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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

The gate to an unknown domain has opened, and within it await powerful, heretofore unseen foes.
Draw your sword and enact your legend with the fearless spirit of a wandering warrior!

Legend of the Vagabond Sword is an event in Version 1.6.

During the event, Players will challenge three bosses: the Hateful Oceanid, Revived Primo Geovishap, and Dual Maguu Kenki.

Once the total score reaches a certain amount, the event-exclusive namecard style "Celebration: Battlesong" and other rewards can be claimed.

This event can be found under Icon Legend of the Vagabond Sword Legend of the Vagabond Sword map icon.

Event Details[]


2021-06-25 10:00:00 – 2021-07-08 03:59:59



During the event, Travelers can venture into the event Domain and challenge an all-new, powerful boss to attain points. Once your total score reaches a certain amount, you can claim the namecard style "Celebration: Battlesong." The first time you clear each challenge, you will also be rewarded with 60 Primogems.

  • Starting on the first day of the event, a new challenge will unlock each day until the seventh day, by which all the challenges will have been unlocked.
  • Before you begin the challenge in earnest, you can choose from different difficulty levels and special combat effects known as Flairs. The amount of points you obtain for completing the challenge is based on the difficulty and Flairs selected.
  • Travelers can attempt the challenge in either Single Player or Co-Op Mode.
  • During the event, Travelers can challenge the same challenge stage multiple times. Try to obtain the highest score that you can for each stage. Your total combined score is the sum of your high scores on all challenge stages. When your total combined score reaches a certain amount, you can claim the corresponding rewards.
  • After the event ends, your accumulated points will be lost and you will be unable to claim any more rewards. Remember to claim your rewards in time!

Special Combat Effects — Flairs[]

Before the challenge begins, you can select the difficulty level as well as special combat effects known as "Flairs." Upon completing the challenge, you will receive points according to the selected difficulty and Flairs used.

Additionally, certain characters will deal 20% increased DMG upon entering the challenge. Each challenge will provide boosts for different characters.

Points & Rewards Details[]

During the event, you can challenge each stage as many times as you wish to get the highest score that you can. Primogems are awarded the first time you complete a given challenge at any difficulty level.

Your total score is the sum of your high scores from each stage. Your high score would not be affected if you attempt the stage again and score lower. If you score higher, that would become your new high score for that stage. Reaching a certain total score will grant you an opportunity to claim the event-exclusive namecard "Celebration: Battlesong" and other rewards.

After the event ends, all points will be cleared and no further rewards can be claimed. Don't forget to claim your rewards in time!

Bosses and Characters with Event Bonus[]

Immensely powerful foes await within the depths of this domain. Approach them without fear with a drawn sword and a heart ready to do battle.
Challenge and Boss Characters with Event Bonus
(+20% DMG)
Showdown: Ancient Rock Drake
KazuhaAnemo Kazuha
ZhongliGeo Zhongli
NoelleGeo Noelle
DionaCryo Diona
Lament: Bitter Hate
EulaCryo Eula
KleePyro Klee
RosariaCryo Rosaria
YanfeiPyro Yanfei
Battlesong: Ingenious Impermanence
TartagliaHydro Tartaglia
KeqingElectro Keqing
BennettPyro Bennett
FischlElectro Fischl
Wanderer's Threefold Challenge
KazuhaAnemo Kazuha
KleePyro Klee
SucroseAnemo Sucrose
RazorElectro Razor

Icon Legend of the Vagabond Sword Score Combined Score Rewards[]

Combined Score
Rewards Combined Score
Mora 20,000
Guide to Freedom 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Mora 20,000
Guide to Resistance 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Mora 20,000
Guide to Ballad 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Mora 20,000
Guide to Prosperity 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Mora 20,000
Guide to Diligence 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Celebration: Battlesong 1
Mora 20,000
Guide to Gold 2
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 8

Challenges and First Clear Rewards[]

Challenge Name Unlocked On Primogem Primogems Icon Legend of the Vagabond Sword Score Max Points
I Showdown: Ancient Rock Drake I June 25, 2021 60 6,050
II Lament: Bitter Hate I June 26, 2021 60 6,550
III Battlesong: Ingenious Impermanence I June 27, 2021 60 7,050
IV Showdown: Ancient Rock Drake II June 28, 2021 60 6,250
V Lament: Bitter Hate II June 29, 2021 60 5,850
VI Battlesong: Ingenious Impermanence II June 30, 2021 60 7,050
VII Wanderer's Threefold Challenge July 1, 2021 60 11,450
Total 420 50,250

Battle Pass Missions[]

This event added additional "This BP Period" Battle Pass missions to the Marine Hues Battle Pass. The Battle Pass EXP (BP EXP) obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 10,000 BP EXP.

MissionsBattle Pass EXP BP EXP
[Event] Accrue 15,000 points in "Legend of the Vagabond Sword"2,250


Celebration: Battlesong
Item Celebration: Battlesong Obtain:
Obtained from the Legend of the Vagabond Sword event
Good omens must appear thrice for good fortune to come. One bows thrice at curtain call. The opponents to defeat number three.

Total Rewards[]

Mora 360,000 Mora

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLegend of the Vagabond Sword
Fēng Lái Rén Jiàn Dòu Qǐtán
Fēng Lái Rén Jiàn Dòu Qǐtán
Fuurai no Kentou Kitan
Mysterious Tale of the Vagabond Gladiator
Korean바람 타고 검투 전설
Baram Tago On Geomtu Jeonseol
Wind-Blown Gladiatorial Legend
SpanishLeyenda de la espada erranteLegend of the Wandering Sword
FrenchLégende martiale du ventWar Legend of the Wind
RussianЛегенда о мече ветра
Legenda o meche vetra
Legend of the Wind Sword
Tamnan Kan Tosu Haeng Sailom
Legend of the Combat of Wind
VietnameseTruyền Thuyết Thanh Kiếm Lãng Du
GermanKampflegenden des WindesCombat Legends of the Wind
IndonesianLegenda Pedang PengembaraLegend of the Vagabond Sword
PortugueseLenda Marcial do Vento

Change History[]

