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Kamisato Ayaka can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining her and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk.

Favorite Furnishing Sets

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.

Kamisato Ayaka has 2 Favorite Furnishing Sets:

Furnishing SetRewards
Furnishing Set Summer Night's Recollection Display
Summer Night's Recollection
Primogem 20
Shivada Jade Fragment 1
Mora 20,000
Furnishing Set A Thousand Swings Display
A Thousand Swings
Primogem 20
Guide to Elegance 2
Mora 20,000

Idle Quotes

Icon Dialogue Idle How pleasant...
Icon Dialogue Idle The art of the sword...
Icon Dialogue Idle Traveler...
Icon Dialogue Idle The Yashiro Commission...
Icon Dialogue Idle Tea ceremony...
(When the player is nearby)
Icon Dialogue Idle Hello...
Icon Dialogue Idle I was just thinking of you...


Media:vo ayaka mimitomo hello 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Hello, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo hello 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: O—One moment please...
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo hello 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: If I had known you'd pay me a visit, I would have spent more time getting ready...
Icon Dialogue Talk How do you like it here?
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Haha, you've no need to worry.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: The sights here are nothing like what I've seen at home. There are new wonders to be found with each step.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: But there's also an added layer of significance to it, because this place belongs to you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Make yourself at home. I mean it quite literally, haha.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 04a 1.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Oh...
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 04a 2.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: That would be too unseemly...
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 04a 3.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: However, I appreciate your kindness.
Icon Dialogue Talk I hope that it's a place where you can let go of your worries and just relax.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 04b 1.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Hm... I appreciate your kindness.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 04b 2.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: I wouldn't dare "let go" and "relax." However, I am more grateful for being able to rest here for a while.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's my pleasure.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 05.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Ahaha... That's very considerate of you. However, you don't have to go above and beyond for me.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship1 06.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Please let me know if you ever need my assistance. I hope I can be of some help to you too.
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you want to chat?
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: I'd be delighted. What would you like to talk about...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's talk about poetry.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 02a 1.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: My affection for the arts stems from the education I received at home.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 02a 2.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Whenever I try to delve deeper into the meaning behind the words of a poem, I gain a better understanding of the author's state of mind.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 02a 3.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Through the author's eyes, I can immerse myself in the sights that only they have seen. Even if the subject is well-known to me, I am able to gain a deeper level of appreciation for it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I feel the same way.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's talk about natural scenery.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 02b 1.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Talking about the beauty of nature, it is important to mention that the people of Inazuma believe that everything has its own spiritual essence.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 02b 2.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Even though we might be familiar with the way nature looks on the surface, each type of scenery evokes a different kind of "feeling."
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 02b 3.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: At least, that's a romantic way of approaching this topic.
Icon Dialogue Talk I feel the same way.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: "Camellia petals fall to the ground, scattered among the raindrops of yesterday."
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 04.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: ...
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 05.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Just reading it makes me sentimental. This must be what people call "the power of art."
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 06.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Ah... How rude of me to talk about my own interests all the time.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 07.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Even though I initially wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about you...
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 08.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Would you mind if I took up a bit more of your time? Tell me about the things you like.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship2 09.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: ...Is that alright?
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)
Icon Dialogue Talk Anything you want to do?
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Hm... Would you like to exchange views on the art of tea-making?
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: In other words... Do you want to try my home-made matcha?
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: I have read in a book before that Mondstadt and Liyue each have their own, unique tea cultures.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 04.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: But when it comes to the intricacies of tea-making, the people of Inazuma also have their insights.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 05.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: I'd like you to try some authentic Inazuma Matcha and tell me what you think!
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 06.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: ...Perhaps your feedback will also deepen my understanding of the tea ceremony.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm pretty sure that someone of your status shouldn't be making tea for me.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 07a 1.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Please don't say that.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 07a 2.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: You're the one who's embarked on epic journeys to distant places and achieved many great feats.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 07a 3.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: The title of "the daughter of the Kamisato Clan" and involvement in the Yashiro Commission pales in comparison to the depths of your experiences.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 07a 4.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: More importantly... I hope that, between the two of us, we need not be concerned with our identities...
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 07a 5.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: I'll just think of you as... my closest confidant.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let me make some desserts to go along with the tea.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 07b 1.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: ...Really?!
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 07b 2.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Ahem... Please excuse my lack of manners. It is because I'm excited.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 07b 3.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Being able to enjoy tea with my closest confidant — it feels like I'm in a dream...
Icon Dialogue Talk (Closest confidant...)
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 08.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: ...
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo friendship3 09.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Can I... Hold your hand?
(Between 6:00 and 19:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good morning, Ayaka.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo morning 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Good morning, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo morning 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: With the cerulean sky and chirping birds accompanying you today, I am certain you will have a pleasant journey.
(Between 19:00 and 6:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodnight, Ayaka.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo night 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: What a soothing evening.
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo night 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: ...Or is it because you are here with me?
Media:vo ayaka mimitomo night 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Hehe, good night, (TravelerTraveler).

Special Dialogue

When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.

Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.

A Thousand Swings

Media:vo mimitomo dq ayaka dojo 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Having a dojo in one's home is akin to placing one's sword on the table. It is a reminder to never be negligent.
Media:vo mimitomo dq ayaka dojo 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: One of the fundamental principles of the Kamisato Art of Tachi Jutsu is to constantly sharpen your mind, as you would a blade.
Media:vo mimitomo dq ayaka dojo 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Since we're both here, would you like to train together?

Summer Night's Recollection

Media:vo mimitomo dq ayaka fiesta 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: These stalls look to have been quite carefully arranged.
Media:vo mimitomo dq ayaka fiesta 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: It's a little deserted here, but it's enough for us to put aside our troubles and enjoy some festive fun and relaxation. Even if it's just the two of us, and even if it's our own kind of festival.
Media:vo mimitomo dq ayaka fiesta 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Thank you. This truly makes me happy.

Change History

Version 2.2

Version 2.0

  • Kamisato Ayaka was released as Companion.

