Lionfang's Legacy is the third part of Venti's Story Quest, Carmen Dei Chapter: Act I - Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land.
- Search for the Sword of Brilliant Valor
- Look inside the house on the west side of the village
- Defeat the hilichurls conducting a ritual
- Retrieve the Sword of Brilliant Valor
- Seek the Shield of Magnificent Honor
- Look at the center of the area marked, slightly towards the north
- Cut a deal with the hilichurl
- Choose the 3rd option ("Vin plata dada!")
- Choose the 1st option ("Please take this sweet flower I picked.")
- Choose the 1st option ("Venti sing song, you give shield, okay?")
- Defeat the attacking hilichurl (only if negotiations fail)

Jack wants to search for Stanley's old weapons in secret, as they are the sword and shield passed down from the Lion of the South, and thus fascinate Jack greatly.
- (Arriving at the Sword of Brilliant Valor's location)
- Paimon: Hey, that bunch of hilichurls... are they holding some kind of ceremony?
- Paimon: And what's with that pile of knickknacks? Are they worshipping them?
- Sword of Brilliant Valor surely. Venti: Seems so! That must be the
- (After defeating the hilichurls and retrieving the sword)
- Sword of Brilliant Valor! Venti: Eh-he. Lo and behold, the
- Paimon: Are you sure? Looks kinda basic to Paimon, and a little worse for wear too!
- Paimon: Why would hilichurls be bowing down before a piece of junk like this?
- Venti: (Ahh... Seems somebody tossed an old sword into a pile of spoils these hilichurls were already celebrating...)
- Jack: This is in terrible shape! And it's so basic, I... I'm at a loss for words.
- Anemo Crystalfly? They're found in the open country around Mondstadt City. Venti: Hmm... say, Jack, have you ever seen an
- Venti: If you saw one in broad daylight, you wouldn't bat an eyelid. But in the pitch blackness of night? Its brilliant glow is mesmerizing — it truly resembles an exquisite crystal dancing in the night air.
- Venti: Is valor not the same? When everything is going your way, it seems meaningless — fades into the background. But when you're in dire straits, valor is the thing that gets you fired up and fighting back. It's the brilliant ray of light that guides you out from the darkness.
That was some very elaborate ox dung.
Excellent recovery.
Almost fell for it myself!
- Jack: You're right... you're right! Then this has to be it — this is the Sword of Brilliant Valor!
- Venti: Ehehe, mm-hmm! So, we got our sword — now we just need that shield!
- Dadaupa Gorge some— huh? Venti: Let's scout around! It's definitely in
- Paimon: There's somebody there!
- Venti: Stanley? What's he doing here?
- Paimon: He's acting so weird...
- Jack: What happened? Why did you stop all of a sudden?
- Mora-spouting weasel thieves passed by is all. Venti: Huh? Oh, ah, it's nothing. Just one of those
- Jack: What? Where? I wanna see!
- Venti: Maybe another time, hehe. We have a shield to find, remember?
- (Arriving to the Shield of Magnificent Honor's location)
- Shield of Magnificent Honor! Venti: Lo and behold, the
- Paimon: Liar, liar, pants on fire! It's a chunk of wood!
- Paimon: A chunk of scrap wood with a handle attached... Who in their right mind would use this as a shield!?
- Jack: There's also wine stains on it... Yeah, I'm pretty sure this was just taken from a wine barrel...
- Venti: And yet, my bard's intuition tells me that this is none other than the Shield of Magnificent Honor.
- Venti: Warriors wear their battle scars with pride, and shields are no different.
- Venti: Surely, an intact shield is one that has shied away from the battlefield. Is not the broken and splintered shield the one that has fought in countless wars and lived to tell the tale?
- Venti: Though the soldier's body be tired and torn, still they fight till the very end, till they have no blood left to bleed. Such magnificent strength of will... is that not the true meaning of honor?
I agree with Venti!
I agree, this is the shield.
Venti is in top form today.
- Paimon: You do have a point... Shiny new shields don't stay new and shiny for long...
- Paimon: Okay then... Well, maybe if we ask nicely, he'll just let us take the Shield of Magnificent Honor for free?
- Paimon: *clears throat* Excuse me, Mr. Hilichurl?
- Hilichurl: Dala?
- TravelerTraveler)! Hope you've picked up some Hilichurlian by now. If not, there's always body language... Paimon: Welp! Okay, you take it from here, (
I'll pay good Mora for that shield.
- Hilichurl: Biadam! (−1 Heart)
Please may I have that shield?
- Hilichurl: Biadam! (−1 Heart)
Vin plata dada!
- Hilichurl: Mosi mita! (+1 Heart)
- (If Friendship goes up)
- cheerful enough. Maybe negotiations will work after all... Paimon: Seems
- (If Friendship goes down)
- Paimon: Uh-oh... He did not seem to appreciate that.
Please take this sweet flower I picked.
- Hilichurl: Mosi mita! (+1 Heart)
Please take this hilichurl mask I stole.
- Hilichurl: Biadam! (−1 Heart)
Kucha pupu gusha ye!
- Hilichurl: Biadam! (−1 Heart)
- (If Friendship goes up)
- cheerful enough. Maybe negotiations will work after all... Paimon: Seems
- (If Friendship goes down)
Venti sing song, you give shield, okay?
- Venti: Hmm? Well, if you insist, a tune I shall strum...
- Hilichurl: Mosi mita! (+1 Heart)
Mani nini Biaodomu.
- Hilichurl: Biadam! (−1 Heart)
Paimon: Uh-oh... He did not seem to appreciate that.
- (If Friendship goes up)
- cheerful enough. Maybe negotiations will work after all... Paimon: Seems
- (If Friendship goes down)
- Paimon: Uh-oh... He did not seem to appreciate that.
- (If negotiations end with at least 3.5 hearts of Friendship)
- Hilichurl: Muhe vin plata? Mani ye! Mani dada!
- Paimon: Oh yeah! He actually gave us the shield!
- (If negotiations end with 1.5 hearts of Friendship or less)
- Hilichurl: Yaya ika! Kundala ye plata!
- (A battle ensues)
Paimon: Oh no! We ticked him off, big time!
- Hilichurl: Biadam!
- Hilichurl: Yaya ika! Mani ye!
- Shield of Magnificent Honor and ran! Paimon: Hey, he dropped the
- (After retrieving both the sword and the shield)
- Jack: Guys, thank you so much! I can't believe I actually found them!
- (Jack runs back to Mondstadt)
Jack: Mom! Dad! Check out the legendary weapons I found!
- Venti: Hey, wait!
- Venti: The wine, you promised! Ugh, and I actually helped a lot this time—
- (Stanley comes out from his hiding place)
Venti: Hmm? What're you doing here, Stanley? Out for a stroll?
- Stanley: Ah... haha, ah— hey...! What're you doing here, bard! Fancy that, huh? You, uh... out for a stroll, too?
- Venti: That's right, an after-dinner stroll to be precise. We were also helping a friend look for something.
- Paimon: (Paimon's starting to think Stanley might be a fraud...)
(I'm seriously starting to think so, too.)
(He's definitely a fraud. No question.)
- Paimon: (Did Stanley plant the sword and shield here in advance so as to not hurt Jack's feelings?)
- Venti: Adventurers must be pretty familiar with Dadaupa Gorge? You've fought battles here before, after all.
- Stanley: You'd better believe it! I could navigate this whole area with my eyes closed!
- Venti: Wow. Then I admire your perseverance, and your memory too.
- Stanley: It's only to be expected of a great adventurer like me! You guys had better watch out though. This place is crawling with hilichurls!
- (Stanley walks off)
Stanley: I, ah— I'll get back to my, um... ah... stroll now. Goodbye.
- Paimon: Guilty conscience, much?
- Venti: Well, he shouldn't have gotten so carried away bragging to Jack, should he?
- Venti: Although... on further reflection, I must say I'm intrigued.
- Venti: Someone who can't let go of the past, and gives up on the present instead...
- Venti: I wonder... if such a person was forced to take their first step towards the future, which way would they go?
- Paimon: What are you talking about?
- Venti: Haha, I'm just musing to myself.
- TravelerTraveler), I propose we take a trip to Angel's Share tonight. Venti: Anyway, (
Translation notes[]
Based on current understanding of Hilichurlian the interaction with the hilichurl can be translated thusly (the meaning of Biadam, while unknown, is probably rude):
- (You approach the hilichurl)
- Paimon: *clears throat* Excuse me, Mr. Hilichurl?
- Hilichurl: Dala? [What?]
- Paimon: Welp! Okay, you take it from here, (TravelerTraveler)! Hope you've picked up some Hilichurlian by now. If not, there's always body language...
I'll pay good Mora for that shield.
- Hilichurl: Biadam! (−1 Heart)
Please may I have that shield?
- Hilichurl: Biadam! (−1 Heart)
Vin plata dada! [Wine shield good!]
- Hilichurl: Mosi mita! (+1 Heart) [Eat meat!] (literal, expression of approval)
- (Selected conversation options and responses)
Kucha pupu gusha ye! [you eat grass and vegatables] (insult)
- Hilichurl: Biadam! (Bad!)
Mani nini Biaodomu. (unknown meaning, most likely "Anemo curses you" with "Biaodomu" is mispronounced "Biadam")
- (If negotiations end with at least 3.5 hearts of Friendship)
- Hilichurl: Muhe vin plata? Mani ye! Mani dada! [You want shield? Give you! Give good!]
- Paimon: Oh yeah! He actually gave us the shield!
- (If negotiations end with 1.5 hearts of Friendship or less)
- Hilichurl: Yaya ika! Kundala ye plata! [humans enemy! Enemy/fight for your shield!]
- Paimon: Oh no! We ticked him off, big time!
- (A battle ensues)
- Hilichurl: Biadam!
- Hilichurl: Yaya ika! Mani ye! [human enemies! you have it!]
- Paimon: Hey, he dropped the Shield of Magnificent Honor and ran!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Lionfang's Legacy | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 狮牙之牙 Shīyá zhī Yá | Fang of the Lionfang |
Chinese (Traditional) | 獅牙之牙 Shīyá zhī Yá | |
Japanese | 獅牙の牙 Shiga no Kiba | Fang of the Lionfang |
Korean | 사자 이빨 중의 이빨 Saja Ippal Jung-ui Ippal | Tooth of Lion Teeth |
Spanish | Los dientes del león | Lion's Teeth |
French | Les crocs du lion | The Fangs of the Lion |
Russian | Львиный клык L'vinyy klyk | Lion Fang |
Thai | เขี้ยวเล็บแห่งราชสีห์ | |
Vietnamese | Nanh Sư Tử | |
German | Zahn des Löwen | Lion's Tooth |
Indonesian | Fangs of the Lion | — |
Portuguese | Caninos do Leão | Lion's Canine |
Turkish | Aslandiş'in Mirası | |
Italian | L'eredità della Zanna di leone |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0