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Millennial Pearl Seahorse is a Character Card obtained in Genius Invokation TCG.


Tail Sweep Character Card SkillTail SweepNormal Attack12
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
Swirling School of Fish Character Card SkillSwirling School of FishElemental Skill3
Deals 3 Electro DMG. If this character has Fontemer Pearl attached, that Usage(s) +1. (Once per Round)
Fontemer Hoarthunder Character Card SkillFontemer HoarthunderElemental Burst32
Deals 1 Electro DMG, attaches Fontemer Pearl to this character, and summons 1 Resonant Coral Orb

Fontemer Pearl
When the character to which this is attached takes DMG: Negate 1 DMG. Once per Round, Usage(s) will not be used when negating DMG from Summons.
When you declare the end of your Round: If the character to which this is attached is the active character, draw 1 card.
Usage(s): 2

Resonant Coral Orb
End Phase: Deal 1 Electro DMG.
Usage(s): 2
Pearl Armor Character Card SkillPearl ArmorPassive Skill
(Passive) When the battle begins, attach Fontemer Pearl to this character.

Fontemer Pearl
When the character to which this is attached takes DMG: Negate 1 DMG. Once per Round, Usage(s) will not be used when negating DMG from Summons.
When you declare the end of your Round: If the character to which this is attached is the active character, draw 1 card.
Usage(s): 2

Talent Cards[]

Pearl Solidification Equipment CardPearl SolidificationNone0
Can only be played if your active character is Millennial Pearl Seahorse: When entering play, Millennial Pearl Seahorse will have Fontemer Pearl with 1 Usage(s) attached to them. If they already have Fontemer Pearl attached, Usage(s) +1 instead.
When the Fontemer Pearl attached to Millennial Pearl Seahorse negates DMG from Summons, change to Usage(s) not being consumed twice per Round.

Proficiency Reward[]

After reaching Proficiency 10, the following Dynamic Skin is obtained:
Pearl Solidification Equipment Card GoldenPearl Solidification0


Millennial Pearl Seahorse

One of the two sovereigns standing at the apex of the Fontemer Aberrants. Poets and authors view it as a proud and noble creature, thus bestowing it with its high-flown title.

Stage Appearances[]

Millennial Pearl Seahorse appears in 2 stages:

Finnick Icon FinnickMillennial Pearl Seahorse's PlieFriendly Fracas
Finnick Icon FinnickMillennial Pearl Seahorse's PirouetteSerious Showdown


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectMedia:vo gcg monster seahorseprimo selectonstage 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster seahorseprimo selectonstage 02.ogg
Fontemer HoarthunderMedia:vo gcg monster seahorseprimo elementalburst 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster seahorseprimo elementalburst 02.ogg
DefeatedMedia:vo gcg monster seahorseprimo die 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster seahorseprimo die 02.ogg



Card Showcase[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMillennial Pearl Seahorse
Qiānnián Zhēnzhū Jùnlín
Mythical Thousand-Year Pearl Steed[• 1]
Qiānnián Zhēnzhū Jùnlín
Sennen Shinju no Kaijun[1]
Korean천년 묵은 진주 기린
Cheonnyeon Mugeun Jinju Girin
SpanishCorcel de Mar PerlamilenarioMillennial Pearl Sea Steed
FrenchHippocampe perlé millénaireMillennial Pearled Seahorse
RussianМорской конёк тысячелетней жемчужины
Morskoy konyok tysyacheletney zhemchuzhiny
Millennial Pearl Seahorse
ThaiMillennial Pearl Seahorse
VietnameseCá Ngựa Ngọc Trai Ngàn Năm
GermanMillenniums-PerlenseepferdMillenial Pearl Seahorse
IndonesianMillennial Pearl Seahorse
PortugueseCavalo-Marinho Perolado Milenar
TurkishBin Yıllık İnci DenizatıMillenial Pearl Seahorse
ItalianIppocampo PerlamillenarioMillennial Pearl Hippocampus
  1. Chinese: The character lín is an allusion to the Qilin, a mythical Chinese beast.

Change History[]

