Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×240.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×90.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 16 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness 1 Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use Inazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishInazuman Official Residence: Forcefulness
Dàoqī Guāndǐ - "Jǔ Mù Wēi Yí"
Dàoqī Guāndǐ - "Jǔ Mù Wēi Yí"
Inazuma Minkyo - "Kyomoku Igi"‍[!][!]
Korean이나즈마 관저-「변함없는 위엄」
Inajeuma Gwanjeo - "Byeonhameomneun Wieom"
Inazuma Official Residence - "Unchanged Dignity"
SpanishResidencia oficial de Inazuma: MajestuosidadInazuma Official Residence: Majesticness
FrenchRésidence officielle inazumienne « Grandeur majestueuse »Inazuman Official Residence "Majestic Grandeur"
RussianОфициальная резиденция Инадзумы: Достоинство
Ofitsial'naya rezidentsiya Inadzumy: Dostoinstvo
Inazuma Official Residence: Dignity
Thaiที่พำนักแห่ง Inazuma - "คู่บารมี"
VietnameseDinh Phủ Inazuma - Uy Nghi Lẫm Liệt
GermanResidenz (Inazuma) Anschauliche MachtResidency (Inazuma) - "Demonstrative Power"
IndonesianKediaman Pejabat Inazuma: KekuasaanInazuman Official Residence: Power
PortugueseResidência Oficial de Inazuma: Imponência Majestosa
TurkishInazuma Resmi Konutu: Otorite
ItalianResidenza ufficiale di Inazuma Maestosità

Change History[]

