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I, Researcher is an Event Quest that unlocks the Energy Amplifier Fruition event.


  1. Talk to Hosseini
  2. Clear the three camps west of Wangshu Inn
  3. Report back to Hosseini

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Co-Op Mode is disabled when the Traveler needs to clear the three camps.


UI Quest Quest Description

You meet Hosseini once more as the researcher makes his way back to Sumeru from Inazuma...
Hosseini: *cough*...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hello there.
Hosseini: Why hello! Someone suitable's arrived at last, I suppose... *cough*
Hosseini: And it's someone I know, too! Well, that's my worries about insufficient samples gone out the window!
Hosseini: I've been waiting this whole time, and if it isn't old folks, it's children... That's simply insufficient...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...I'm sorry, who are you again?
Hosseini: Eh? You've forgotten me already?
Hosseini: Oh, come on, I'm not some kind of nefarious villain, there's no need to pretend that we're not familiar or anything.
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you planning to do!?
Hosseini: Oh, come on! Do I look like some mad scientist who grabs passersby to use for human experimentation? There's no need to take that cautious tone with me...
Hosseini: I mean, look, it's me! We met on Ritou, remember? *cough*
Icon Dialogue Talk You still seem shady to me...
Hosseini: Ugh, alright, maybe you did forget me. *sigh* Alright, let me introduce myself again.
Hosseini: I'm Hosseini, a scholar from the Sumeru Akademiya. After a great many tribulations, I finally reached Inazuma to conduct research there.
Hosseini: Unfortunately, doing research on those islands was just too restrictive.
Hosseini: I did not leave empty-handed, of course, but considering all the trouble I went through, I have to say that it doesn't quite feel worth it in the end.
Hosseini: With few research funds remaining, I had to return to Sumeru via Liyue, but I did hope to rescue the situation during my travels...
Hosseini: And so I thought — why not return to the topic of the Energy Amplifier, my efforts in which the Akademiya had acknowledged prior?
Hosseini: Now, I'm not sure if you remember that whole affair...
Hosseini: But the Energy Amplifier is a precious ancient artifact that can use the ubiquitous ley lines to strengthen its user.
Hosseini: *cough* This research is still in its preliminary stages, and my previous report on it was only equivalent to a preface on the topic.
Hosseini: Much work remains to be done if we are to understand the workings of the Energy Amplifier in their entirety.
Hosseini: As such, I have been asking for volunteers and inviting them to use the Amplifier to obtain new data to support my research.
Hosseini: So I'm not... *cough* Not some kind of suspicious character. Please do not misunderstand.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ah, I see.
Hosseini: Exactly. *cough* So, Traveler, if I might ask, would you be willing to be my volunteer and help to trial the Energy Amplifier?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure, I guess.
Hosseini: Then allow me to express my thanks for your willingness thus far to make sacrifices in pursuit of ever-greater wisdom.
Hosseini: However, before I give the Energy Amplifier into your keeping, could we do a little warmup first?
Hosseini: It is proper procedure to first ascertain if the volunteer can defend themselves... *cough* No responsible academic study should play around with the lives of its volunteers, after all.
Hosseini: Once you are ready, head to the designated locations and clear out the monster encampments there.
Hosseini: I will wait for your return. Do remember to stay safe.

(After clearing all three places of interest)
Paimon: Well, wasn't that all fun and breezy? Let's go look for Hosseini and ease his mind a little, shall we?
(Talk to Hosseini)
Hosseini: Ah, you've returned.
Icon Dialogue Talk And without a scratch, too!
Hosseini: Haha. *cough* Well, I suppose I worried over-much. You are very strong indeed — I shall have no fear in leaving the Energy Amplifier to you.
Hosseini: Its operation is very elementary — I trust you will understand it with a single glance.
Hosseini: However, do note that this is an authentic ancient relic. You will land me in no small amount of hot water should you lose it or break it.
Hosseini: As such, take your time to get used to it first before using it in tests.
(Open Energy Ampifier UI)
Hosseini: How are things going? Is the Energy Amplifier proving easy to use?
Icon Dialogue Talk It's not too complicated.
Hosseini: Indeed. Compared to some of the instruments we use at the Akademiya, the Energy Amplifier certainly is a simpler tool.
Icon Dialogue Talk There are still some things I don't get.
Hosseini: Well, that's normal. Don't worry, as a non-professional user, you only need to grasp its basic operations.
Hosseini: At your level, larger-scale tests should be no problem at all.
Hosseini: I've heard passing adventurers mention that they've discovered some strange new Domain of late.
Hosseini: No one has ever traversed this terrain before, and it is teeming with monsters that are stronger than the ones you see wandering about in the wilds.
Hosseini: I reckon that if you use that for your testing site, we might be able to obtain better data.
Hosseini: I mean, your previous performances... *cough* I must say that they've been very impressive indeed. In fact, it is the data recorded by the Energy Amplifier that has been the limiting reactant here.
Hosseini: I reckon that even this domain shall not prove too difficult for you.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's a given.
Hosseini: You know, I wouldn't have believed a word of it if someone else had told me that, but on the other hand, I have full faith that you'll be fine... *cough*
Hosseini: Well then, allow me to mark the location of this domain for you on your map. Happy testing!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishI, Researcher
Wǒ, Yóuxuězhě
I, Wandering Scholar
Wǒ, Yóuxuězhě
Ware, Yuugakusha
I, Wandering Scholar
Korean, 떠돌이 학자
Na, Tteodori Hakjja
I, Wandering Scholar
SpanishYo, erudito itineranteI, Traveling Scholar
FrenchMoi, érudit itinérantI, Traveling Scholar
RussianЯ, исследователь
Ya, issledovatel'
I, Researcher
Thaiฉัน นักวิชาการ
VietnameseTôi, Một Học Giả Thực ĐịaI, A Field Scholar
GermanIch, der reisende GelehrterI, the Traveling Scholar
IndonesianAku, Si Pelajar KelilingI, The Traveling Scholar
PortugueseEu, Erudito Andarilho

Change History[]
