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Hustler is an event-exclusive NPC who appeared in Secret Summer Paradise.


During Secret Summer Paradise


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(To be added.)

Quests and Events[]



Hustler: Work! Work! Work! Sprint to the finish! Go above and beyond the call of duty, win early!
Icon Dialogue Talk Take it easy over there...
Hustler: When one task is done, I can start another! I will go wherever the need is greatest!
Paimon: It's just a little Water Droplet, but it's got such a scary aura...
Paimon: It seems absolutely in love with working. Just getting close to it feels like Paimon will be dragged along to work with it... forever...
Hustler: Huh? Did I just hear you talking about me?
Paimon: No, we never did anything of the sort! We're busy people too, so we'll be on our way...
Hustler: Oooooh! Busy? You're really busy? How about you give some of your work to me?
Paimon: ?
Icon Dialogue Talk ?
Hustler: I'll take any job! Anything! And I can learn if I lack the know-how! I love challenging new jobs!
Paimon: Did we misunderstand this Water Droplet? Instead of dragging others along to suffer with it, it actually does their work for them?
Paimon: Um... So, Water Droplet, what work do you usually do?
Hustler: Let me think... I don't think I have any fixed responsibilities.
Hustler: Chief Director asks for my help with controlling the show's mechanisms, Fake Playwright makes me run errands and carry reference books for the script writing...
Hustler: Engineer sends me to clean the rails, and Loafer has asked for my help making props.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like you're a master of all trades!
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like an intern.
Hustler: Whatever you call it, I'm fond of using diverse, new, and high-intensity jobs to hone my abilities in all aspects.
Hustler: In this way, I can obtain an in-depth understanding of every aspect of a show and do them all well to surpass Zosimos, who only knows how to talk a big game...
Paimon: Paimon wonders if Zosimos has led this Water Droplet astray...
Paimon: But given how passionate it is, maybe it'll get mad if we mention the past? We should avoid asking about that for now...
Hustler: Anyways, both of you are important guests to the entire attraction. Can I help you with anything?
Paimon: Oh! (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon are still... preparing to enter the industry! We don't need your help for now!
Hustler: Understood. Then I'll be going back to work!
Hustler: Good luck! I hope you'll one day bless me with an unending stream of diverse work!
Icon Dialogue Talk (Glance at Paimon and hope she gets the hint to leave quietly.)
Paimon: Alright... Paimon's kinda curious about what it's working on, but let's not disturb it...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
French« Assidu »
Russian«Король усердия»
"Korol' userdiya"
Vietnamese"Chuyên Cần"
Indonesian"Si Paling Rajin"
PortugueseViciada em Trabalho

Change History[]
