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Kama is a quest-exclusive NPC that appears in the World Quest Series Through the Mists.

After the completion of the quest series, he can be found traveling with Sumida in Liyue Harbor and Mondstadt.


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Quests and Events[]

World Quests

Post-Quest Dialogue[]

Liyue Harbor[]

Sumida: What a pretty bracelet! What a pretty vase! Goods from Liyue sure are pretty!
Sumida: ...Uh, wait, no. These simplistic terminologies will simply not do for a novelist like me.
Sumida: Perhaps I should purchase one of these ingeniously-made porcelain trinkets and use it as reference material for my next novel...
Sumida: Mm, yes, yes! That's what we'll write.
Sumida: "The key to the turnaround was a Vision concealed within the vase!"
Sumida: Yes, that could be quite interesting indeed! What do you think, Kama?
Kama: Lady Sumida, I don't really...
Kama: ...
Kama: I feel that any descriptions of this vase should be well-controlled. If you spend too much time on it, the foreshadowing will become quite apparent. But at the same time, mentioning it too little will make that development seem abrupt.
Sumida: Hmm, you do have a point indeed! Let me write this down...
Sumida: Wait, no, let's do that somewhere else.
Sumida: Also, haven't I told you a thousand times before not to call me "Lady"?
Sumida: ...But then again, having one of a pair of seemingly ordinary travelers call the other "Lady" or "Lord" isn't that uncommon a plot development either, is it?
(Talk to Kama and Sumida again)
Kama: Lady Sumida, do you have any plans as to where we should go next?
Sumida: Hmm... Now I've heard that Mondstadt is home to a very large library....


Sumida: Phew— That felt good—
Sumida: Or should I say "this is how the largest library in the north should be"? To think that I'd have the opportunity to finish the whole Vera's Melancholy series in one go! Ah, that was wonderful!
Kama: Lady Sumida, it might be best to keep your voice down.
Sumida: Ah, right. Sorry. I was getting too excited there...
Kama: No, I'm worried that you might get hurt. That librarian has an immense aura around her...
Sumida: Eh? Really? I thought she was a rather typical, slightly-lazy witch.
Sumida: ...Hmmm, but now that you mention it, these characters do tend to be the strongest. Um, right then, best not to get on her bad side...
Sumida: Actually, I could write a story based on just such a character, couldn't I? Something like "The Mage of the Great Library"...
Icon Dialogue Talk How have your travels been going?
Kama: Ah. It's been a while.
Sumida: Oh ho, if it isn't the legendary (TravelerTraveler)...
Sumida: Our travels? ...Hmmm, you know, I used to go out to travel to collect reference materials a lot.
Sumida: I went to Musoujin Gorge to study how to write thunderstorms, headed to the Serpent's Head to learn how to describe a snake demon, I got Kama to join the military to better understand the lives of the Absconders...
Icon Dialogue Talk Man, being Kama's a tough job.
Kama: It wasn't much.
Sumida: But this on the other hand is a real journey. One with no real objective in mind.
Sumida: Only now have I discovered that there are just so many interesting things worth writing about in this world, just like in Kino's Travels.
Sumida: Kama and I visited the recommended sights and stores around these parts before camping out in the wild, exchanging stories with unfamiliar travelers by the campfire...
Sumida: ...And when I woke up, we found our belongings all missing...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Wait. So did that turn out okay in the end?
Sumida: It did. Honestly, when we found out that the gang of thieves had ten or more members, I thought we weren't getting our stuff back.
Sumida: But somehow, Kama was able to convince them to return our things. They even gave him these coins with raven insignias on them to go!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Icon Dialogue Talk You're pretty good, Kama.
Kama: I simply did as I should. You need not worry, Lady Sumida.
Sumida: You really are indispensable, Kama!
Sumida: With you by my side, I doubt we'd have any trouble, even if our adventures took us to the edge of the world itself!
Sumida: Speaking of which, you really have changed a lot since the whole incident with Tsurumi Island. Here are things you want to do now, and opinions and doubts you want to express...
Kama: Well, if you do not find it suitable, Lady Sumida...
Sumida: No, no, I think it's great! Your views are all well-worth considering.
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, I'll leave the two of you alone then.
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps we'll meet again in some other place.
Sumida: Indeed. See you, (TravelerTraveler). Let's meet at the end of all things, just like in "Flowers for Princess Fischl."
Kama: See you, (TravelerTraveler). Take care of yourself.
(Talk to Kama and Sumida again)
Sumida: "The world is vast and infinite..."
Kama: Is that a quote from "Joururi Kidoutai"?
Sumida: That's right. Your memory's pretty sharp, Kama.
Kama: It was a story you told me, after all.

Post-Quest Locations[]

After the completion of the World Quest Series Through the Mists, Kama and Sumida can be found together at the Xigu Antiques shop in Liyue Harbor. After interacting with them, they will move to the library in Mondstadt. They will disappear after interacting with them.


  • According to Kama, his name means "a very big rock" in the Ishine Script.[1]
    • This may be related to the Ainu word "kama" (Ainu: カマ kama), which means "flat rock."
    • "Kama" can also mean "stepping across" or "crossing over" in Ainu, indicating his role as ferryman.
  • He is the descendant of Tsurumi Island's Kama family. His ancestor left Tsurumi Island to follow Kanna Kapatcir's light to seek new lands.[2]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Ā Fǔ
Ā Fǔ

Change History[]


  1. World Quest, Through the Mists: The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna
  2. World Quest, Through the Mists: A Particularly Particular Author