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Lightning-Riding Treasure Hunter (II) is an Achievement in the category Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series II. To complete this achievement, the player needs to open 80 chests on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLightning-Riding Treasure Hunter (II)
Xúnléi de Xún​bǎozhě - Qíèr
Xúnléi de Xún​bǎozhě - Qíèr
Junrai no Torejaa Hantaa - Ni
Korean번개 쫓는 트레저헌터・두 번째
Beongae Jjonneun Teurejeoheonteo - Du Beonjjae
Lightning-Chasing Treasure Hunter - Second
SpanishCazador de tesoros del choque eléctrico (II)Treasure Hunter of the Electric Shock (II)
FrenchChasse aux trésors sur les terres électriques (2)Treasure Hunting on the Electric Lands (2)
RussianВ поисках сокровищ грома II
V poiskakh sokrovishch groma II
Searching for Thunder Treasures II
Thaiนักล่าสมบัติแห่งสายฟ้า: ตอนที่ 2
VietnameseThợ Săn Sấm Sét IIThunder Hunter II
GermanSchatzsuche auf Schockwellen IITreasure Hunt on Shock Waves II
IndonesianPemburu Harta Penunggang Petir (II)Lightning-Riding Treasure Hunter (II)
PortugueseCaçador de Tesouros dos Trovões - II
TurkishYıldırımla Gelen Hazine Avcısı (II)Treasure Hunter Coming With Lightning (II)
ItalianCaccia al tesoro nella Terra del Tuono (II)

Change History[]

