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Immernachtreich Apokalypse is an Event Quest during the Summertime Odyssey Event. It is the second quest of the fourth part.


  1. Look for the second volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land"
  2. Open the second volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land"
  3. Talk to everyone
  4. Operate the device to repair the path
  5. Follow the path
  6. Operate the device to repair the path
  7. Follow the path
  8. Operate the device to repair the path
  9. Follow the path
  10. Find the source of the voice
  11. Save Leon
  12. Talk to Leon
  13. Enter the library in the castle
  14. Close "Hymn of the Holy Land"
  15. Listen to the voices in the corridor
    • The player can only control the Traveler and use the movement keys or input methods until the dialogue finishes playing.
  16. Talk to everyone


UI Quest Quest Description

A lofty castle, an unforgettable tale... This must be Fischl's imagined world. Her mirage is so amazing that every visitor is deeply impressed. However, a mesmerizing dream does not come without a price, just as beautiful flowers often bloom among thistles and thorns...
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq109 1 ravenguarda 01.ogg Solemn Raven: Hey, stop! Who are you?
Media:vo yqeq109 1 ravenguardb 01.ogg Severe Raven: You don't look like citizens of the Immernachtreich. Explain yourselves! What's your purpose here?
Media:vo yqeq109 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This place even comes with guards!
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't panic.
Media:vo yqeq109 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh... What are you doing?
Icon Dialogue Talk We are personal retainers of the Prinzessin.
Icon Dialogue Talk We've traveled through the sea of stars to get here.
Media:vo yqeq109 1 ravenguarda 02.ogg Solemn Raven: How can you prove that you are Her Highness's retainers?
Media:vo yqeq109 1 mona 01.ogg Mona: Hmph, such an absurd question betrays your ignorance.
Media:vo yqeq109 1 mona 02.ogg Mona: "May my people be freed from the shackles of ancient decrees."
Media:vo yqeq109 1 ravenguardb 02.ogg Severe Raven: Th—That's the password of the Immernachtreich! They really are Her Highness's retainers!
Media:vo yqeq109 1 ravenguarda 03.ogg Solemn Raven: Oh my goodness. We didn't know! Please forgive us...
Media:vo yqeq109 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Now step down!
Media:vo yqeq109 1 ravenguarda 04.ogg Solemn Raven: Y—Yes, we're leaving now...
Media:vo yqeq109 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: They are gone.
Media:vo yqeq109 1 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: This is the second volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land." Everyone ready?
Media:vo yqeq109 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Bring it on!

(On entering the domain)
Media:vo yqeq109 2 aside 01.ogg Narrator: "However, the Immernachtreich soon became plagued by a perpetual nightmare. Tasraque, the wicked dragon, infiltrated the subterranean, crossed the bottom of the sea, and eventually came to roam above the capital."
Media:vo yqeq109 2 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Huh? A dragon? The only thing I noticed is the gloomy weather.
Media:vo yqeq109 2 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Could the dragon be... some kind of metaphor?
Media:vo yqeq109 2 mona 01.ogg Mona: If that's so... Her arch-nemesis, Tasraque, the wicked dragon, is made up of everything that opposes her and rejects her fantasies.
(After solving the first Gaze of the Deep puzzle, or upon traveling to the upper part of the stairs)
Media:vo yqeq109 2 aside 02.ogg Narrator: "Knowing their peril, the people prayed to The Soteria."
(After solving the second Gaze of the Deep puzzle, or upon arriving at the next platform)
Media:vo yqeq109 2 aside 03.ogg Narrator: "The Prinzessin descended to confront the dragon, but the great battle was certain to damage the castle."
(After solving the third Gaze of the Deep puzzle, or upon climbing the upper part of the ladder)
Media:vo yqeq109 2 aside 04.ogg Narrator: "Finally, she pierced through the dragon's scales with Thundering Retribution, and spoke to all amid a downpour of the dragon's blood. She said..."
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq109 2 leon 01.ogg Leon: Help me! Somebody, please!
Media:vo yqeq109 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Aaaah, we've just got to the interesting part! What did the Prinzessin say!?
Media:vo yqeq109 2 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: That voice sounds familiar. Is it that Nachtraben Ritter fella again?
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo yqeq109 3 leon 01.ogg Leon: Oh, thank goodness... Huh? What are you guys doing here!?
Media:vo yqeq109 3 mona 01.ogg Mona: We should be the ones asking that. What are you doing here?
(Talk to Leon)
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 01.ogg Leon: I'm sorry you have to keep seeing me in such a wretched state. I suppose I'm still not good enough to play the role of a qualified Nachtraben Ritter...
Media:vo yqeq109 4 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: "Play the role"?
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 02.ogg Leon: I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm not a real knight... rather, I'm a new actor who recently landed a job to play the role of a knight in a theater troupe!
Media:vo yqeq109 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That's not really something to be smug about.
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 03.ogg Leon: Ah, well, you see, that's where you're mistaken! Theater is an essential part of Immernachtreich's culture. A fantastic theatrical performance is the greatest tribute we can pay to Her Highness.
Media:vo yqeq109 4 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Oh, so this is your local culture?
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 04.ogg Leon: Exactly! So I'm delighted that I got to play the knight!
Media:vo yqeq109 4 mona 01.ogg Mona: Why does the Prinzessin enjoy the theater so much?
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 05.ogg Leon: Her Highness once said, "Celebrate me by staging a play in the wilderness. Bow down to me, and bring me beautiful dreams in return for everlasting glory within the eternal darkness."
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 06.ogg Leon: I believe it is because Her Highness appreciates true art, and can also sense emotions hidden deep within the souls of humankind.
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 07.ogg Leon: The crystallization and sublime expression of emotion is the heart of theater. People who truly understand theater always have a beautiful, sensitive heart, filled with a rich array of emotion.
Media:vo yqeq109 4 mona 02.ogg Mona: ...So that's how it is.
Media:vo yqeq109 4 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Thank you for your answer, Sir Knight.
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 08.ogg Leon: O—Oh! Th—Thank you so much for calling me a knight!
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 09.ogg Leon: So, basking still in this honor, I will be off to my battleground. May we meet again!
Media:vo yqeq109 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hopefully not... Be more careful in the future!
Media:vo yqeq109 4 leon 10.ogg Leon: Oh, and please remember the password to unlock the gate, "Upon my command, spread your wings and take flight."
(Interact with the barrier)
Media:vo yqeq109 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: "Upon my command, spread your wings and take flight."
(Approach the book)
Media:vo yqeq109 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ahh, the book has appeared!
(Close the book)
Media:vo yqeq109 5 fischl 01.ogg Fischl: Greetings, my most esteemed Father and Mother. Today is celebrated as a festival in the Immernachtreich, and I hope you can both spare some time...
Media:vo yqeq109 5 fischlfather 01.ogg Fischl's Father: Amy, come on now, darling. You can't be carrying on like that at this age.
Media:vo yqeq109 5 fischlmother 01.ogg Fischl's Mother: You're a big girl now. It's time to forget the fairy tales.
Media:vo yqeq109 5 fischl 02.ogg Fischl: But...
Media:vo yqeq109 5 fischlmother 02.ogg Fischl's Mother: Oh, and I almost forgot to mention. I've bought you a new set of music coursebooks. Give them a read, won't you? You should dedicate your time to something more meaningful.
Media:vo yqeq109 5 fischl 03.ogg Fischl: ...O—Okay, Mom, I... I understand.
(A scene transition occurs)
Media:vo yqeq109 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We're back again.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I believe we have just witnessed the true nature of the wicked dragon.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: *sigh* This is something I am all too familiar with. There are always people who believe that our passions are a waste of time.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 mona 01.ogg Mona: Huh? You're—
Media:vo yqeq109 6 arnold 01.ogg Arnold: Ask-Me-For-Directions Arnold.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 mona 02.ogg Mona: I mean, you're back, why?
Media:vo yqeq109 6 arnold 02.ogg Arnold: Oh, I came because I bet you'd be looking for the third volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land."
Media:vo yqeq109 6 mona 03.ogg Mona: Well, you bet right on that front...
Media:vo yqeq109 6 arnold 03.ogg Arnold: You need not do anything for me, my dear lady. The opportunity to behold your beauty is the finest reward I could ask for. I shall give you the answer you seek.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 arnold 04.ogg Arnold: The third volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land" can be found on the top floor of the royal castle.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Is it guarded by anyone?
Media:vo yqeq109 6 arnold 05.ogg Arnold: Oh, oh, but of course, sir. What sort of a question is that? No nation would treat its most treasured books as if they were just cast out into the wilderness.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: That means we will still find Nachtraben guards stationed there.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 arnold 06.ogg Arnold: It is a citizen's utmost honor to guard the sacred scriptures. But it matters not. I'm quite sure the fine lady merely seeks to peruse them, and has no malicious intentions.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 arnold 07.ogg Arnold: Your face is captivating and full of wisdom, and the company you keep appears to be heroes of some renown. I have the utmost faith that you will be able to comprehend the meaning behind the stories in our sacred scriptures.
Media:vo yqeq109 6 arnold 08.ogg Arnold: Her Highness's accomplishments were documented by Oz, the Great Sekretär, and became great treasures of the Immernachtreich. I wish Her Highness joy and happiness every time I read those books.
(Talk to Arnold again)
Media:vo dialog yqeq110 arnold 01.ogg Arnold: Oh, oh, what should I do...
Media:vo dialog yqeq110 arnold 02.ogg Arnold: Ahem! Would you care to join me for a cup of coffee, good lady? If coffee is not to your taste, we can have black tea, milk tea, or hot chocolate instead.
Media:vo dialog yqeq110 arnold 03.ogg Arnold: If you don't want to, that's also perfectly okay. I'll keep my distance and be with you in spirit as you enjoy a drink on your own. Your joy is my joy.

Video Guides[]

Immernachtreich Apokalypse Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishImmernachtreich Apokalypse
Yōuyè Mòshì-lù
Records of Immernacht Apocalypse[• 1]
Yōuyè Mòshì-lù
Yuuya no Mokushiroku‍[!][!]
Records of Immernacht Apocalypse[• 1]
Korean유야 묵시록
Yuya Muksirok
Lonely Night Apocalypse
SpanishApocalipsis de la Noche EternaApocalypse of the Eternal Night
FrenchApocalypse de la nuit éternelleApocalypse of the Eternal Night
RussianАпокалипсис вечной ночи
Apokalipsis vechnoy nochi
Eternal Night Apocalypse
Vivorn haeng Ratree Borisut
Revelation of Untainted Midnight
VietnameseKhúc Khải Huyền U ÁmRevelation of Dark Apocalypse
GermanApokalypse des ImmernachtreichsApocalypse of the Immernachtreich
IndonesianPewahyuan ImmernachtreichRevelation of Immernachtreich
PortugueseApocalipse da Noite EternaApocalypse of the Eternal Night
TurkishImmernachtreich Kıyameti
ItalianImmernachtreich Apokalypse
  1. 1.0 1.1 Chinese and Japanese:  (Japanese: 黙示録 lit. "Records of Apocalypse"; Chinese: 默示录) refers to the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament of the Bible. 幽夜 "Immernacht," lit. "Serene-Night" refers to the Immernachtreich (Chinese: 幽夜净土; Japanese: 幽夜浄土).

Change History[]
