins and anyone who knew of them after ultimately uncovering some horrifying secret, possibly from Ix Uxul Tz'ib Bolon Ch'ule-L who informed him of the Ancient Dragons' empire and something that fell from the Three Moons. Och-Kan would then betray Ixlel by trapping within a large draconic statue and separating her "heart" into three pieces and siphon her strength to power his city.[17][18][19]

Ix Uxul Tz'ib Bolon Ch'ule-L would become defiant towards Och-kan however, causing him to devise a new Core of Chu'ulel using his own "draconic aspect" as the power source to both control and power the source mechanisms of the city and remain "a slave eternal beneath "human" boots".[20]

Waxaklahun Ubah Kan later returned to reprimand Och-Kan for his actions, furious that his son had broken Xbalanque's oath of peace and "opened the door to malevolent forces." However, Och-Kan defended his actions as for the better of humanity, even if they didn't understand him at the time. When his father demanded the Golden Entreaty, Och-Kan claimed to have hidden it, much to his anger. Seeing there was no further point in continuing the conversation, his father left, but warned him that he would return for his soul as part of his experiment.[7]

Yupanqui disagreed with Och-Kan's actions, but couldn't bring himself to go against his sole surviving friend and accepted the role of ordnance officer in the Grand Alliance, intending to die quietly in his old age. However, one night, the Scarlet-Eyed Youth visited him and convinced him to fight against Och-Kan. Yupanqui eventually agreed and joined the youth's party.[1] The party was successful in overthrowing Och-Kan, and the Scarlet-Eyed Youth was said to have seen him ripping off his mask, revealing gaping holes that were "fearsomely draconic" and spewed golden flames. Och-Kan fell from a great height into the "pitch-black mire" below and was assumed to have met his end.[6]

However, Och-Kan would survive the battle, having previously split his mind and body in order to protect the people of Ochkanatlan. His body was then used by Waxaklahun Ubah Kan as an Abyss conduit, turning into the "fell dragon" feared by the people of Natlan. Meanwhile, his mind was stuck in the Core of Chu'ulel until it was discovered by Bona not long after the Cataclysm and who was following in her own father's footsteps. She freed it and gave it the name Cocouik, and they searched for the "Jade of Return" together. Bona would eventually die fighting Waxaklahun after uncovering his plot,[7][21] and Och-Kan regretted not being able to save her.

While exploring Ochkanatlan, the Traveler encounters a memory of Bona created by Cocouik and decides to help her find the "Jade of Return". Och-Kan's body attacks them at several points in the journey and steals the Jade just as they find it, prompting Cocouik, the Traveler, and Paimon to pursue it. Cocouik blasts Och-Kan's body with a powerful beam of light, causing it to crash into the Nursery of Nightmares. Cocouik then merges with Och-Kan's body, revealing his true identity. After one last battle, Och-Kan admits that he hid the Golden Entreaty because it is "as important as it is dangerous," but is unable to give more details. He then entrusts the Entreaty to Little One, whom he compares to himself as they both bear the Flamelord's Blessing. He shares some of his memories with the Traveler before passing on.[7]

Och-Kan's spirit would return to the Night Kingdom, where he assisted the Traveler in venturing into its corroded depths. Before they had to leave as the Ley Lines could not support them, he told them that the light would guide their way through the eternal darkness.



Other Languages[]


LanguageOfficial Name

Sacred Lord

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSacred Lord
Shèng Zhǔ
Shèng Zhǔ
Korean신성한 주인
Sinseonghan Ju'in
SpanishSagrado Señor
FrenchSeigneur sacré
RussianСвятой Мудрец
Svyatoy Mudrets
VietnameseThánh Chủ
GermanHeilige Fürst
IndonesianSacred Lord
PortugueseLorde Sagrado
TurkishKutsal Lord
ItalianSacro Signore

Change History[]

Introduced in Version 5.0 • Released in Version 5.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Weapon: Earth Shaker
  2. 2.0 2.1 Interactable: Nameless Traveler's Notes (I)
  3. Artifact, Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City: Beast Tamer's Talisman
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Interactable: Ancient Bulletin
  5. 5.0 5.1 World Quest, Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm: Act I - City Buried By Ash, Part 1: Vaulting the Wall of Morning Mist
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Weapon Ascension Material: Delirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 World Quest, Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm: Act III - The Tonatiuh Quivers, Part 2: Moment of Awakening
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Weapon Ascension Material: Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord
  9. Weapon Ascension Material: Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord
  10. Weapon Ascension Material: Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord
  11. Weapon Ascension Material: Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Resolve
  12. Weapon Ascension Material: Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Splendor
  13. Item: Notes Someone Left Behind
  14. Tribal Chronicles, Yupanqui's Turnfire, Act I: A Mysterious Visitor From Huitztlan
  15. Artifact, Unfinished Reverie: The Wine-Flask Over Which the Plan Was Hatched
  16. Interactable: Nameless Artisan's Memo
  17. Holy Sovereign's Notes (IV)
  18. Holy Sovereign's Notes (V)
  19. World Quest: Open Your Heart to Me
  20. Holy Sovereign's Notes (VII)
  21. Goggles Left Behind by Someone