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Mysterious Ruins is a Quest Domain in the Archon Quest Secret of the Scorching Desert in Chapter III: Act IV - King Deshret and the Three Magi.


  1. Go south onto the elevator to open the doors to the east.
  2. Rotate the three pillars to unlock the elevator.
    • Rotate the left pillar twice, then the middle pillar once, and finally the right pillar once.
  3. Activate the elevator to go down.
  4. Go down the stairs to the south.
  5. Defeat the enemies for an Exquisite Chest.
  6. Go down the stairs and turn east into a room. A door to the east will slide open.
  7. Go east, then south towards a chest, but the door to the chest will close.
  8. Go west, then south, and finally east to get the Common Chest.
  9. Go back to the previous room and slide open the northern door opposite the rock rubble, then go into the next room.
  10. Go through the western sliding door, and then the southern sliding door.
  11. Go into the western room and defeat the enemies.
  12. Go into a small northeastern room for a Common Chest. Return to the previous room.
  13. Activate the elevator to go up.
  14. Go into the western room and defeat the enemies for an Exquisite Chest.
  15. Activate the elevator by interacting with the blue switch next to the door. The elevator will go down.
  16. Activate the elevator again, and get on the elevator as it goes up to the next floor.
  17. Defeat the enemies to reveal three rotating pillars to the west. The two switches on the ground will also be unlocked.
  18. Use the switches to turn off the left and right pillars when the pillars light up.
  19. Activate the elevator to go to the next zone.
  20. Go south until a cut scene starts.


  • Precious Chest ×1
  • Exquisite Chest ×2
  • Common Chest ×2



No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
76Nameless DaysForest of Jnana and VidyaA Forest of Change (Domain), Mysterious Ruins, That Day Under Irminsul, The Greater Lord's Remaining Consciousness, The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call (Domain) (Irminsul's inner region)
77Whispers of ImmensityForest of Jnana and VidyaA Forest of Change (Domain), Mysterious Ruins, That Day Under Irminsul, The Greater Lord's Remaining Consciousness, The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call (Domain) (Irminsul's inner region)
Locations, Quests
58Smoldering GlowThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
59Ruins of Scorching MightThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
60Now and ThenThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
61Distant RetrospectionThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
62Reminiscences of RemnantsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
63Land of Hidden DepthsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
64Shade of Reticent ConundrumsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
65Past RepastThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
66Crumbled PledgeThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
67Stairway of NeterikhetThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Quests, Event Gameplay
68Millennial SailsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages, Fane of Panjvahe, City of the Deceased, Red Desert Threshold, Court of Desolation, Mysterious Ruins, Bygone Glories Passed
Locations, Event Gameplay
101Wrathful Streaming GoldThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages (combat), Fane of Panjvahe (combat), City of the Deceased (combat), Red Desert Threshold (combat), Court of Desolation (combat), Mysterious Ruins (combat), Bygone Glories Passed (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay
102Across Dimming AsterismsThe Unfathomable Sand DunesAltar of Mirages (combat), Fane of Panjvahe (combat), City of the Deceased (combat), Red Desert Threshold (combat), Court of Desolation (combat), Mysterious Ruins (combat), Bygone Glories Passed (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay

Video Guides[]

Mysterious Ruins Guide (5 Chests)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMysterious Ruins
Shénmì de Yíjì
Mysterious Ruins
Shénmì de Yíjī
Nazo no Iseki
Mysterious Ruins
Korean신비한 유적
Sinbihan Yujeok
Mysterious Ruins
SpanishRuinas misteriosasMysterious Ruins
FrenchRuines mystérieusesMysterious Ruins
RussianМистические руины
Misticheskiye ruiny
Mystical Ruins
VietnameseDi Tích Thần BíMysterious Ruins
GermanMysteriöse RuineMysterious Ruin
IndonesianMysterious Ruins
PortugueseRuínas Misteriosas
TurkishGizemli Harabeler
ItalianRovine misteriose

Change History[]

