Missive of Cloud and Fog is the Event Quest for Part II of the Invitation of Windblume event.
- Go to the Knights of Favonius' headquarters
- Accept the job from Kaeya
- Go look for Nimrod at the tavern
- Collect 2 Small Lamp Grass
- Talk to Nimrod
- Go back to the Knights' headquarters and report to Kaeya
- Go to the Mondstadt Cathedral
- Talk to Jean and Lisa
- Talk to Barbara
- Catch up to Barbara
- Talk to Barbara and Rosaria
- Go to the location marked out on the map
- Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
- Dig up the treasure
- Talk to Barbara
Gameplay Notes[]
- The "threatening" note is written using the "Teyvat Alphabet". The text is slightly different from the given transcription, and from how Venti reads it. It reads "To dear Miss Barbara, I have stolen and buried your most precious thing."

As Venti's all-important assistant, you are to go out with him to collect the love poetry written by the people of Mondstadt. However, the citizenry has various troubles of their own, even during such a festive time as this.
- (Upon arriving at the location)
- Paimon: Venti might be here already, let's take a look inside!
- Athos: Halt! Citizens, what noble errand brings you?
- Paimon: Is Kaeya here? We need him for something.
- Athos: Captain Kaeya? He's on duty in Jean's office.
- Paimon: Eh? Why is he in Jean's office?
- Athos: The Windblume Festival celebrations have always been hosted by the Knights of Favonius. During the festivities, Master Jean personally goes out on patrol.
- Athos: Captain Kaeya takes over her administrative duties during that period.
- Paimon: Huh, is that right...
- (Talk to Kaeya)
- Paimon: Hiya!
- Venti: Traveler, Paimon, you're here!
- Kaeya: I was just thinking about you two, and now here you are. How fortuitous!
- Paimon: Kaeya, did you do your homework?
- Kaeya: I'm afraid I must disappoint you... I haven't even started writing it yet.
- Venti: Hmm, students that don't hand in their homework on time aren't exactly model students now, are they?
- Paimon: And what excuse does Kaeya have for not handing in his homework?
- Kaeya: Well, as you can see, I'm helping Master Jean take care of various matters.
- Kaeya: Mondstadt is a hive of activity over the festive period. Accordingly, there's a multitude of things that need sorting. *sigh* I've been at it for a good while now.
- Kaeya: Traveler... can I ask for a favor?
- Kaeya: I have a drinking buddy that wants me to help him with something, but I'm much too busy. Can I entrust this matter to you?
- Venti: A drinking buddy? A friend you met at the tavern?
- Kaeya: That's right. I often go to the tavern when not on duty. Somehow, I seem to have made quite a few acquaintances that way.
- Kaeya: His name is Nimrod, he's never far from the tavern. He should be free right now.
- Kaeya: Thanks for the help. I'd better stay behind and get started on my homework.
Good luck, Kaeya.
I'll consider it part of my Windblume experience.
- (Talk to Kaeya again)
- Kaeya: Feel free to take your time... I need to channel my inner poet.
- (Upon finding Nimrod)
- Nimrod: *sigh* What should I do...
- Paimon: You must be Nimrod! Kaeya mentioned there was something you wanted him to take care of. He's busy right now, but we can help.
- Nimrod: ...Huh? Oh, Traveler... I didn't realize it was you.
- Nimrod: ...It's like this: I'm planning to give a gift to my wife for the Windblume Festival, and I wanted my drinking buddy, Kaeya, to come up with a gift idea.
- Nimrod: ...I—I'm afraid I'm a bit of a drunkard, I'm nearly always in the tavern. My wife hates me drinking, so we're constantly arguing.
- Paimon: Another day, another drunkard...
- Venti: I can empathize, I don't mind a drink or two myself! Then again, and I'm not one to judge, but by the looks of your drinking habits... hmm...
- Nimrod: I know... She's right, of course. I feel like I have to make it up to her.
- Nimrod: ...Traveler, can you help me gather some materials? I want to make a gift for her myself.
- Nimrod: ...I should have made preparations in advance, but I've barely been sober these last few days. I fell asleep, and when I woke up the celebrations had already begun! Now I'll never have time to finish it by myself...
- Paimon: Yeesh, this guy is a mess...
- Venti: ...Single folks in Mondstadt would never dare get others to help them during the festive period. It's lucky you're already married, Nimrod.
- Nimrod: Uh-huh... you're telling me... *sigh* I'm sorry... Here I am making a fool of myself in front of all of you.
- Paimon: *sigh* What's done is done. Spit it out then, how can we help?
- Small Lamp Grass. Nimrod: I'm going to look for wood in the city, and we'll need plants to place inside. Those only grow in the wild, could I ask you to retrieve them? I need two stems of
- Paimon: Small Lamp Grass and wood... what are you making exactly?
- Nimrod: I want to make her a little wooden house, with glowing flowers and handmade furniture inside...
- Venti: Aww, such a thoughtful gift!
- Nimrod: A token of my love, haha. ...Back when I'd only just gotten to know her, I used to make handmade gifts for her all the time... She love them, she even used to say that...
- Nimrod: Oh! Uh — ahem, excuse me. Let's put the past aside for the moment. Thank you all for your help.
- Paimon: Lucky you came across such kind-hearted assistants, hmm?
- Paimon: Alright, let's go and find those materials!
- (Talk to Nimrod without enough Small Lamp Grass)
- Nimrod: ...I haven't done any carpentry for a long time now. I hope everything goes to plan!
- (Talk to Nimrod)
- Nimrod: ...Thank you, thank you so much! With these materials, I can get to work straight away.
- Paimon: Remember, a gift can't solve everything! You need to start being fair to your wife, too!
- Nimrod: I will, I will!
- Nimrod: *sigh* I do hope she likes my gift, though...
- Venti: Everyone likes a gift given with love, don't worry.
- Paimon: Make it a good one! Don't go wasting those materials, they weren't easy to find y'know!
- (Talk to Kaeya)
- Paimon: We're back! Kaeya, have you finished?
- Venti: Time to hand in your homework!
- Kaeya: Welcome back, I'm just finishing up.
- Paimon: Go, go, go, hand it in, hand it in!
- Kaeya: Alright, alright... Now then, no hurting my feelings.
- Venti: Hmmm.. Mm? Ooooh...
- Paimon: Tone-Deaf Bard, what grade did he get?
- Venti: Kaeya, may I read this out loud?
- Kaeya: Feel free.
- Venti: *clears throat*
- "Mi muhe ye
- Means I love you
- In the language of the hilichurls."
- Paimon: Eh? Ehh!?
- Venti: That's it.
- Paimon: That's it!?
- Kaeya: Coherent and too the point. Plus, the length seems about right.
- Paimon: What!? Are you writing a Hilichurlian phrase book!?
Ridiculous. Where's the romance?
Nice work, you learned a lot, I see.
- Kaeya: Hahaha, a love poem has to convey the style of its author, you know?
- Venti: I'm not sure you took the exercise seriously.
- Paimon: Wait... so we're just gonna gloss over the fact that Kaeya can speak Hilichurlian? Weird.
- Kaeya: Haha, don't underestimate the hidden knowledge of the Knights of Favonius' Cavalry Captain!
- Venti: Alright then, time to collect the next student's homework...
- Kaeya: ...!
- Kaeya: I just caught sight of a suspicious figure, I must go and investigate. Traveler, I have another small task for you.
- Kaeya: The Church has applied to us for a hunting license. Please take these official documents to the Cathedral.
- Paimon: *sigh* Running errands again...!
- (Upon arriving at the location)
- Jean: Lisa, we need to establish some ground rules... If we do end up apprehending any drunken troublemakers, no electrocutions. Okay?
- Lisa: Oh Jean, you misunderstand me. That intoxicated fellow you witnessed last time was practically begging me to be shocked. It makes me wonder if some people don't actually quite enjoy getting—
- Jean: Lisa!
- Lisa: *sigh* Very well then, if you insist.
- Paimon: Jean, Lisa!
- Venti: Greetings, ladies! It's been a while.
What are you two doing here?
- Jean: A while indeed. As you can see, Lisa and I are on duty.
- Lisa: Aww, it's cutie and friends. Did you see any suspicious people on the way here? If you do see anything, report straight to the Knights.
- Paimon: Since when do librarians go out on patrol?
- Lisa: Rarely, but this is the Windblume Festival, and they need all hands on deck. Even the humble clerical staff, like me.
- Jean: Lisa, "humble clerical staff" do not wield Electro the way you do.
- Jean: *sigh* Please do not be alarmed, I will keep my eyes on Lisa. Especially since she seems to enjoy electrocuting people just to break up a scuffle. Not to mention shocking drunkards until they beg for mercy...
- Lisa: If you don't like it, I can happily refrain.
- Jean: Is that a promise? Good. Otherwise, I'm going to have to reconsider whether I want a librarian on patrol with me.
- Paimon: Paimon never knew being on patrol could be so exciting!
- (Upon approaching Barbara)
- Paimon: Barbara, Kaeya sent us to deliver the—
- Bennett: How dare they! This is sheer intimidation!
- Barbara: How could somebody do this...
- Paimon: Huh!?
- Venti: What's happened?
- Barbara: I... *sniff* I—I received a letter... *sniff* It says... I—It says...
- Bennett: Let me. I just came back from the wilderness. As usual, I came by the Cathedral to ask the sisters to patch me up. That's when I saw Barbara running out, white as a sheet. She was holding a letter.
- Barbara: I've never received a letter like this before.
- Venti: Can I take a look?
- Venti: Hm... "Dear Barbara, I've stolen the thing most precious to you and buried it." Huh... Could this be an attempt at intimidation?
- Bennett: It's awful... is it a joke? If so, we don't need to worry. But...
- Barbara: ...But... what if it's real...?
Map on the back
Paimon: There's a map on the back, isn't that out in the wilderness?- Bennett: Hmm... the thing most precious to you...
- Venti: Hm, buried...
- Bennett: Huh... that location on the map is familiar, I've definitely been there before.
So what is the thing most precious to you?
- Barbara: I can't think straight right now, nothing makes sense... *whimpers*
- Bennett: It's coming to me... It's coming to me...
- Barbara: The thing most precious to me... W—Wait, could it be? Oh no!
- Paimon: Barbara! Hey! Slow down!
- Bennett: Aha! I've got it! The Thousand Winds Temple!
- Venti: Bennett — hey!
- Paimon: Why are they in such a hurry? Let's catch up with them!
- (Upon leaving the Cathedral)
- Barbara: ...My sister!
- Rosaria: Slow down.
- (If the player has not met Rosaria yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Rosaria — Thorny Benevolence
Rosaria is a sister of the Church of Favonius, but you wouldn't know it except for her attire.
You certainly won't find her saying prayers or attending Church gatherings. If you need to find this elusive sister for anything, then you might be looking for quite a while.
Check the hidden corners in the shadows, and you might just find Rosaria quietly observing the rapid changes around Mondstadt. This mysterious sister is in fact guarding Mondstadt, just in her own way.
- Barbara: Rosaria! I just—
- Rosaria: Calm down.
- Rosaria: I ran into Jean a moment ago, Lisa was with her. She's fine.
- Barbara: *gasp* R—Really? A—Are you sure?
- Barbara: Whew...
- Rosaria: ...
- Rosaria: That letter. Give it to me.
- Venti: Sure...
- Barbara: ...If they're not talking about Jean in the letter... then what are they talking about?
- Paimon: Did you really think they'd buried Jean underground!? What a horrible thought!
- Venti: So, sister, have you found any leads?
- Rosaria: Looking at the map, the perpetrator seems to have marked out an area around Dawn Winery.
- Rosaria: That's open land, so hiding something there... Hmm, what could it be?
- Paimon: Nice work! How'd you figure that out so quickly?
- Paimon: Although... Dawn Winery? That's not the place we were thinking...
- Barbara: ...
- Rosaria: Barbara, rather than letting your imagination get the better of you, stand up and face this head-on.
- Barbara: ...You're right, it's just...
- Venti: Hehe, it's a little scary, right? That's why we're going with you. What do you say?
- Barbara: Uh? Th—That's very kind...
- Venti: And you, Sister? Will you be accompanying us?
- Rosaria: No need... I knew straight away there was nothing to worry about.
- Paimon: Eh? And what does that mean?
- Rosaria: ...Nothing. Get going, then.
- Venti: Barbara, are you feeling a bit better now?
- Barbara: Mm-hmm! I'm... I'm okay.
- Barbara: Rosaria is right, better to know the of the enemy than stand here scaring myself.
- Paimon: That's right! Let's get moving!
- Barbara: Thank you, all of you. Let's get to the location and see what we find.
- Paimon: Yup, yup! Go, Barbara, go!
- (Upon arriving at the location)
- Paimon: Huh? Why are there Treasure Hoarders here?
- (After defeating the Treasure Hoarders)
- Barbara: It looks like there's something on the ground...
- (Dig up the box)
- Paimon: What is this? Hmm... quick, let's open it!
- Barbara: I... I...
- Venti: ...Interesting... such an exquisite gift box. What's it doing out here in the wilderness?
- Barbara: ...Huh!?
- Paimon: Wow, what a beautiful Windwheel Aster Wreath! And so many paper stars!
Is this a prank?
Is this just someone's way of getting your attention?
- Venti: Hmm... looks like our "perpetrator" is really just one of Barbara's fans.
- Paimon: There's a note! What does it say? Hmm, let's see...
- Paimon: "So sorry to get your attention this way. Please accept this Windblume as a sign of my sincere admiration for your virtue and sweetness."
- Paimon: Huh? So it's... fraudulent intimidation, then?
- Venti: Be it for the gods or that special someone, flowers should be offered in utmost sincerity. It's the most important ceremony of the Windblume Festival.
- Venti: Flowers of love and blessing, sent on such a special occasion... No effort should be wasted to make it spectacular.
- Venti: Behind the questionable methodology... here we have a meticulously thought-out and heartfelt gift.
- Paimon: Heh... laying it on a little thick, aren't we? Still seems like someone with a few screws loose to Paimon...
- Venti: Hahaha, maybe you're right. I think I have a suspect in mind who fits that description...
- Paimon: Who? Who?
(I think I know the answer too.)
- Venti: Shh! No telling, now... I'd like Paimon to make a few guesses.
- Paimon: Ah!? You're so annoying!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Missive of Cloud and Fog | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 云与雾之信 Yún yǔ Wù zhī Xìn | Letter of Cloud and Fog |
Chinese (Traditional) | 雲與霧之信 Yún yǔ Wù zhī Xìn | |
Japanese | 雲と霧の手紙 Kumo to Kiri no Tegami | Letter of Cloud and Fog |
Korean | 구름과 안개의 편지 Gureumgwa Angae-ui Pyeonji | Letter of Cloud and Fog |
Spanish | Mensaje de nubes y bruma | Message of Clouds and Haze |
French | Lettre de la brume | Letter of the Mist |
Russian | Письмо облакам и туману Pis'mo oblakam i tumanu | Letter for the Clouds and Fog |
Thai | จดหมายแห่งหมู่เมฆและไอหมอก | Letter of Cloud and Fog |
Vietnamese | Lá Thư Mây Và Sương | |
German | Zeitung von Wolken und Nebel | Journal of the Clouds and Fog |
Indonesian | Surat Awan dan Kabut | Letter of the Cloud and Mist |
Portuguese | Carta das Nuvens e Neblinas | |
Turkish | Bulut ve Sis Mektubu | |
Italian | Lettera di nubi e nebbia |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.4