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The Mystic Onmyou Chamber (Japanese: 訣籙陰陽寮 Ketsuroku On'you-ryou, "Secrets and Talismans Onmyou Bureau") is an event Domain encountered during the Labyrinth Warriors event.

The domain works much like the Spiral Abyss: Progress is saved for each trial so you can return later, and energy/health is stored separately for each trial. Each trial floorplan and layout is randomly generated. It is unsure if enemies spawned is by group or individually.

Ley Line Disorder[]

The following Ley Line Disorders are applied in this domain:

Stage Boss Quirks
  • Level 1: The Enemy Leader will have the following Attendants that will provide them with buffs: Ruin Cruisers. Each Attendant will increase the Leader's Element RES and Physical RES by 10%. The Attendants will restore the Leader's HP every 12s, with each Attendant restoring 5% HP. When there are no Attendants, the Leader will lose the aforementioned enhancement and restoration effects.
  • Level 2: Ruin Graders have incredible regenerative capabilities. When their HP falls under 30%, they will recover an immense amount of HP after 10s. This effect can be triggered a maximum of once by each Ruin Grader.
  • Level 1: No Special Features
  • Level 2: The Enemy Leader will have the following Attendants that will provide them with buffs: Cryo Abyss Mages. Each Attendant will increase the Leader's Element RES and Physical RES by 10%. The Attendants will restore the Leader's HP every 12s, with each Attendant restoring 5% HP. When there are no Attendants, the Leader will lose the aforementioned enhancement and restoration effects.
  • Level 1: The Enemy Leader will have the following Attendants that will aid them in battle: Electro Abyss Mages and Hydro Samachurls.
  • Level 2: The Enemy Leader will have the following Attendants that will aid them in battle: Hydro Abyss Mages, Hydro Samachurls, and Cryo Hilichurl Shooters.
  • Level 1: The Enemy Leader will have the following Attendants that will aid them in battle: Treasure Hoarders: Hydro Potioneers and Treasure Hoarders: Cryo Potioneers.
  • Level 2: No Special Features
  • Level 1: The Enemy Leader will have a great number of the following Attendants that will aid them in battle: Anemo Samachurls, Dendro Samachurls, Hilichurl Berserkers, and Pyro Hilichurl Shooters.
  • Level 2: No Special Features


Stage Rewards
Hero's Wit 3
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 3
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 3
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 3
Mora 30,000


Stage Stage Boss Possible Enemies
I: The Ominous Demesne
Ruin Grader 3
Stonehide Lawachurl
Kairagi: Dancing Thunder
Kairagi: Fiery Might
Nobushi: Jintouban
Nobushi: Kikouban
Nobushi: Hitsukeban
Ruin Defender
Ruin Scout
Ruin Cruiser
Ruin Destroyer
Geovishap Hatchling
Electro Whopperflower
Mirror Maiden
Fatui Pyro Agent
Fatui Electro Cicin Mage
Treasure Hoarders: Handyman
Treasure Hoarders: Gravedigger
Treasure Hoarders: Crusher
Treasure Hoarders: Pugilist
Treasure Hoarders: Pyro Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Cryo Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Electro Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Hydro Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Marksman
Treasure Hoarders: Seaman
Pyro Slime
Large Pyro Slime
Geo Specter
Electro Slime
Hydro Specter
Anemo Specter
Cryo Slime
Large Electro Slime
Cryo Samachurl
Geo Samachurl
Electro Samachurl
Hydro Samachurl
Anemo Samachurl
Dendro Samachurl
Blazing Axe Mitachurl
Crackling Axe Mitachurl
Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl
Hilichurl Berserker
Wooden Shield Hilichurl Guard
Cryo Hilichurl Shooter
Hilichurl Grenadier
Pyro Hilichurl Shooter
Electro Hilichurl Shooter
Electro Hilichurl Grenadier
Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
Hilichurl Shooter
Hilichurl Fighter
Thundercraven Rifthound
Rockfond Rifthound
Thundercraven Rifthound Whelp
Rockfond Rifthound Whelp
II: The Brutal Divergence
Cryo Hypostasis 1
Frostarm Lawachurl 1
Abyss Lector: Violet Lightning
Hydro Abyss Mage
Kairagi: Dancing Thunder
Kairagi: Fiery Might
Nobushi: Jintouban
Nobushi: Hitsukeban
Nobushi: Kikouban
Mirror Maiden
Fatui Pyro Agent
Fatui Electro Cicin Mage
Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage
Fatui Skirmisher - Anemoboxer Vanguard
Fatui Skirmisher - Cryogunner Legionnaire
Fatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
Frostarm Lawachurl
Thunderhelm Lawachurl
Cryo Abyss Mage
Hydro Specter
Anemo Specter
Geo Specter
Electro Hilichurl Shooter
Crackling Axe Mitachurl
Cryo Samachurl
Geo Samachurl
Electro Samachurl
Hydro Samachurl
Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl
Cryo Hilichurl Shooter
Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
Ice Shield Hilichurl Guard
Hydro Mimic Crane
Hydro Mimic Boar
Hydro Mimic Crab
Hydro Mimic Finch
Hydro Mimic Ferret
Cryo Whopperflower
Electro Whopperflower
Large Electro Slime
Mutant Electro Slime
Large Cryo Slime
Cryo Slime
Electro Slime
Cryo Cicin
III: The Vengeful Wood
Abyss Herald: Wicked Torrents
Abyss Lector: Violet Lightning
Abyss Lector: Violet Lightning
Rockfond Rifthound
Thundercraven Rifthound
Rockfond Rifthound Whelp
Thundercraven Rifthound Whelp
Kairagi: Dancing Thunder
Kairagi: Fiery Might
Nobushi: Jintouban
Nobushi: Kikouban
Nobushi: Hitsukeban
Geovishap Hatchling
Mirror Maiden
Fatui Pyro Agent
Fatui Electro Cicin Mage
Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard
Fatui Skirmisher - Anemoboxer Vanguard
Treasure Hoarders: Gravedigger
Treasure Hoarders: Scout
Treasure Hoarders: Pyro Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Crusher
Treasure Hoarders: Hydro Potioneer
Pyro Abyss Mage
Electro Abyss Mage
Electro Samachurl
Hydro Samachurl
Dendro Samachurl
Blazing Axe Mitachurl
Crackling Axe Mitachurl
Electro Hilichurl Shooter
Electro Hilichurl Grenadier
Pyro Hilichurl Shooter
Hilichurl Grenadier
Hilichurl Berserker
Wooden Shield Hilichurl Guard
Cryo Hilichurl Shooter
Anemo Samachurl
Anemo Specter
Geo Specter
Hydro Specter
Hydro Mimic Mallard
Hydro Mimic Boar
Electro Whopperflower
Pyro Whopperflower
Large Electro Slime
Large Pyro Slime
Large Hydro Slime
Electro Slime
Pyro Slime
Hydro Slime
IV: The Echoes of Extinction
Maguu Kenki
Kairagi: Dancing Thunder
Kairagi: Fiery Might
Abyss Lector: Violet Lightning
Abyss Herald: Wicked Torrents
Thundercraven Rifthound
Rockfond Rifthound
Rockfond Rifthound Whelp
Kairagi: Dancing Thunder
Kairagi: Fiery Might
Nobushi: Jintouban
Nobushi: Hitsukeban
Nobushi: Kikouban
Ruin Grader
Ruin Guard
Ruin Defender
Ruin Cruiser
Ruin Destroyer
Ruin Scout
Geovishap Hatchling
Mirror Maiden
Fatui Pyro Agent
Fatui Electro Cicin Mage
Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage
Fatui Skirmisher - Pyroslinger Bracer
Fatui Skirmisher - Anemoboxer Vanguard
Fatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard
Fatui Skirmisher - Cryogunner Legionnaire
Treasure Hoarders: Crusher
Treasure Hoarders: Seaman
Treasure Hoarders: Cryo Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Pugilist
Treasure Hoarders: Gravedigger
Treasure Hoarders: Marksman
Treasure Hoarders: Scout
Treasure Hoarders: Pyro Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Handyman
Treasure Hoarders: Electro Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Hydro Potioneer
Thunderhelm Lawachurl
Stonehide Lawachurl
Frostarm Lawachurl
Pyro Abyss Mage
Electro Abyss Mage
Cryo Abyss Mage
Hydro Abyss Mage
Anemo Samachurl
Dendro Samachurl
Cryo Samachurl
Electro Samachurl
Hydro Samachurl
Geo Samachurl
Crackling Axe Mitachurl
Blazing Axe Mitachurl
Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl
Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl
Pyro Hilichurl Shooter
Cryo Hilichurl Shooter
Electro Hilichurl Shooter
Ice Shield Hilichurl Guard
Hilichurl Grenadier
Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
Electro Hilichurl Grenadier
Hilichurl Berserker
Hilichurl Fighter
Hilichurl Shooter
Wooden Shield Hilichurl Guard
Rock Shield Hilichurl Guard
Geo Specter
Hydro Specter
Anemo Specter
Pyro Whopperflower
Cryo Whopperflower
Electro Whopperflower
Hydro Mimic Boar
Hydro Mimic Crane
Hydro Mimic Crab
Large Pyro Slime
Large Electro Slime
Mutant Electro Slime
Large Hydro Slime
Large Cryo Slime
Hydro Slime
Electro Slime
Cryo Slime
Pyro Slime
V: The Rending Absolution
Pyro Hypostasis
Pyro Abyss Mage
Blazing Axe Mitachurl
Abyss Lector: Violet Lightning
Thundercraven Rifthound
Rockfond Rifthound
Thundercraven Rifthound Whelp
Rockfond Rifthound Whelp
Kairagi: Dancing Thunder
Kairagi: Fiery Might
Nobushi: Kikouban
Nobushi: Hitsukeban
Nobushi: Jintouban
Ruin Grader
Ruin Guard
Ruin Defender
Ruin Cruiser
Ruin Destroyer
Ruin Scout
Geovishap Hatchling
Mirror Maiden
Fatui Pyro Agent
Fatui Electro Cicin Mage
Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage
Fatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
Fatui Skirmisher - Pyroslinger Bracer
Fatui Skirmisher - Anemoboxer Vanguard
Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard
Fatui Skirmisher - Cryogunner Legionnaire
Treasure Hoarders: Crusher
Treasure Hoarders: Seaman
Treasure Hoarders: Cryo Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Pugilist
Treasure Hoarders: Gravedigger
Treasure Hoarders: Marksman
Treasure Hoarders: Scout
Treasure Hoarders: Pyro Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Handyman
Treasure Hoarders: Electro Potioneer
Treasure Hoarders: Hydro Potioneer
Thunderhelm Lawachurl
Stonehide Lawachurl
Frostarm Lawachurl
Pyro Abyss Mage
Electro Abyss Mage
Cryo Abyss Mage
Hydro Abyss Mage
Anemo Samachurl
Dendro Samachurl
Cryo Samachurl
Electro Samachurl
Hydro Samachurl
Geo Samachurl
Crackling Axe Mitachurl
Blazing Axe Mitachurl
Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl
Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl
Pyro Hilichurl Shooter
Cryo Hilichurl Shooter
Electro Hilichurl Shooter
Ice Shield Hilichurl Guard
Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
Electro Hilichurl Grenadier
Hilichurl Berserker
Hilichurl Fighter
Hilichurl Shooter
Wooden Shield Hilichurl Guard
Rock Shield Hilichurl Guard
Geo Specter
Hydro Specter
Anemo Specter
Pyro Whopperflower
Cryo Whopperflower
Electro Whopperflower
Hydro Mimic Boar
Hydro Mimic Crane
Hydro Mimic Crab
Large Pyro Slime
Large Electro Slime
Mutant Electro Slime
Large Hydro Slime
Large Cryo Slime
Hydro Slime
Electro Slime
Cryo Slime
Pyro Slime


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
59Duel in the MistRealm of Tranquil EternityMystic Onmyou Chamber (combat), Dilapidated Old House, Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #2 and 6), The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #2, combat)
Combat, Domains
60Against the Invisible NetRealm of Tranquil EternityMystic Onmyou Chamber (combat), Hyakunin Ikki 2022-03-18, Misty Hills, Foggy Vales (combat), Hyakunin Ikki 2022-10-10, Leisurely Pastime, Warrior's Spirit, Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #2 and 6)
Combat, Domains, Special Gameplay
61Overlord of the ThunderstormRealm of Tranquil EternityMystic Onmyou Chamber (combat), Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #2 and 6)
Combat, Domains, Special Gameplay
 N/AUnnamed Mystic Onmyou Chamber Soundtrack 1N/AMystic Onmyou Chamber, Misty Hills, Foggy Vales
 N/AUnnamed Mystic Onmyou Chamber Soundtrack 2N/AMystic Onmyou Chamber, The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #2)
 N/AUnnamed Mystic Onmyou Chamber Soundtrack 3N/AMystic Onmyou Chamber


  • The domain was once owned by the onmyouji Kamuna Harunosuke.
  • The Japanese name uses the term On'you-ryou (Japanese: 陰陽寮 lit. "Yin-Yang Bureau"), an agency of Japan that existed from 701 until 1869 responsible for onmyoudou (divination), astronomy, calendar, and standard timekeeping.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMystic Onmyou Chamber
Juélù Yīnyáng-liáo
Secrets and Talismans Onmyou Bureau[• 1]
Juélù Yīnyáng-liáo
Ketsuroku On'you-ryou[2]
Secrets and Talismans Onmyou Bureau
Secrets and Talismans Onmyou Bureau‍[※][※]
SpanishCámara Mística OnmyouMystic Onmyou Chamber
FrenchChambre OnmyouOnmyou Chamber
RussianМистическая палата оммё
Misticheskaya palata ommyo
Mystic Onmyou Chamber
Thong Ongmiao saen lueklap
Mystic Onmyou Hall
VietnameseĐền Âm DươngÂm Dương Quyết LụcQuyết LụcSecrets and Talismans Onmyou Temple
GermanMystische Onmyou-KammerMystic Onmyou Chamber
IndonesianMystic Onmyou Chamber
PortugueseCâmara Mística OnmyouMystic Onmyou Chamber
TurkishMistik Onmyou Odası
ItalianSala mistica dell'onmyou
  1. Chinese: 诀箓/訣籙 Juélù refers to a Taoist book that contains secret tricks for cultivation and fulu (talismans).[1]

Change History[]


  1. ZDIC: Definition of 诀箓
  2. Event Labyrinth Warriors Quest, Part 1: A Tricky Situation (Japanese Voice-Over)

