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Lord of Eroded Primal Fire is a Weekly Boss challenge found in Stone Stele Records.


  • Trounce Domains contain unusually powerful opponents. After successfully completing the challenge, you can obtain abundant rewards.
  • Players can complete this domain as many times as they want, but can only collect rewards once per week by using 30 Original Resin to open the Ley Line Blossom for the first three Weekly Bosses, and 60 Original Resin subsequently. Rewards are refreshed with Weekly World Reset.

Ley Line Disorder[]

  • Some of its attacks can cause stackable Attrition that, after a time, will cause your active character to lose HP. During combat, the Tenebrous Papilla will grant itself a Void Ward. At this time, use a certain number of elemental attack [sic] to break the Ward, which will cause it to enter a confused state. Nightsoul-aligned elemental attacks will break the Ward more effectively.


Claiming the Trounce Blossom for Original Resin Original Resin ×60 (or 30 for the first 3 Weekly Boss claims of the week) after defeating the boss offers the following possible rewards:

  • Basic Drops
  • Ascension Gems
  • Artifacts
Adventure EXP
Character EXP
Companionship EXP
Dream Solvent
III803008,000378701 + 55%12%33%
IV903008,100400702 + 10%12%33%
Ascension Gems
2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars
I604 + 92%2 + 46%82%
II704 + 10%2 + 87%1 + 23%
III804 + 10%2 + 87%1 + 23%
IV904 + 10%2 + 87%1 + 23%

Artifact and material drop ranges are primarily sourced from the Genshin Data Gathering team.


Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Some of the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire's attacks (indicated by dark purple color) inflict stacks of Attrition on hit. The amount of stacks inflicted depends on the attack. If no more stacks are accumulated after 0.5 seconds, the active character will lose HP equal to 1% Max HP + 50 for each stack accumulated.
Void Ward
During some attacks, the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire or its summoned objects will gain a Void Ward which grants immunity to DMG until destroyed. Depending on the ability, the Void Ward will have different amounts of durability. The durability will reduce by 1 when hit by an Elemental attack, or 3 when hit by a Nightsoul-aligned attack.
Burnt Ground
Some of the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire's attacks will leave the struck area burning. Depending on the type of attack that causes the burning ground, it will inflict the following effects once every 0.5s to characters within the area:
  • Pyro: Deals 10% ATK as Pyro DMG.
  • Abyssal Flame: Deals 5% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicts 2 stacks of Attrition.
Single Slash
Phase 1 only. Lunges towards the player and slashes once, dealing 50% ATK as Pyro DMG and leaving the ground burnt.
Double Slash
Phase 1 only. Slashes twice in an arc in front of itself, dealing 30% ATK, 30% ATK as Pyro DMG and leaving the ground burnt.
Downward Cleave
Phase 1 only. Raises its sword high and cleaves downwards, dealing 60% ATK as Pyro DMG and leaves the ground burnt.
Abyssal Orbs
Phase 1 only. Forms 4 large orbs of abyssal flame and sends them flying towards the player in succession. Upon impact, the orb deals 40% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicts 10 stacks of Attrition. Always followed by Downward Cleave.
Wave Blast
Phase 1 only. Inserts its sword into the ground and gains a Void Ward with 50 durability. Repeatedly releases waves of flames that expand outwards, dealing 20% ATK as Pyro DMG on hit.

Afterwards, launches a large orb of abyssal flame at the player. Once it lands, it will briefly pull nearby players towards it, then explodes, dealing 60% ATK as Physical DMG, inflicting 30 stacks of Attrition, and leaving the ground burnt.

If the Void Ward is destroyed, the attack will be interrupted, and the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire will lose 10% of its Max HP and become paralyzed for a period of time.
Summon Tenebrous Mimiflora
Phase 1 only. Engulfs the arena in a dark fog which greatly reduces visibility. Summons 3 Tenebrous Mimiflora to attack the player. Each Tenebrous Mimiflora has a Void Ward with 3 durability. The fog will clear whenever Mavuika, Citlali, or Pyro Traveler is on the field and is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state. After some time, marks an area under the player where a large hand will emerge from the ground, dealing 30% ATK, 60% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicting 20, 30 stacks of Attrition on hit.

If the Tenebrous Mimiflora are all defeated, the attack will be interrupted, and the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire will lose 10% of its Max HP and become paralyzed for a period of time.
Abyssal Rain
Summons abyssal flames to rain down in random locations across the arena, each dealing 15% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicting 5 stacks of Attrition on hit. After a few seconds, larger meteorites will also fall amidst the rain, each dealing 35% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicting 15 stacks of Attrition on hit.

Afterwards, raises its sword for a massive downward cleave, which deals 120% ATK as Pyro DMG and cause part of the arena to fall, reducing the player's available space.

After using this attack for the first time, the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire will enter Phase 2 and unlock additional attacks.

This attack can only be used for a total of 3 times.

If the player falls with the floor, they will be teleported back to the center, but the active character will lose 80% of their Max HP.
Dual Sword Blast
Phase 2 only. Plunges its dual swords into the ground and causes a quake in a straight line forward. For both the initial plunge and the quake, the Pyro sword deals 25% ATK as Pyro DMG and the abyssal sword deals 25% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicts 5 stacks of Attrition. Afterwards, fires a beam of abyssal energy from its mouth and sweeps the area in front of itself. On contact, the beam deals 50 as Physical DMG and inflicts 5 stacks of Attrition.
Dual Sword Slash
Phase 2 only. Slashes first with its Pyro sword, then with its abyssal sword, then both swords at the same time. Each slash deals 25% ATK as Pyro DMG or Physical DMG, leaves the ground burnt, and sends forward a wave of matching type that deals 15% ATK as Pyro DMG or Physical DMG. Physical hits from this attack additionally inflict 10 stacks of Attrition.
Darkscale Shower
Phase 2 only. Fires a barrage of scales that land in front of itself, each dealing 15% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicting 5 stacks of Attrition on hit.
Phase 2 only. Performs 2 lunging slashes, first with its abyssal sword, dealing 25% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicting 20 stacks of Attrition, then with its Pyro sword, dealing 45% ATK as Pyro DMG. Afterwards, transforms into a thundercloud and circles around the arena, causing eruptions in random locations, dealing 15% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicting 10 stacks of Attrition on hit. Finally, emerges from the cloud and repeats the 2 lunging slashes.
Phase 2 only. Gains a Void Ward with 40 durability and begins channeling immense abyssal energy. When charging completes, releases a massive blast across the arena, dealing 80% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicting 30 stacks of Attrition.

If the Void Ward is destroyed, the attack will be interrupted, and the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire will lose 10% of its Max HP and become paralyzed for a period of time.
Phase 2 only. Spawns a vortex that pulls the player towards the center of the arena while dealing 10% ATK as Physical DMG every 0.5s. Afterwards, spawns 3 Nightsoul Totems around the player, forming a circular area that the player cannot exit. While the totems are intact, periodically deals 30% ATK as Physical DMG to trapped players and inflicts 10 stacks of Attrition.

The totems each possess a Void Ward with 24 durability. Destroying all totems will interrupt this attack.

If the totems are not destroyed in time, the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire transforms into a massive meteor that crashes down to the arena from high above, deailng 100% ATK as Physical DMG and inflicting 60 stacks of Attrition to all players in the arena.

This attack is only used once per battle.

If the totems are all destroyed, the attack will be interrupted, and the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire will lose 10% of its Max HP and become paralyzed for a period of time.


There is 1 Achievement obtainable from Lord of Eroded Primal Fire:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
Die, or Go Parry II Challenger: Series X Challenger: Series X Defeat the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire when the battlefield has been reduced to its smallest size. 5


  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Fight StartXbalanque: You will hear the voice, and like I, you too shall hear the prophecy!
Cochanina: I pray you will find peace... in death!
Ndenge: This world will be reduced to ashes, and you along with it!
Xumucul: You are but another fool chasing a delusional dream!
Single SlashNdenge: Foolish savage!
Ndenge: Your end is nigh!
Media:VO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Single Slash 1.ogg
Double SlashNdenge: Too late, it is too late!
Ndenge: Wretched prisoner!
Media:VO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Double Slash 1.ogg
Downward CleaveXumucul: Annihilation!
Xumucul: Immolation!
Media:VO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Downward Cleave 1.ogg
Abyssal OrbsCochanina: Look at you, damaged and alone!
Cochanina: There is no escape for any of you!
Media:VO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Abyssal Orbs 1.ogg
Summon Tenebrous MimifloraXbalanque: Bow to the Abyss, or be destroyed!
Xbalanque: A prelude to Natlan's future!
Clearing FogNdenge: ...You are loyal to the wrong master.
Wave BlastXbalanque: Listen to the cries of a world reborn!
StunnedXbalanque: You nearly delay the inevitable!
Xbalanque: His voice... his... prophecy!
Ndenge: Faced with death... I fight on!
Abyssal RainXbalanque: This world shall perish, and its ashes will fall like rain!
Xbalanque: The light of the Abyss incinerates day and night!
Dual Sword BlastXumucul: Fall before the final blade!
Dual Sword Blast (Follow-Up Beam)Xumucul: The embers burn on!
Dual Sword SlashMedia:VO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Dual Sword Slash 1.ogg
CloudformCochanina: Come, join me in the eternal night!
Cloudform (Ending Slash)Cochanina: I can release you from your suffering!
StarscourgeNdenge: Extinction!
AnnihilateXbalanque: I see it... Yes, he has shown me... the future of this world!
Xbalanque: Beneath the veil... There is only darkness!
Defeating MualaniNdenge: Oh, how the self-professed guide has been led astray...
Defeating KachinaCochanina: Rest now, child... Rest in the peace of eternal night...
Defeating KinichNdenge: He who seeks to tame the wilderness shall die in the jaws of a wild beast.
Defeating XilonenXbalanque: You record the past and forge the future... but you fail to conquer the present.
Defeating ChascaXumucul: You chose to fight, and now you shall rest in peace.
Defeating OroronCochanina: May the Night Wind join you in your slumber...
Defeating CitlaliNdenge: In the future you foresaw, had you even left a trace?
Defeating MavuikaXbalanque: You ignited a fire that you could not control...
DefeatedXbalanque: You too... will hear... ▉▉▉... (the voice...)
Cochanina: I still... wish you... ▉▉▉▉ (a worthy death.)
Ndenge: This world... is but... a lie...
Xumucul: Nothing can stop... ▉▉▉▉... (the calamity)
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Fight StartTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Single SlashTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO ZH Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Single Slash 1.ogg
Double SlashTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO ZH Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Double Slash 1.ogg
Downward CleaveTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO ZH Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Downward Cleave 1.ogg
Abyssal OrbsTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO ZH Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Abyssal Orbs 1.ogg
Summon Tenebrous MimifloraTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Clearing Fog恩德盖: …你效忠错了主人。
Wave BlastTranscription missing
StunnedTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Abyssal RainTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Dual Sword BlastTranscription missing
Dual Sword Blast (Follow-Up Beam)Transcription missing
Dual Sword SlashMedia:VO ZH Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Dual Sword Slash 1.ogg
CloudformTranscription missing
Cloudform (Ending Slash)Transcription missing
StarscourgeTranscription missing
AnnihilateTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Defeating Mualani恩德盖: 热心的向导,却被自己的心带偏了路。
Defeating Kachina柯夏尼娜: 孩子…安息吧,在那永恒宁静的长夜…
Defeating Kinich恩德盖: 善行荒野者,最后都会丧于野兽之口。
Defeating Xilonen希巴拉克: 记录过去,铸造未来…却唯独抓不住现在…
Defeating Chasca库穆库尔: 安息吧,这是投身争斗之人的宿命。
Defeating Ororon柯夏尼娜: 愿谜烟…与你一同入眠…
Defeating Citlali恩德盖: 在你看见的未来里,有你自己的身影么?
Defeating Mavuika希巴拉克: 点燃火的人,竟然也会控制不住它?
Defeated希巴拉克: 你也会…听见…▉▉▉…
柯夏尼娜: 我依旧…祝你…▉▉▉▉
恩德盖: 这个世界…本是…谎言…
库穆库尔: 一切都…▉▉▉▉…
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Fight StartTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Single SlashTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO JA Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Single Slash 1.ogg
Double SlashTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO JA Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Double Slash 1.ogg
Downward CleaveTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO JA Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Downward Cleave 1.ogg
Abyssal OrbsTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO JA Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Abyssal Orbs 1.ogg
Summon Tenebrous MimifloraTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Clearing Fogンデンゲ: …忠誠を誓う相手を違えるな。
Wave BlastTranscription missing
StunnedTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Abyssal RainTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Dual Sword BlastTranscription missing
Dual Sword Blast (Follow-Up Beam)Transcription missing
Dual Sword SlashMedia:VO JA Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Dual Sword Slash 1.ogg
CloudformTranscription missing
Cloudform (Ending Slash)Transcription missing
StarscourgeTranscription missing
AnnihilateTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Defeating Mualaniンデンゲ: 心に導かれるまま、良心ある案内人は道を踏み外した。
Defeating Kachinaコシャニナ: 我が子よ…安らかに眠りなさい、永遠に続く静夜の中で…
Defeating Kinichンデンゲ: 荒野を渡り歩く者は、いつか獣に噛み殺される。
Defeating Xilonenシュバランケ: 過去を記録し、未来を鋳れるが…現在だけは掴み取れなかったか…
Defeating Chascaクミュクル: 安らかに眠れ。これが戦いに身を投じた者の運命なのだから。
Defeating Ororonコシャニナ: 謎煙と共に…眠りなさい…
Defeating Citlaliンデンゲ: お前の見た未来に、お前の姿はあったか?
Defeating Mavuikaシュバランケ: 炎を灯した者が、それを御せなかったか?
Defeatedシュバランケ: 汝も…いつか…▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉…
コシャニナ: それでも…あなたに…▉▉▉▉▉▉…
ンデンゲ: 世界…そのものが…嘘なのだ…
クミュクル: 何もかも…▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉…
Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Fight StartTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Single SlashTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO KO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Single Slash 1.ogg
Double SlashTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO KO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Double Slash 1.ogg
Downward CleaveTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO KO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Downward Cleave 1.ogg
Abyssal OrbsTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Media:VO KO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Abyssal Orbs 1.ogg
Summon Tenebrous MimifloraTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Clearing Fog은뎅게: …섬길 주인을 잘못 택했구나
Wave BlastTranscription missing
StunnedTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Transcription missing
Abyssal RainTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Dual Sword BlastTranscription missing
Dual Sword Blast (Follow-Up Beam)Transcription missing
Dual Sword SlashMedia:VO KO Lord of Eroded Primal Fire - Dual Sword Slash 1.ogg
CloudformTranscription missing
Cloudform (Ending Slash)Transcription missing
StarscourgeTranscription missing
AnnihilateTranscription missing
Transcription missing
Defeating Mualani은뎅게: 안내자여, 정작 마음의 길을 잃었구나
Defeating Kachina코챠니나: 아이야… 편히 잠들거라. 고요하고 영원한 밤에서…
Defeating Kinich은뎅게: 황야를 누비는 , 야수의 송곳니에 쓰러질지니
Defeating Xilonen스발란케: 과거를 기록하고 미래를 빚는 자여… 현재는 붙잡지 못했구나…
Defeating Chasca쿠무쿨: 잠들거라. 이는 투쟁하는 자의 숙명이니
Defeating Ororon코챠니나: 연기가… 너와 함께 잠들기를 바라마…
Defeating Citlali은뎅게: 그대가 미래에 자신의 모습이 있더냐?
Defeating Mavuika스발란케: 불을 지피는 자가 불을 통제하지 못하는가?
Defeated스발란케: 그대도… 들리는가… ▉▉▉…
코챠니나: 나는 여전히… 소망한다… ▉▉▉ ▉▉▉…
은뎅게: 세계는… 본디… ▉▉▉ ▉▉…
쿠무쿨: 무엇도… ▉▉▉ ▉▉…


A fell dragon, congealed from the power of pitch-black darkness.

A fell dragon, congealed from the power of pitch-black darkness.
A monster of the void, known as both the Reaper of the Abyss and "Gosoythoth." It is able to corrupt memories contained within the ley lines of the earth, congealing them into tangible forces of catastrophic portent. From these memories that since time immemorial have flowed below the land, it has managed to extract the remnant will of a primordial elemental dragon sovereign, drawing it out like marrow to repurpose as the foundation of its own fabricated image.
But is it truly a mere "image"? Brought back by the very otherworldly forces it had once resisted, a once-dead dragon opens its eyes anew, forsaking all in this brief dream of a resurrection. Trapped perpetually in the final day of its existence by this pitch-black gospel, its boundless fury has consumed all reason. Now, what remains is its unrelenting lust for battle, burning on without end.


  • This boss is the first Weekly Boss to have unique player downed lines specific to multiple Playable Characters.
  • In both the weekly challenge and the domain in Where All Hopes Lie in Chapter V: Act V - Incandescent Ode of Resurrection, this boss speaks in the voices of previous Pyro Archons.
    • The reason for this has not been addressed in-game, but it could be that Gosoythoth extracted the memories of these Pyro Archons from the Ley Lines in addition to Xiuhcoatl's memories.
    • It could also be a display of power and intimidation, as the more power an Abyss creature holds, the more powerful creatures it is able to imitate.[1] This would also explain why it took the form of a Dragon Sovereign.
    • Additionally, as all these voice lines have themes of failure and hopelessness, it could be attempting to demoralize Mavuika by reminding her that none of her predecessors were able to fully drive out the Abyss from Natlan.


New Boss: "Lord of Eroded Primal Fire"[]

Video Guides[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLord of Eroded Primal Fire
Mushibamareshi Gen'en no Aruji‍[!][!]
Korean침식된 근원의 불꽃 주인
Chimsikdoen Geunwonui Bulkkot Ju'in
SpanishSeñor del Fuego Primigenio CorroídoLord of the Corroded Primal Fire
FrenchÉrodé seigneur du feu primordialEroded Lord of Primordial Fire
RussianВладыка истлевшего первобытного пламени
Vladyka istlevshego pervobytnogo plameni
Lord of Decayed Primal Flame
ThaiLord of Eroded Primal Fire
VietnameseChúa Tể Lửa Nguồn Ăn Mòn
GermanHerr des erodierten Urfeuers
IndonesianLord of Eroded Primal Fire
PortugueseLorde do Fogo Original Erodido
TurkishAşınmış Kadim Ateşin Efendisi
ItalianSignore della Fiamma primordiale erosa


Change History[]

