Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Ley Line Monoliths are objects that appears in certain Domains, Quests, and floors of the Spiral Abyss. Brimming with energy, these monoliths are known to attract monsters and spectral beings to them. For reasons unknown, monsters generally attack the monoliths.

Normally they are activated as part of a challenge, and the objective is to protect the monolith from enemies. The monolith will have a certain amount of HP, and if it is destroyed by the enemies, the challenge will end in failure. If all the enemies are defeated while the monolith is still intact or has a certain percent of HP remaining, the challenge will be successfully completed.



Archon Quests[]

Story Quests[]

World Quests[]


Spiral Abyss[]

Challenge Domains[]


Ley Line Monolith Completion Text

Completion text

  • Upon completing a Ley Line Monolith challenge, text from the Latin-Based Language appears, which reads: Abyssos, SOL dromus, Pronoea, Fortuna. In versions prior to Version 1.2, the text instead said "miHoYo," "switch," "weekly," and "dungeon."

See Also[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLey Line Monolith
Dìmài Zhènshí
Ley Line Warding Stone
Dìmài Zhènshí
Chimyaku Chinseki‍[!][!]
Ley Line Ancient Stone
Korean지맥 제압석
Jimaek Jeapseok
Vein Suppress Stone
SpanishMonolito de líneas leyLey Line Monolith
FrenchMonolithe des lignes énergétiquesEnergetic Lines Monolith
RussianМонолит артерий земли
Monolit arteriy zemli
Ley LineLey LineLey LineLey LineTooltip for Ley LineLey Line Monolith
ThaiLey Line Monolith
VietnameseĐịa Mạch Trấn Thạch
GermanElementarmonolithElemental Monolith
IndonesianMonolit Ley LineLey Line Monolith
PortugueseMonolith de Linhas Ley
TurkishLey Hattı Anıtı
ItalianMonolite geomantico

Change History[]

