Lafeinte is an event-exclusive NPC who appeared in Secret Summer Paradise.
- During Secret Summer Paradise
Like other characters in the Mirage (besides Idiya), the blue-haired Lafeinte that Traveler meets is a Hydro Eidolon replica of a human from Teyvat that once visited Mirage and then left it.[1]
Like other characters in the Mirage, Lafeinte has watery-blue hair and glowing blue eyes.
Quests and Events[]
- Lafeinte: Honored warriors, the shift in your auras suggests... you are supremely confident in your battle results, and your blade dance was a masterful performance for the ages!
That's right! And we'd even like to do it again!
- Lafeinte: Such dauntless courage! Then please, continue to dance upon the field of battle!
I haven't actually tried dancing yet...
- Lafeinte: That's just as well!!
- Lafeinte: Even prior to you dancing the blade dance, your aura is already blindingly powerful. I cannot imagine how intimidating you will be after defeating these enemies!
- Paimon: Paimon thinks "intimidating" is a bit too much... It's not like we go around threatening people... Unless it's to give bad guys a warning!
- Paimon: No matter how strong we become, Traveler is going to be just as kind, happy, super patient, and winsome as always!
- Paimon: And almost nobody but you has ever said we felt... intimidating or something!
- Lafeinte: Yes, that is exactly it! Forgive my shallow description! I remember reading something similar in novels... ahem, strategy materials from Liyue and Inazuma--
- Lafeinte: You have already far surpassed "using your imposing aura to suppress potential enemies and avoid combat"! You have reached an even more transcendent level!
- Lafeinte: It is exactly because you have no equals that you choose to appear as a completely meek and weak mortal... like even a Boar could take you out.
- Lafeinte: But when you run into those harboring ill intentions, you will immediately understand their intent, and acting completely casually, you will observe their every move...
- Lafeinte: "Whatever. But the moment you bare your weapon is the moment of your doom."
Stop! That's absurd!
You have understood me, brother.
- Paimon: Enough with your nonsense, Mr. Lafeinte! Paimon is getting confused again...
- Lafeinte: Be that as it may, I have been far too impolite! Please, masters, give me one more chance that I might feast my eyes upon your most elegant posture and form!
How'd you get here anyway, "Blade Dancer"?
- Paimon: Oh, right... Based on how you dress, you're from... Mondstadt?
- Lafeinte: The nature of your question is recognition of my supreme abilities in the art of disguise.
- Lafeinte: In fact, I am from Fontaine, and I write novels for a living... Hmm, or should I say, apart from being the Blade Dancer, I write heroic novels for some extra pocket money in my spare time.
- Paimon: You're from Fontaine? You really don't look like it!
- Lafeinte: I dress like a Mondstadter because I once traveled there for a period of time. The clothes are comfortable and convenient. They conceal my identity too...
- Lafeinte: When there are not terrible foes with which to waltz the dance of blades, it is wise to hide your weapons and keep a low profile.
- Lafeinte: Or else the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol, or even the Marechaussee Phantom...
- Lafeinte: Ahem! Or else, some strange law enforcement officer will find you, disarm you, and make sure you don't intend to harm the city.
- Lafeinte: They are lithe as cats, fast as the wind, and where they have passed, a unique scent of the sea and algae lingers...
- Paimon: What are you talking about... some kind of fairy-tale creature? Sounds like an excuse for past failures!
- Lafeinte: Anyway, I suggest you don't mess with the law in Fontaine, they can be very difficult...
- Lafeinte: Of course, if you must do something in the name of conscience... then you must steel yourself in advance. You must prepare to leave Fontaine with no regrets, so as not to be arrested!
(Remain silent and leave.)
- Lafeinte: You two... I see it clearly! You have entered the optimal state to begin the battle dance, and I should not disturb you... I look forward to another graceful performance!
- Under the effects of Elemental Sight, he is indicated to be affected by Hydro, similarly to Idyia and other NPCs in the Mirage.
- He is mentioned as inspiration for Costentin trying swordmanship in the initial dialogue during the event Dance of Resolute Will.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Lafeinte |
Chinese (Simplified) | 勒非尼 Lèfēiní |
Chinese (Traditional) | 勒非尼 Lèfēiní |
Japanese | レフェイン Refein |
Korean | 레피니 Repini |
Spanish | Lafeinte |
French | Lafeinte |
Russian | Ляфат Lyafat |
Thai | Lafeinte |
Vietnamese | Lafeinte |
German | Lafeinte |
Indonesian | Lafeinte |
Portuguese | LeFein |
Turkish | Lafeinte |
Italian | Lafeinte |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.8
- ↑ Event Secret Summer Paradise Quest: Part III - Dreams and First Encounters!, Part 2: Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle