Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
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This page is about community-derived information, concepts, or terminology.
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Weapon Ascension Materials[]

Overall Distribution[]

Domain Level 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars
Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg.
I 4–6 4.7
II 2–3 2.7 2
III 2–3 2.26 0–3 2.76 0–3 0.24
IV 2–3 2.2 0–4 2.418 0–4 0.62 0–4 0.062

Weapon Ascension Material drops are separated into 2 rolls. The first roll is exclusively for 2-Star drops, while the second roll drops 2–4 "drop packs" depending on the domain level, each including an additional drop of a random rarity, with the distribution of rarities also varying based on the domain level.

2-Star Roll[]

Domain Level Mean
I 2.2
II 2.7
III 2.26
IV 2.2

Drop Pack Roll[]

Drop Mean of Packs[]

Domain Level Mean
I 2.5
II 2
IV 3.1

Drop Pack Item Distribution[]

Domain Level 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars
I 100% - - -
II - 100% - -
III - 92% 8% -
IV - 78% 20% 2%

Talent Books[]

Overall Distribution[]

Domain Level 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars
Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg.
I 3–4 3.2
II 2–3 2.5 1
III 1–2 1.8 2
IV 2–3 2.2 0–3 1.98 0–3 0.22

Talent Book drops are separated into 2 rolls. The first roll is exclusively for 2-Star drops, while the second roll drops 2–4 "drop packs" depending on the domain level, each including an additional drop of a random rarity, with the distribution of rarities also varying depending on the domain level.

2-Star Roll[]

Domain Level Mean
I 2.2
II 2.5
III 1.8
IV 2.2

Drop Pack Roll[]

Drop Mean of Packs[]

Domain Level Mean
I 1
II 1
IV 2.2

Drop Pack Rarity Distribution[]

Domain Level 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars
I 100% - -
II - 100% -
III - 100% -
IV - 90% 10%

Ascension Gems from Bosses[]

Overall Distribution[]

Ascension Gems drops from bosses are separated into 2 rolls. The first roll is exclusively for 3-Star drops, while the second roll drops several "drop packs" depending on the enemy level, each including an additional drop of a random rarity, with the distribution of rarities also varying based on the enemy level.

Normal Bosses[]

World Level Enemy Level 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars
Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg.
0 36 2–3 2.1057
1 37 2–3 2.1057
2 41 0–2 1.0323 1–4 1.2954
3 50 0–2 1.2579 1–4 1.3554
4 62 0–2 1.4835 1–4 1.4157 0–2 0.099
5 72 0–3 1.7091 1–5 1.4757 0–3 0.114
6 83 0–3 1.9354 1–5 1.5358 0–3 0.1287 0–3 0.0129
7 91 0–3 2.1607 1–5 1.5961 0–3 0.144 0–3 0.0141
8 93 0–3 2.1607 1–5 1.5961 0–3 0.144 0–3 0.0141

Weekly Bosses[]

World Level Enemy Level 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars
Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg. Range Avg.
1 37 3–4 3.1584
2 41 0–3 2.1416 1–5 1.5913
3 50 0–4 2.4803 1–6 1.6813
4 62 0–4 2.8181 1–6 1.7717 0–4 0.1881
5 72 0–5 3.157 1–7 1.8617 0–5 0.2106
6 83 0–5 3.4963 1–7 1.9518 0–5 0.2325 0–5 0.0233
7 91 0–6 3.8343 1–8 2.0423 0–6 0.2556 0–6 0.025
8 93 0–6 3.8343 1–8 2.0423 0–6 0.2556 0–6 0.025

3-Star Roll[]

Enemy Level Reward Level Normal Boss Weekly Boss
1–4 0
5–9 1
10–14 2
15–19 3
20–24 4
25–29 5
30–34 6
35–39 7
40–44 8 1.02 1.02
45–49 9 1.02 1.02
50–54 10 1.02 1.02
55–59 11 1.02 1.02
60–64 12 1.02 1.02
65–69 13 1.02 1.02
70–74 14 1.02 1.02
75–79 15 1.02 1.02
80–84 16 1.02 1.02
85–89 17 1.02 1.02
90–92 18 1.02 1.02
93–99 19 1.02 1.02
100–104 20 1.02 1.02

Drop Pack Roll[]

Drop Mean of Packs[]

Enemy Level Reward Level Normal Boss Weekly Boss
1–4 0 1.3386 2.0079
5–9 1 1.4289 2.1432
10–14 2 1.5417 2.3124
15–19 3 1.6545 2.4816
20–24 4 1.7673 2.6508
25–29 5 1.8801 2.82
30–34 6 1.9929 2.9892
35–39 7 2.1057 3.1584
40–44 8 1.3077 2.7129
45–49 9 1.4505 2.9271
50–54 10 1.5933 3.1416
55–59 11 1.7364 3.3558
60–64 12 1.9782 3.7578
65–69 13 2.1285 3.9837
70–74 14 2.2788 4.2093
75–79 15 2.4414 4.4571
80–84 16 2.5929 4.6839
85–89 17 2.7441 4.9101
90–92 18 2.895 5.1372
93–99 19 2.895 5.1372
100–104 20 2.895 5.1372

Drop Pack Item Distribution[]

Enemy Level Reward Level 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars
1–4 0 1
5–9 1 1
10–14 2 1
15–19 3 1
20–24 4 1
25–29 5 1
30–34 6 1
35–39 7 1
40–44 8 0.789 0.211
45–49 9 0.789 0.211
50–54 10 0.789 0.211
55–59 11 0.789 0.211
60–64 12 0.75 0.2 0.05
65–69 13 0.75 0.2 0.05
70–74 14 0.75 0.2 0.05
75–79 15 0.746 0.199 0.05 0.005
80–84 16 0.746 0.199 0.05 0.005
85–89 17 0.746 0.199 0.05 0.005
90–92 18 0.746 0.199 0.05 0.005
93–99 19 0.746 0.199 0.05 0.005
100–104 20 0.746 0.199 0.05 0.005

Elite Boss Materials[]

Overall Distribution[]

World Level Boss Level Reward Tier Drop Mean
0 36 7 1.6185
1 37/39 7 1.6185
2 41/42 8 1.7037
3 50/51 10 1.8741
4 62/63 12 2.0445
5 72/73 14 2.2149
6 83/84 16 2.3852
7 91/92 18 2.5556
8 93/94 18 2.5556[1]
  • [1] 2.5556 is close to 23 ÷ 9 = 46 ÷ (720 ÷ 40), which may show designers want players spend 4-day resins if they want to make a character to Ascension Level 6.

Level Scaling of Drop Rate[]

The Ratio for different Enemy Levels:

Enemy Level Reward Tier Ratio
1–4 0 0.4
5–9 1 0.4333
10–14 2 0.4667
15–19 3 0.5
20–24 4 0.5333
25–29 5 0.5667
30–34 6 0.6
35–39 7 0.6333
40–44 8 0.6667
45–49 9 0.7
50–54 10 0.7333
55–59 11 0.7667
60–64 12 0.8
65–69 13 0.8333
70–74 14 0.8667
75–79 15 0.9
80–84 16 0.9333
85–89 17 0.9667
90–92 18 1
93–99 19 1
100–104 20 1

Weekly Talent Level-Up Materials[]



World Level Enemy Level Drop Mean
5 73 1
6 84 1.55
7 92 2.1
8 94 2.4


Enemy Level Reward Level Mean
70–74 14 1
75–79 15 1.275
80–84 16 1.55
85–89 17 1.825
90–92 18 2.1
93–99 19 2.4
100–104 20 2.4

Weapon Billets[]

The chance is fixed to 0.12 regardless of the enemy level.

Dream Solvent[]

The chance is fixed to 0.33 regardless of the enemy level.

Parametric Transformer[]

The Mora is fixed 20,000 per pack

Material Type 2-Star 3-Star
Character EXP 3.76 2
Weapon EXP 9 4
Ascension Gems 2 0.3
Weapon Ascension Materials 6 0.4
Talent Level-Up 4 0.3

Mineral Chunks[]

Minerals that can be forge for Enhancement Ores have chances to get extra chunks

Amount Chance
1 81%
2 18%
3 1%

Daily Rewards[]

Ascension Gems From Daily Bonus Rewards[]

AR Mean
12–15 1
16–20 1
21–25 1
26–30 1
31–35 1
36–40 1
41–45 1
46–50 1
51–56 1
56–60 1
Item Chance
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver 1/7
Shivada Jade Sliver 1/7
Vajrada Amethyst Sliver 1/7
Prithiva Topaz Sliver 1/7
Varunada Lazurite Sliver 1/7
Agnidus Agate Sliver 1/7
Nagadus Emerald Sliver 1/7

Enhancement Ores From Daily Commission Rewards[]


AR Number 2-Star 3-Star
12–15 2–4 0.9385 0.0615
16–20 2–4 0.8563 0.1438
21–25 2–4 0.7677 0.2323
26–30 2–4 0.674 0.326
31–35 2–4 0.575 0.425
36–40 2–4 0.4729 0.5271
41–45 2–4 0.3656 0.6344
46–50 2–4 0.2562 0.7438
51–56 2–4 0.1438 0.8563
56–60 2–4 0.0271 0.9729


AR Number 1-Star 2-Star 3-Star
12–15 2–4 0.224 0.776 0
16–20 2–4 0 0.9906 0.0094
21–25 2–4 0 0.9323 0.0677
26–30 2–4 0 0.8698 0.1302
31–35 2–4 0 0.8052 0.1948
36–40 2–4 0 0.7365 0.2635
41–45 2–4 0 0.6667 0.3333
46–50 2–4 0 0.5938 0.4063
51–56 2–4 0 0.5198 0.4802
56–60 2–4 0 0.4427 0.5573


Some low level elite enemies will drop 1-Star or 2-Star weapons.


Enemy Level Reward Level Mean
1–4 0 0.25
5–9 1 0.23
10–14 2 0.205
15–19 3 0.18
20–24 4 0.155
25–29 5 0.13
30–34 6 0.105
35–39 7 0.0799
40–44 8 0.0549
45–49 9 0.03
50–54 10 0.005


There will be 2 independent rolls for the two possible rarities.

One is for 1-Star, which has a 80% chance to drop a 1-Star weapon.

Another is for 2-Star, which has a 20% chance to drop a 2-Star weapon.

Weapon Type[]

There will be 1 roll for types of weapons.

All types of weapons share equal chances, which is 20% each.
