A baked pasta dish. Spread cheese, meat sauce, and Béchamel sauce on a layer of pasta strips, and place another layer of pasta strips on the top — repeat the process a few times and bake the pasta until the cheese becomes golden and bubbly. The secret of its tastiness lies in the carefully-prepared meat sauce.
Restores 32 % of Max HP and an additional 1,250 HP to the selected character.
A baked pasta dish. The Song of Pots and Fire eulogizes the meat sauce's ascension to the Pasta Throne. The moment it enters your mouth, it graces you with bliss so unparalleled that you almost want to make today Lasagna Day!
Restores 34 % of Max HP and an additional 1,900 HP to the selected character.
A baked pasta dish. The pasta and fillings are haphazardly mixed together, and the texture leaves a lot to be desired. You can almost feel the Lasagna becoming lodged in your throat — but don't worry, this isn't the worst part. You still have the next bite, which will be even harder to swallow.
Restores 30 % of Max HP and an additional 600 HP to the selected character.
Lasagna is a food item that the player can cook. The recipe can be purchased from Sanguinetti in Hotel Debord for 5,000 Mora .
Depending on the quality, Lasagna restores 30 /32 /34 % of Max HP and an additional 600 /1,250 /1,900 HP to the target character. Like most foods, this can not target other players' characters in Co-Op Mode .
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1 Lasagna
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Language Official Name Literal Meaning English Lasagna — Chinese(Simplified) 肉酱千层面 Ròujiàng Qiāncéngmiàn Meat Sauce Lasagna Chinese(Traditional) 肉醬千層麵 Ròujiàng Qiāncéngmiàn Japanese ミートソースラザニア Miito Soosu Razania Meat Sauce Lasagna Korean 볼로네제 라자냐 Bolloneje Rajanya Bolognaise Lasagna Spanish Lasañ a de carne Meat Lasagna French Lasagnes Lasagna Russian Лазанья Lazan'ya — Thai Lasagna — Vietnamese Lasagna — German Lasagne — Indonesian Lasagna — Portuguese Lasanha Lasagna Turkish Lazanya Lasagna Italian Lasagne —
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