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Mondstadt Glider is the third part of Amber's Story Quest, Lepus Chapter: Act I - Wind, Courage, and Wings.


  1. Go to the door of Mondstadt Cathedral
  2. Talk to Amber
  3. Follow the route and fly to the finish line in time
  4. Talk to Amber
  5. Follow the markers to arrive at the finish line in time
  6. Follow the route and fly to the finish line in time
  7. Reach the doors of the Adventurers' Guild


UI Quest Quest Description

As it turned out, the book Amber gave you wasn't a manual, but a fairy tale... After completing the first test out in the wild, you learn that the second test is to take place within the city of Mondstadt itself. Amber is waiting for you there.
(Talk to Amber in front of Mondstadt Cathedral)
Media:vo ablq003 2 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Hey — here, over here!
Media:vo ablq003 2 ambor 02.ogg Amber: I'm all set up. Let's carry on with the exam.
Media:vo ablq003 2 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Same deal as before, glide through the markers and get to the finish without stopping in the middle.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm ready.
(Talk to Amber after failing the course)
Media:vo ablq003 4 ambor 01.ogg Amber: You didn't hurt yourself, did you?
Media:vo ablq003 4 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Once you're ready, let's try again.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm ready.
Media:vo ablq003 4 ambor 03a.ogg Amber: Keep a firm grasp on the wind glider, and let the wind guide you.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll think about it.
Media:vo ablq003 4 ambor 03b.ogg Amber: Before you launch, make sure you're completely ready.
(Talking to her again repeats this dialogue branch from the beginning)

(Talk to Amber at the Knights of Favonius headquarters)
Media:vo ablq003 5 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Hahaha... Seems like you've got the hang of wind gliding now! Let's do the final stage.
Media:vo ablq003 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Easy! You've flown this way before anyway...
Media:vo ablq003 5 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Once you've passed this final stage, you'll finally be able to get your very own gliding license.
Media:vo ablq003 5 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Just keep thinking about that license. Ready...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Go!
(Talking to Amber after failing the course)
Media:vo ablq003 7 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Try to stay calm. You need to be brave at take off, but the trick to a good landing is to keep your cool.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm ready.
Media:vo ablq003 7 ambor 02a.ogg Amber: You can do it. Your gliding license is within your grasp!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm going to take another look around.
Media:vo ablq003 7 ambor 02b.ogg Amber: Take your time, I'll be right here when you're done.
(Upon landing at the doors of the Adventurers' Guild)
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 01.ogg Otto: Windborne traveler! You are required to land at once by order of the Knights of Favonius!
(Talk to Otto after landing)
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 02.ogg Otto: I am Otto of the Knights of Favonius.
Media:vo ablq003 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wh—What's going on?
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 03.ogg Otto: Please show me your gliding license.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ahh... my um, gliding license is, uh...
Icon Dialogue Talk It got eaten by Baron Bunny...
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 04.ogg Otto: It is against the law to glide without a license! I am arresting you under Section 7, Article 12 of the Mondstadt Penal Code.
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 05.ogg Otto: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will forever carry on the wind.
Media:vo ablq003 8 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Wait... I'm an instructor. This is a gliding exam.
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 06.ogg Otto: Oh... I see.
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 07.ogg Otto: Well, you picked a bad time to hold your gliding exam.
Media:vo ablq003 8 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Really, why?
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 08.ogg Otto: The Knights of Favonius received a report from a Sister at the Cathedral claiming she saw Raptor gliding around these parts. I thought your student here must have been his partner in crime.
Media:vo ablq003 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Raptor? Who's that?
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 09.ogg Otto: A known criminal in Mondstadt. He always uses a wind glider to commit his crimes, so people started calling him Raptor.
Media:vo ablq003 8 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Wow. He flies fast, then?
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 10.ogg Otto: So far we haven't managed to catch him... Our plan this time was to draw him into the Cathedral with a precious artifact, and ambush him inside.
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 11.ogg Otto: ...But he escaped with the artifact.
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 12.ogg Otto: Fortunately, one of the Sisters put some secret markings on the artifact using elemental magic!
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 13.ogg Otto: ...But he was too fast, and we couldn't even keep up with the trail the markings left behind.
Media:vo ablq003 8 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Well, if you need help chasing down a gliding criminal, I'm the one for the job! So tell me, which way did he go?
Media:vo ablq003 8 otto 14.ogg Otto: As far as I know, he was last seen near Springvale, but that was some time ago.
Media:vo ablq003 8 ambor 05.ogg Amber: Leave it to me! With me and (TravelerTraveler) chasing him down together, he doesn't stand a chance.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure.
Icon Dialogue Talk So... I passed?
Media:vo ablq003 8 ambor 06.ogg Amber: Once we've got this Raptor guy, we'll pick up where we left off.
Media:vo ablq003 8 ambor 07.ogg Amber: But no need to worry... I'll be sure to have a word with Jean.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
13Perilous PathCity of Winds and IdyllsShadow Over Mondstadt, Kaeya's Gain, Mondstadt Glider, Justice, for Books' Sake, The Fond Farewell, Festering Desire (Quest), Archon's Rival, Involuntary Sacrifice, Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage, To Hear Mortal Hearts, The Snowy Past, The Oni's Pride, Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers, A Centuries-Long Dream, As by a God's Side, Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies, Dream of Falling, Fragmented Testimony, Shade Upon Red Silk, The Truth Shrouded in Shadow, An Opportunity for Rebirth, Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame (Quest), Memories That Should Not Exist, Switcheroo, Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame (Quest), Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity
Event Gameplay
16An Interesting LabourCity of Winds and IdyllsThe Oni's Justice, Wild Escape (escaping the cathedral), License to Glide (gliding challenge), Mondstadt Glider (gliding challenge), Cooking Showdown (cooking competition)
Locations, Event Gameplay

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMondstadt Glider
Méngdé Chéng de Fēixíng Zhě
Mondstadt's Flier
Méngdé Chéng de Fēixíng Zhě
Mondo-jou no Hikousha‍[!][!]
Glider of the City of Mondstadt
Korean몬드성의 비행자
Mondeu-seong-ui Bihaengja
Mondstadt's Flier
SpanishUn planeador en la ciudad de MondstadtA Glider in the City of Mondstadt
FrenchPlaneur de MondstadtMondstadt Glider
RussianПланерист Мондштадта
Planerist Mondshtadta
Mondstadt Glider
Thaiนักบินแห่งเมือง Mondstadt
VietnamesePhi Hành Gia Của Mondstadt
GermanEin Flug über MondstadtA Flight over Mondstadt
IndonesianPeluncur MondstadtMondstadt Glider
PortuguesePlanador de MondstadtMondstadt Glider
TurkishMondstadt Pilotu
ItalianVolovelista di Mondstadt

Change History[]
