Inazuma Sales Specialist is a Daily Commission that occurs in Ritou, Inazuma.
- Talk to Vahid
- Talk to Konda Densuke
Gameplay Notes[]
- The world quest In Another Land is a prerequisite for this commission.
- The world quest A Strange Story in Konda may be a prerequisite for this commission.
- The world quest The Farmer's Treasure may be a prerequisite for this commission.
- The optional steps for the above world quest (listed in Searching for Saimon Jirou) may also be a prerequisite for this commission.
- Messing up the fertilizer order will unlock the follow-up quest Post-Sale Service, which leads to the Wonders of the World achievement "Sorry for the Trouble!"
- The order of actions for the fertilizer will be randomly generated.
This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:
Note: These rewards are lower than for most commissions.

Vahid, the owner of Syavushi Bakshesh Shoppe, is currently having a headache over sales...
- (Talk to Vahid)
- Vahid: This business is so hard. All my merchandise is good and they're the real deal...
- Vahid: But why does no one here want to buy anything?
What is the matter?
- Vahid: Oh, it's you, Traveler. *sigh* Forget it. I still cannot sell any fertilizer...
Don't you have Alrani to help you?
- Vahid: She did help me out a little. But trouble is, neither of us knows how to promote these goods. We can only wait for the customers to show up...
- Vahid: And you know about the situation in Ritou. Nobody is buying anything.
- Vahid: So I visited the gentlemen at the merchant guild to ask for help, and they suggested that we do something called marketing.
- Vahid: Simply put, they want us to talk more about the fertilizer's effects and the theory behind it with customers. We should also do more data-driven promotion, and we should offer a "free trial" service...
- Vahid: But... I really don't understand such complex matters. And I'm not the one who created this fertilizer, so how can I possibly explain it?
- Vahid: Anyway, even if it's just reciting the instructions, I believe I'll still need to run around and do some promotion.
- Vahid: Alrani is already out there promoting our goods. I am going out later as well. Traveler, could you please help us out?
Leave it to me.
- Vahid: Excellent! We are counting on you, Traveler.
Where did Alrani go?
- Vahid: She said that she needed to collect some materials and that she'll have to go quite far away.
- Vahid: The place you are going to is called Konda Village. It's not far from here.
- Vahid: There is a gentleman named Konda Densuke who has shown some interest in our fertilizer. He also came to the store to chat with me a little earlier.
- Vahid: If you could promote some of our goods at his place and offer him a free trial, he might just buy some fertilizer.
So, tell me how to use the fertilizer...
- Vahid: Oh yes, right, I haven't explained it to you yet. The fertilizer you are taking there must be used in a certain way.
- Vahid: Now, let me see... according to the manual, the order should be...
- (Order of actions varies between commissions)
- (First variation)
- Vahid: You must first add water to the fertilizer, before adding some crushed leaves. Finally, mix them well and apply them to the field.
- (Second variation)
- Vahid: You must first add crushed leaves to the fertilizer, before mixing them well. Finally, add water and apply them to the field.
- (Third variation)
- Vahid: You must first add crushed leaves to the fertilizer, before adding some water. Finally, mix them well and apply them to the field.
- Vahid: Don't get the order wrong, or it may cause problems, which will affect our customers' impression of us. Our future business is at stake...
I remember.
- Vahid: Then I'm counting on you. Once you deliver the Anahitian Blessing to the customer, his first payment will be yours to keep.
Could you repeat the process again?
- (First variation)
- Vahid: You must first add water to the fertilizer, before adding some crushed leaves. Finally, mix them well and apply them to the field.
- Vahid: I'm counting on you, Traveler... Let's all work hard. With any luck, business this month might be good!
- (Second variation)
- Vahid: You must first add crushed leaves to the fertilizer, before mixing them well. Finally, add water and apply them to the field.
- Vahid: I'm counting on you, Traveler... Let's all work hard. With any luck, business this month might be good!
- (Third variation)
- Vahid: You must first add crushed leaves to the fertilizer, before adding some water. Finally, mix them well and apply them to the field.
- Vahid: I'm counting on you, Traveler... Let's all work hard. With any luck, business this month might be good!
- (Talk to Konda Densuke)
- Konda Densuke: Youngsters, we meet again. What would you like to know this time?
I'm not here to ask questions this time.
I'm here to talk about how to use the fertilizer.
- Konda Densuke: Oh, did Vahid send you?
- Konda Densuke: I heard about a novel fertilizer shop in Ritou. That's why I went to meet Mr. Vahid to try out his fertilizer.
- Konda Densuke: If it works and increases crop production, there might be hope for restoring Konda Village.
- Konda Densuke: Heh, I guess it is still up to an old relic such as myself to restore the village. Those young lads from the village... Hmph! You can't count on them.
- Konda Densuke: Alright, tell me then. How should I use the fertilizer?
Add water first, then add crushed leaves before mixing them up.
Add crushed leaves first, then mix them, and add water at the end.
Add crushed leaves, then add water, then mix them up.
- Konda Densuke: Such a complicated procedure for fertilizer... Alright, I've got it.
- (If correct)
- Konda Densuke: That's what Vahid told me last time, too. It should be alright. I'll wait for the crops to grow.
- (If incorrect)
- Konda Densuke: I've got a bad feeling about this somehow. It doesn't sound like what Vahid said last time. Are you sure there won't be any problems?
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Inazuma Sales Specialist | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 稻妻销售员 Dàoqī Xiāoshòuyuán | Inazuma Salesperson |
Chinese (Traditional) | 稻妻銷售員 Dàoqī Xiāoshòuyuán | |
Japanese | 稲妻の販売員 Inazuma no Haibai'in | Inazuma Salesperson |
Korean | 이나즈마 판매원 Inajeuma Panmaewon | Inazuma Salesperson |
Spanish | Un vendedor de Inazuma | A salesperson from Inazuma |
French | Des ventes décevantes... | Disappointing Sales... |
Russian | Торговец из Инадзумы Torgovets iz Inadzumy | Salesperson from Inazuma |
Thai | นักขายแห่ง Inazuma | Salesman of Inazuma |
Vietnamese | Người Bán Hàng Inazuma | Inazuma Salesperson |
German | Inazuma-Verkaufsspezialist | Inazuma Sales Specialist |
Indonesian | Penjual Ulung Inazuma | Excellent Inazuma Seller |
Portuguese | Comerciante de Inazuma | |
Turkish | Inazuma Satış Danışmanı | Inazuma Sales Advisor |
Italian | Specialista delle vendite di Inazuma |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0