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Genshin Impact Wiki

Nightwatcher's Candlelight is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Nightwatcher's Candlelight is obtainable from a Remarkable Chest in Sumeru.

How to Obtain[]

Obtained from a Remarkable Chest. After completing the World Quest Memories of Gurabad, use the item Activation Device: Khaj-Nisut to activate the chess piece in Safhe Shatranj.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Nightwatcher's Candlelight 1 Nightwatcher's Candlelight

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use Nightwatcher's Candlelight as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishNightwatcher's Candlelight
"Gēngxún de Zhúhuǒ"
"Gēngxún de Zhúhuǒ"
"Yomeguri no Shokka"‍[!][!]
Korean「순행하는 불꽃」
"Sunhaenghaneun Bulkkot"
"Patrolling Flame"
SpanishFulgor del incursionistaRaider's Flare
FrenchChandelle du veilleur de nuitNightwatcher's Candle
Russian«Свеча ночного смотрителя»
"Svecha nochnogo smotritelya"
"Night Watcher's Candle"
VietnameseÁnh Nến Bất Tận
GermanKerze des Wachmanns"Watchman's Candle"
IndonesianCahaya Lilin Pengamat MalamNightwatcher's Candlelight
Portuguese"Chamas do Patrulhamento"
TurkishGece Gözcüsünün Mum Işığı
ItalianLucerniere Guardiano della notteGuardian of the Night Lampstand

Change History[]

