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Kayabuki Ikkei is an event-exclusive NPC that appeared in Hyakunin Ikki and Hues of the Violet Garden.


During Hyakunin Ikki
During Hues of the Violet Garden


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(To be added.)

Quests and Events[]


Idle Quotes[]

During Hues of the Violet Garden
Icon Dialogue Idle "Outlander Brigade"...
Media:VO Kayabuki Ikkei Irodori 01.ogg ""Outlander Brigade" will definitely be a big hit!"

Event Dialogue[]

Hyakunin Ikki/2022-03-18[]

Kayabuki Ikkei: Hey, how's it going?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the novel you were writing...
Kayabuki Ikkei: I grew up reading storybooks and novels, and back then, I dreamed of becoming like Iwakura or Kitain, an unparalleled warrior and slayer of demons.
Kayabuki Ikkei: I only realized that I lacked that talent after I'd grown up. That's why I decided to write stories about warriors instead. The art of making lines of words shine is a martial art in and of itself, wouldn't you say?
Kayabuki Ikkei: I mean, I could've still have chosen to become an attaché to some military officer, but I must say that I'd prefer penning the tale of a carefree outland warrior like yourself.
Kayabuki Ikkei: I've written your performance in the last Hyakunin Ikki down. The draft has been sent to the Yae Publishing House for review... Wonder how it's going...
Icon Dialogue Talk About what happened before...
Kayabuki Ikkei: Your performance in the last Hyakunin Ikki was fabulous!
Kayabuki Ikkei: Even Shousen, the master of Shinryuu, could have never imagined such a doughty martial artist like you...
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Hyakunin Ikki...
Kayabuki Ikkei: In the early days, this was a mysterious rite used by the Tengu-Kin as a means of making a ruckus.
Kayabuki Ikkei: Even after they were banned, people would still sometimes organize it in secret. The organizers' identities are still shrouded in mystery.
Kayabuki Ikkei: It's a rather rowdy brawl, all things considered. Anyone can participate, mortal or monster.
Kayabuki Ikkei: That's got to be a dream come true for those who long for battle, eh?

Hues of the Violet Garden[]

Kayabuki Ikkei: "Outlander Brigade," the latest trailblazer in Inazuman light literature, has just made its debut. Wanna have a look?
Icon Dialogue Talk "Outlander Brigade"?
Kayabuki Ikkei: That's right! Striking name, eh? Don't worry, the text itself reads just as well as it sounds like it might!
Kayabuki Ikkei: Trust me, this series is going to be a big hit for sure!
Kayabuki Ikkei: At the moment, "When the Wind of Death Blew Towards the Blond Samurai" is just the first volume in the series. As for the second and third volumes, I already have some ideas for their names...
Kayabuki Ikkei: The second shall be named "The Fatal Flowery Blade," and the third, "Blond Samurai, Go With the Wind."
Kayabuki Ikkei: Heh, I guess you could call me a prodigious talent in naming things.
Kayabuki Ikkei: That said, I haven't decided on what to write exactly... although that's not really important at the moment.
Icon Dialogue Talk How are sales?
Kayabuki Ikkei: ...
Kayabuki Ikkei: None at the moment.
Icon Dialogue Talk Not a single one?
Kayabuki Ikkei: ...
Kayabuki Ikkei: Well... yes.
Kayabuki Ikkei: That said, I believe that this state is only temporary. I mean, even the most famous authors were unknown once.
Kayabuki Ikkei: Such dilemmas are just like the martial training written about in the books — a test of one's heart and character. As such, I must persevere...
Kayabuki Ikkei: One day, my works will be acknowledged by the world at large!
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Kayabuki Ikkei: See you around!
Kayabuki Ikkei: Wait a moment — you're not going to buy a copy after all that?

Hyakunin Ikki/2022-10-10[]

Kayabuki Ikkei: Hey, how can I help?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Hyakunin Ikki...
Kayabuki Ikkei: Hyakunin Ikki was originally a mysterious rite used by the Tengu-kin as a means of making a ruckus.
Kayabuki Ikkei: Later, after the Tengu-kin were deemed outlaws, Hyakunin Ikki was still held secretly from time to time... No one knows the identities of the tournament organizers, but that's not really important, is it?
Kayabuki Ikkei: The current Hyakunin Ikki is a rather rowdy brawl, all things considered. Anyone can participate in this blood-boiling festival, be they warriors or monsters.
Kayabuki Ikkei: That's got to be a dream come true for those who long for battle, eh?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Tengu-kin...
Kayabuki Ikkei: The Tengu-kin were a group that used to be active in Inazuma. They revered the way of life of the tengu warriors, seeing fearless fighting as a path to self-actualization.
Kayabuki Ikkei: Whether they were feeling down, had something to celebrate, or even if they were simply bored, they would always use it as an opportunity to start a good old-fashioned fight.
Kayabuki Ikkei: ...Later as a result, the Tengu-kin were deemed outlaws by the Tenryou Commission for disrupting public order and disturbing the peace.
(TravelerTraveler): ...Were the Tengu-kin really outlawed?
Kayabuki Ikkei: Huh? Hmm. I actually don't know. I've never really thought about it...
Kayabuki Ikkei: But... The crackdown must have occurred a long time ago. It has been ages since I last heard anything about them.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...You're not the one holding the event, are you?
Kayabuki Ikkei: No way, definitely not! How would that even be possible?
Kayabuki Ikkei: Ahem... As much as I look forward to seeing everyone in action, I alone don't have the funds to reward the victor...
Icon Dialogue Talk About your novel...
Kayabuki Ikkei: Ah, well... I'm sorry to say that "When the Wind of Death Blew Towards the Blond Samurai" didn't sell too well at the Irodori Festival previously.
Kayabuki Ikkei: But it's fine! That was just the prologue of the "Outlander Brigade" series. My next work, "The Fatal Flowery Blade," is sure to be a hit!
Kayabuki Ikkei: That said, I still haven't figured out exactly what I want to write yet... Nonetheless, I believe that watching you fight will be just the inspiration I need to write a brilliant novel!
(TravelerTraveler): You're not taking part?
Kayabuki Ikkei: Me? I don't have any fighting chops. I only wish to record the dazzling performances of the fighters.
Kayabuki Ikkei: Since seeing your swordplay in particular, I've come to think that using my words to immortalize the dance of steel, as timeless as the sun above, is more my calling than participating in the competition myself.
Kayabuki Ikkei: Being able to recreate such glorious splendor using words on a page could also be considered a crowning achievement of martial artistry, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing.
Kayabuki Ikkei: Well, I hope I'll get to see that flashy swordplay of yours this time, too!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishKayabuki Ikkei
Máoqì Yīqìng
Máoqì Yīqìng
Kayabuki Ikkei
Korean카야부키 잇케이
Kayabuki Itke'i
SpanishKayabuki Ikkei
FrenchKayabuki Ikkei
RussianКаябуки Иккэй
Kayabuki Ikkey
ThaiKayabuki Ikkei
VietnameseKayabuki Ikkei
GermanKayabuki Ikkei
IndonesianKayabuki Ikkei
PortugueseKayabuki Ikkei

Change History[]

Version 2.5
  • Name change to Kayabuki Ikkei.

Version 2.1

  • Kayabuki Kazuyoshi was released.

