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Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy is the second part of Xingqiu's Story Quest, Fabulae Textile Chapter: Act I - Bookworm Swordsman.


  1. Go to Gentry Maocai's residence and make inquiries.
  2. Talk to the guards and make inquiries.
  3. Go to Xinyue Kiosk and eavesdrop on Gentry Maocai.
  4. Inform Xingqiu of Gentry Maocai's plan.


UI Quest Quest Description

The store owner, Jifang, informs you that her store no longer stocks the book you are looking for, advising you to try your luck at Chang the Ninth's place in Qingce Village instead. Coincidentally, you come upon an attempt by Gentry Maocai's underlings to coerce Chang the Ninth into selling his Cor Lapis. Xingqiu reckons the situation to be unjust and intends to investigate Gentry Maocai.
(Talk to the guards and make inquiries)
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 01.ogg Sturdy Wu: Who goes there?
Icon Dialogue Talk A Mondstadt merchant here for a meeting with Gentry Maocai.
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 02a.ogg Sturdy Wu: Really? He didn't mention anything about a meeting...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm (TravelerTraveler), a VIP client of your boss'!
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 02b.ogg Sturdy Wu: How strange, you're not on the guestlist...
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 03.ogg Sturdy Wu: The Master is dealing with some urgent business today. All prior appointments have been canceled.
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Urgent business? ...What is it?
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 04.ogg Sturdy Wu: The Master has been working on a major business deal recently. He left early this morning to meet with a VIP client.
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So where is he now?
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 05.ogg Sturdy Wu: I'm sorry, the Master has stressed that we must not disclose the information to just anyone...
Icon Dialogue Talk "Just anyone"? Are you saying we are not his VIP clients?
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 06.ogg Sturdy Wu: N—No! I mean yes, yes you are! Ah... I—I meant no offense, please believe me...
Icon Dialogue Talk Take me to Gentry Maocai or suffer the consequences!
Icon Dialogue Talk Would you like to explain these extra fees you are incurring to your boss, or shall I?
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 07.ogg Sturdy Wu: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Master is currently in business negotiations at Xinyue Kiosk!
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 08.ogg Sturdy Wu: I beg for your mercy! Please, my master will show me no leniency if he finds out...
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Well, MY master has much more important things to do than talking to rude guards like you.
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Luckily for you, your bad attitude will be the last thing on our minds when my master's busy negotiating a big business deal with your boss!
Media:vo xqlq002 2 sturdywu 09.ogg Sturdy Wu: Th—Thank you, thank you! May your business forever be blessed by the Lord of Geo!
(Leaving Gentry Maocai's estate, you discuss matters in a low voice...)
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Nice work, (TravelerTraveler)! Paimon never knew you were such a tough negotiator.
Icon Dialogue Talk I was just bluffing.
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 06a.ogg Paimon: Is that so? Well then. Now Paimon knows not to let your wily ways get the better of her in the future!
Icon Dialogue Talk You did great too.
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 06b.ogg Paimon: Tee-hee! Paimon loves compliments and all... but treating Paimon to some tasty snacks would show that you really mean it!
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Anyway, seems like the VIP client in question must be one of the Fatui.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think you're right.
Icon Dialogue Talk This could work in our favor.
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: In that case, let's get ourselves over to the Xinyue Kiosk!
(After earlier dialogue)
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Seems business is booming at the Xinyue Kiosk. No one should notice if we blend in there.
Media:vo xqlq002 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: But either way, if we wanna know what kinda shady business they're up to, we better be careful!
(Talk to Sturdy Wu again, optional)
Media:vo dialog xqlq002 sturdywu 01.ogg Sturdy Wu: I—I'm sorry if my mistake earlier caused any offence.

(Go to Xinyue Kiosk and eavesdrop on Gentry Maocai)
Media:vo xqlq002 7 gentrymaocai 01.ogg Gentry Maocai: I understand. I do. Please do not worry, you have my word that the order will be completed as promised.
Media:vo xqlq002 7 agent 01.ogg Agent: Hmm... The subordinate I sent was not quite so optimistic in his appraisal. Is somebody being uncooperative?
Media:vo xqlq002 7 gentrymaocai 02.ogg Gentry Maocai: Ah... We just ran into a minor procurement problem is all. We haven't managed to purchase the Cor Lapis yet.
Media:vo xqlq002 7 gentrymaocai 03.ogg Gentry Maocai: But it's nothing for you to worry about. If Chang the Ninth won't sell, I can buy from someone else.
Media:vo xqlq002 7 agent 02.ogg Agent: That would be most ideal. I remind you again that the Fatui care only about the result.
Media:vo xqlq002 7 agent 03.ogg Agent: We are willing to lend a certain degree of support to this transaction. But if it is not completed in time...
Media:vo xqlq002 7 agent 04.ogg Agent: You may suddenly find our good will comes at a price you cannot afford.
Media:vo xqlq002 7 gentrymaocai 04.ogg Gentry Maocai: I understand... I am indebted to you for your protection. You know I would not dream of disappointing you, don't you?
Media:vo xqlq002 7 agent 05.ogg Agent: We shall see when the time comes.
Media:vo xqlq002 7 gentrymaocai 05.ogg Gentry Maocai: *sigh* Darn that old man Chang!
(You hear the voices of Gentry Maocai and the Agent through the divider screen, and you can't help but grow infuriated by what they are saying...)
Media:vo xqlq002 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So Mr. Gentry Maocai is colluding with the Fatui!
Media:vo xqlq002 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Who knows if Guhua Geek has made any progress. Should we go tell him?

(Inform Xingqiu of Gentry Maocai's plan)
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hmph! You said that you had other things to look into, as if you're some sort of man of mystery...
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: When actually all you meant was you wanted somewhere new to park your backside while you read your book!
Icon Dialogue Talk We know what Gentry Maocai's up to now.
You and Paimon tell Xingqiu about Gentry Maocai's deal.
(You share with Xingqiu what you have learned about Gentry Maocai...)
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 01.ogg Xingqiu: I see. I guessed as much.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Did you really guess, or are you just saying that to sound clever?
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 02.ogg Xingqiu: The course of action we must take is now clear. To start with, please deliver this letter to the Feiyun Commerce Guild. They will know what to do.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 03.ogg Xingqiu: My liege, for reasons that I cannot explain, I will be unable to join you.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 04.ogg Xingqiu: There is no need for you to read the contents of the letter, when the time comes—
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Whew, this writing is super hard to read! Paimon can't make heads or tails of it...
Icon Dialogue Talk It's in an ancient script, perhaps?
Icon Dialogue Talk A secret text that needs a cipher, perhaps?
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 05.ogg Xingqiu: Ugh...
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 06.ogg Xingqiu: Hence why I said there's no need for you to read it...
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 07.ogg Xingqiu: The Feiyun Commerce Guild will have someone who can understand it.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But why do you wanna get them involved? They're one of the bigwig commerce guilds in Liyue — why would they wanna help us?
Icon Dialogue Talk What is the Feiyun Commerce Guild?
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Since we got to Liyue, Paimon keeps hearing people mention it. Seems they oversee a lot of business that goes on around here.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Having such big backing would be great and all... But are you sure they'd wanna help?
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 08.ogg Xingqiu: No need to worry about that. From what I know, they share my sense of chivalry.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 09.ogg Xingqiu: Once they have read the carefully reasoned and passionately argued case I put forth in this letter, they will certainly be moved to action.
Icon Dialogue Talk How can you be sure?
Icon Dialogue Talk Why get them involved anyway?
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 10.ogg Xingqiu: Gentry Maocai must be taught a lesson he will never forget. This is something we cannot do on our own.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 11.ogg Xingqiu: Also, I do not wish for anyone else to know of my involvement in this.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Why not? You're only doing this to try and help Chang the Ninth, right?
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 12.ogg Xingqiu: "To silently disappear at the matter's conclusion, concealing one's name and contribution," this is the chivalrous thing to do. To savor the memory is ample reward.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 13.ogg Xingqiu: Each droplet of kindness I receive I am duty-bound to repay with a welling spring of gratitude. I seek neither praise nor reward.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: That sounds very lovely. But be honest — you just want them to do it so you can carry on reading your book, don't you?
Media:vo xqlq002 8 xingqiu 14.ogg Xingqiu: Thank you in advance for delivering this letter to the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Someone from the guild should be able to receive you near the Liuli Pavilion.
Media:vo xqlq002 8 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Hey! Stop ignoring Paimon!
(Quest ends)
(Talk to Xingqiu again, optional)
Media:vo dialog xqlq002 xingqiu 01.ogg Xingqiu: Apologies, my liege. I will be unable to join you.
Media:vo dialog xqlq002 xingqiu 02.ogg Xingqiu: So long as this letter makes it to the Feiyun Commerce Guild, they will be sure to take action.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
12Silhouette and Silk StepsCity of Winds and IdyllsCooking Appointment, Cooking Showdown, Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy, Legend of the Darknight Hero, A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Unexpected Encounter (following suspicious fellow), Venti's New Plan (stealth mission), Rite of Descension (stealth mission), Jnagarbha Day (Isak's quick time event), The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog (Quest) (musket shooting challenge), The Flickering Light Splits in Twain (Chasca's and Chuychu's quick time event)
Event Gameplay

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishKnow Thyself, Know Thy Enemy
Zhījǐzhībǐ Dìng Liángcè
Know Oneself and One's Opponent to Formulate Good Strategies
Zhījǐzhībǐ Dìng Liángcè
Teki wo Shiri Saku wo Kimeru
Knowing Your Enemy, Deciding on a Plan
Korean지피지기 백전불태
Jipijigi Baekjeonbultae
If You Know Your Enemy and Yourself, You Can Win Every Battle
SpanishConoce a tu enemigo y te conocerás a ti mismoKnow Your Enemy and You Will Know Yourself
FrenchConnais tes ennemisKnow Your Enemies
RussianЗнай врага своего
Znay vraga svoyego
Know Your Enemy
VietnameseBiết Mình Biết Ta Định Kế Sách
GermanKenne dich selbst wie deinen FeindKnow Yourself Like Your Enemy
IndonesianMengenal diri sendiri artinya mengenal musuhKnowing yourself means knowing your enemy
PortugueseConhecer bem o inimigo para fazer uma estratégia perfeita.
TurkishKendini Tanı, Düşmanını Tanı
ItalianConosci il tuo nemico come te stesso

Change History[]
