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[[Category:Treasure Hoarders]]

Liuliu is a member of the Treasure Hoarders.


He is a Treasure Hoarder who writes the various Ruins Investigation Logs seen throughout Liyue.

Liuliu may also be the writer of other Treasure Hoarder notes found throughout Liyue, such as the Hastily-Written Notes at Bishui Plain and the Treasure Hoarder Diary at Mt. Aozang.

Quests and Events



During the Lantern Rite story quest Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns, using Elemental Sight on the man named "???" and "Suspicious Person" reveals his name as "Treasure Hoarder - Liuliu". Oddly enough, however, his letter, when translated back from the common Teyvat language, is riddled with misspellings — a trait the other notes left by Liuliu did not have, this is possibly done on purpose.

Liuliu is first encountered in the Lantern Rite as an enemy. He can perform the following attacks:

  • Roundhouse Kick: Liuliu will perform a roundhouse kick when the player strays too close to him. Sometimes he will try to get closer to the player and uses this kick.
  • Dropkick: On occasions Liuliu will perform a dropkick, either as a follow up to his roundhouse kick, or will perform this move independently.
  • Knife Throw: Tosses a knife which will shine before being thrown, a clear warning to watch out and dodge it.
  • Molotov: Liuliu will sometimes grab a molotov to throw at the player, dealing Pyro damage and leaves a trail of fire on the ground.

Ruins Investigation Logs

Logs are listed in known chronological order.

Lingju Pass

Dunyu Ruins



  • In To Mondstadt, using the Elemental Sight on one of the Mondstadt Bandits (the one who meets with The Traveller and Mona) will also reveal the name "Treasure Hoarders - Liuliu".

