I, Researcher is an Event Quest that unlocks the Energy Amplifier Fruition event.
- Talk to Hosseini
- Clear the three camps west of Wangshu Inn
- Report back to Hosseini
Gameplay Notes[]
- Co-Op Mode is disabled when the Traveler needs to clear the three camps.

You meet Hosseini once more as the researcher makes his way back to Sumeru from Inazuma...
- Hosseini: *cough*...
Hello there.
- Hosseini: Why hello! Someone suitable's arrived at last, I suppose... *cough*
- Hosseini: And it's someone I know, too! Well, that's my worries about insufficient samples gone out the window!
- Hosseini: I've been waiting this whole time, and if it isn't old folks, it's children... That's simply insufficient...
...I'm sorry, who are you again?
- Hosseini: Eh? You've forgotten me already?
- Hosseini: Oh, come on, I'm not some kind of nefarious villain, there's no need to pretend that we're not familiar or anything.
What are you planning to do!?
- Hosseini: Oh, come on! Do I look like some mad scientist who grabs passersby to use for human experimentation? There's no need to take that cautious tone with me...
- Hosseini: I mean, look, it's me! We met on Ritou, remember? *cough*
You still seem shady to me...
- Hosseini: Ugh, alright, maybe you did forget me. *sigh* Alright, let me introduce myself again.
- Hosseini: I'm Hosseini, a scholar from the Sumeru Akademiya. After a great many tribulations, I finally reached Inazuma to conduct research there.
- Hosseini: Unfortunately, doing research on those islands was just too restrictive.
- Hosseini: I did not leave empty-handed, of course, but considering all the trouble I went through, I have to say that it doesn't quite feel worth it in the end.
- Hosseini: With few research funds remaining, I had to return to Sumeru via Liyue, but I did hope to rescue the situation during my travels...
- Hosseini: And so I thought — why not return to the topic of the Energy Amplifier, my efforts in which the Akademiya had acknowledged prior?
- Hosseini: Now, I'm not sure if you remember that whole affair...
- Hosseini: But the Energy Amplifier is a precious ancient artifact that can use the ubiquitous ley lines to strengthen its user.
- Hosseini: *cough* This research is still in its preliminary stages, and my previous report on it was only equivalent to a preface on the topic.
- Hosseini: Much work remains to be done if we are to understand the workings of the Energy Amplifier in their entirety.
- Hosseini: As such, I have been asking for volunteers and inviting them to use the Amplifier to obtain new data to support my research.
- Hosseini: So I'm not... *cough* Not some kind of suspicious character. Please do not misunderstand.
Ah, I see.
- Hosseini: Exactly. *cough* So, Traveler, if I might ask, would you be willing to be my volunteer and help to trial the Energy Amplifier?
Sure, I guess.
- Hosseini: Then allow me to express my thanks for your willingness thus far to make sacrifices in pursuit of ever-greater wisdom.
- Hosseini: However, before I give the Energy Amplifier into your keeping, could we do a little warmup first?
- Hosseini: It is proper procedure to first ascertain if the volunteer can defend themselves... *cough* No responsible academic study should play around with the lives of its volunteers, after all.
- Hosseini: Once you are ready, head to the designated locations and clear out the monster encampments there.
- Hosseini: I will wait for your return. Do remember to stay safe.
- (After clearing all three places of interest)
- Paimon: Well, wasn't that all fun and breezy? Let's go look for Hosseini and ease his mind a little, shall we?
- (Talk to Hosseini)
- Hosseini: Ah, you've returned.
And without a scratch, too!
- Hosseini: Haha. *cough* Well, I suppose I worried over-much. You are very strong indeed — I shall have no fear in leaving the Energy Amplifier to you.
- Hosseini: Its operation is very elementary — I trust you will understand it with a single glance.
- Hosseini: However, do note that this is an authentic ancient relic. You will land me in no small amount of hot water should you lose it or break it.
- Hosseini: As such, take your time to get used to it first before using it in tests.
- (Open Energy Ampifier UI)
- Hosseini: How are things going? Is the Energy Amplifier proving easy to use?
It's not too complicated.
- Hosseini: Indeed. Compared to some of the instruments we use at the Akademiya, the Energy Amplifier certainly is a simpler tool.
There are still some things I don't get.
- Hosseini: Well, that's normal. Don't worry, as a non-professional user, you only need to grasp its basic operations.
- Hosseini: At your level, larger-scale tests should be no problem at all.
- Hosseini: I've heard passing adventurers mention that they've discovered some strange new Domain of late.
- Hosseini: No one has ever traversed this terrain before, and it is teeming with monsters that are stronger than the ones you see wandering about in the wilds.
- Hosseini: I reckon that if you use that for your testing site, we might be able to obtain better data.
- Hosseini: I mean, your previous performances... *cough* I must say that they've been very impressive indeed. In fact, it is the data recorded by the Energy Amplifier that has been the limiting reactant here.
- Hosseini: I reckon that even this domain shall not prove too difficult for you.
That's a given.
- Hosseini: You know, I wouldn't have believed a word of it if someone else had told me that, but on the other hand, I have full faith that you'll be fine... *cough*
- Hosseini: Well then, allow me to mark the location of this domain for you on your map. Happy testing!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | I, Researcher | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 我,游学者 Wǒ, Yóuxuězhě | I, Wandering Scholar |
Chinese (Traditional) | 我,遊學者 Wǒ, Yóuxuězhě | |
Japanese | 我、遊学者 Ware, Yuugakusha | I, Wandering Scholar |
Korean | 나, 떠돌이 학자 Na, Tteodori Hakjja | I, Wandering Scholar |
Spanish | Yo, erudito itinerante | I, Traveling Scholar |
French | Moi, érudit itinérant | I, Traveling Scholar |
Russian | Я, исследователь Ya, issledovatel' | I, Researcher |
Thai | ฉัน นักวิชาการ | |
Vietnamese | Tôi, Một Học Giả Thực Địa | I, A Field Scholar |
German | Ich, der reisende Gelehrter | I, the Traveling Scholar |
Indonesian | Aku, Si Pelajar Keliling | I, The Traveling Scholar |
Portuguese | Eu, Erudito Andarilho |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.3