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Genshin Impact Wiki

Mortal Travails: Series V contains Achievements completed through Exploration and rewards the Achievement: All-Seeing Namecard.

Achievement List[]

There are 7 Achievements in Mortal Travails: Series V:

Achievement Description Requirements Primogem
Memory of Fire Obtain the power of Pyro. Complete Where All Hopes Lie 5
Dance Into Night's Unfolding Collect the entire "Mt. Lingmeng Gossip" series. 5
Chakana's Dangling Bough Collect the entire "Records of Hanan Pacha" series. 5
Springside Reverie Collect the entire "Springs of Hidden Jade" series. 5
Advent of the Hot Springs Collect the entire "Maawe and Monetoo" series. 5
Volcanic Emblem: The Blazing Pins Collect the entire "The Volcano Lord and the Shadow Pins" series. 5
Dragonbolt Chronicles Collect the entire "Fires of Autumn Twilight" series. 5

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMortal Travails: Series V
Ukiyo Jun'yuu - Go
Touring the Mortal World - 5
Korean속세 순유・제5
Sokse Sunyu - Je-5-Jip
SpanishVagabundo del mundo mortal: Parte 5Vagabond of the Mortal World - Part 5
FrenchPromenade dans le monde mortel - Partie VStroll in the Mortal World - Part V
RussianСкитания по миру V
Skitaniya po miru V
Thaiขบวนพาเหรด แฟนซี - ชุดที่ 5
VietnameseTuần Du Trần Thế - Phần V
GermanWeltreise – Reihe 5
IndonesianPenderitaan Fana: Seri V
PortugueseAndarilho do Mundo Mortal - Série V
TurkishFani Meseleleri: V. Seri
ItalianFatiche mortali: Serie V

Change History[]

