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Restoring Fragmented Records is a part of the Iktomi Spiritseeking Scrolls event.


Tutorial Iktomi Spiritseeking Scrolls Restoring Fragmented Records
Place the fragments in the area in a specific order and position, and adjust the relative positions of the layers, using overlapping, blocking, and other methods to restore the overall picture to the target state.

Clairvoyant Shards[]

Citlali's wondrous contraption records the fragments she sees during clairvoyance. By piecing together and restoring these Clairvoyant Shards, it is possible to gain some insight into Leyla's visions and thoughts...

Spiritloom - Map Marker Description

I - Clairvoyant Shard: Sanhaj[]

A legendary Border Master of the Masters of the Night-Wind whose astonishing magic once repelled the dark cataclysm during the Battle of the Mare Jivari...

Unlocks 2024-11-28 10:00

Objective Rewards
Restore the broken fragments
Primogem 30
Incense Ashcrystals 50
Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Resolve 3
"Banner of Clairvoyance: Sanhaj" 1

II - Clairvoyant Shard: Menilek[]

A hero of the Flower-Feather Clan, one of the warriors who sacrificed themselves in the name of justice and virtue, forever cherished in the hearts of the people...

Unlocks 2024-11-28 10:00

Objective Rewards
Restore the broken fragments
Primogem 30
Incense Ashcrystals 50
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord 3
"Banner of Clairvoyance: Menilek" 1

III - Clairvoyant Shard: Sundjatta[]

A warrior of the Children of Echoes, one of the heroes who rose up to fight for Natlan, immortalized in countless stories...

Unlocks 2024-11-30 04:00

Objective Rewards
Restore the broken fragments
Primogem 30
Incense Ashcrystals 50
Night-Wind's Mystic Augury 3
"Banner of Clairvoyance: Sundjatta" 1

IV - Clairvoyant Shard: Wanjiru[]

A warrior of the Collective of Plenty who, according to legend, once wielded a bone longsword that was solid beyond compare...

Unlocks 2024-11-30 04:00

Objective Rewards
Restore the broken fragments
Primogem 30
Incense Ashcrystals 50
Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Resolve 3
"Banner of Clairvoyance: Wanjiru" 1

V - Clairvoyant Shard: Tupac[]

A hero known as the "Giant," pride of the People of the Springs, renowned throughout the lands for his bravery and prowess in battle...

Unlocks 2024-12-02 04:00

Objective Rewards
Restore the broken fragments
Primogem 30
Incense Ashcrystals 50
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord 3
"Banner of Clairvoyance: Tupac" 1

VI - Clairvoyant Shard: Burkina[]

A hero of the Scions of the Canopy, a legend who fought against the Abyss alongside Kongamato, the Yumkasaur Mountain King...

Unlocks 2024-12-02 04:00

Objective Rewards
Restore the broken fragments
Primogem 30
Incense Ashcrystals 50
Night-Wind's Mystic Augury 3
"Banner of Clairvoyance: Burkina" 1

VII - Clairvoyant Shard: Ororon[]

A unique young man from the Masters of the Night-Wind, an unconventional character with an extraordinary talent for taking care of plants and animals...

Unlocks 2024-12-04 04:00

Objective Rewards
Restore the broken fragments
Primogem 30
Incense Ashcrystals 50
Sanctifying Essence 3
"Banner of Clairvoyance: Ororon" 1

VIII - Clairvoyant Shard: Citlali[]

High priestess of the Masters of the Night-Wind, a powerful clairvoyant also known by the moniker of "Granny Itztli"...

Unlocks 2024-12-04 04:00

Objective Rewards
Restore the broken fragments
Primogem 30
Incense Ashcrystals 50
Sanctifying Essence 3
"Banner of Clairvoyance: Citlali" 1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRestoring Fragmented Records
Korean두루마리 복원
Durumari Bogwon
SpanishReconstrucción de registros antiguosReconstruction of Ancient Records
FrenchRestauration d'archives fragmentéesFragmented Archive Restoration
RussianВосстановление старых порванных записей
Vosstanovleniye starykh porvannykh zapisey
VietnamesePhục Hồi Mảnh Ghi Chú
GermanWiederherstellung fragmentierter Aufzeichnungen
IndonesianPemulihan Catatan Lama yang RusakRestoration of the Damaged Old Notes
PortugueseRestauração de Registros Antigos
TurkishParçalanmış Kayıtların Tamiri
ItalianRicomposizione dei registri frammentati

Change History[]
