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Magmic Ode is a food item that the player can cook. The recipe for Magmic Ode is obtainable from Chanca at Zakan's Street Bites for 4,500 Mora.

Depending on the quality, Magmic Ode increases the party's critical rate by 10/15/20% for 300 seconds. Like most foods, this has no effect for other players in Co-Op Mode.

When Mavuika cooks Magmic Ode, there is a chance Hymn of Gathered Flame will be created instead.


Fish 2 Fish
Icon Cooking Recipe
Magmic OdeCRIT Rate Up 1 Magmic Ode

Manual Cooking[]

No manual cooking data available for Magmic Ode

Shop Availability[]

No Shops sell Magmic Ode.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMagmic Ode
Engan no Uta‍[!][!]
Korean불꽃과 바위의 노래
Bulkkotgwa Bawiui Norae
SpanishOda mágmicaMagmic Ode
FrenchOde magmiqueMagmic Ode
RussianМагматическая ода
Magmaticheskaya oda
ThaiMagmic Ode
VietnameseKhúc Ca Đá Lửa
GermanOde an den glühenden Felsen
IndonesianMagmic Ode
PortugueseOde do Magma
TurkishMagmanın Şarkısı
ItalianOde al magma

Change History[]

