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A list of known common words of Hilichurlian. Please pay attention to the references.

Aside from official source, there is a fan project to decipher Hilichurlian prior to the event Mimi Tomo and Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian. The detailed analysis can be found in NGA: 本丘学家宣布已经基本破译了丘丘人语,并发现了丘丘人的神灵乌努. As the dictionary was unofficial and sometimes conflicted with the official sources, this research would be put in a different column.

For a more extensive dictionary of Hilichurlian, please visit Hilichurlian Wiktionary at, a partner project of Genshin Impact Wiki.


Hilichurlian English CN player Analysis Notes
mosi to eat[1]
mita meat[1][2] Has positive connotations.[1]
gusha vegetables[1][2] Has negative connotations.[1] The color of gusha is green.[2]
mi (plural: mimi) I, me (plural: we, us)
muhe like, want[2] triumph
biat to hit, to curse May be used for emphasis (e.g., "very").
ye (plural: yeye) you, your (register unknown, possibly condescending or informal) May be similar to Japanese お前 or Korean where it does not express pure condescension, but can imply closeness to the addressee. However, it still connotes condescension by implying that the addressee is of a lower social standing and socially impermissible usages of the pronoun should be understood as a sign of contempt.
yo (plural: yoyo) you, your (register unknown, friendly or formal)
da/dada good/very good, affirmation, very (emphasis)[2] Can be used as praise[3]
domu to dance
eleka now Meaning uncertain
sada solid, hard[2] to sing, singing, song The phrase upa sada means that you are prepared to do something.[2]
nye not, un- Can be used for negation
nunu to sleep[4] The color of nunu is black.[2] This may refer to nighttime.
nini storm, wind, Anemo Meaning uncertain. The color of nini is white.[2]
Conveys the concept of ephemerality, or to disappear (as a verb)
zido here, this May also mean "nothing" in some contexts. May also mean "to mark", "to go" or be used to otherwise indicate a specific thing.[5] Possibly deictic.
movo to move, to bring, to come Meaning uncertain. Movo lata is water.[2] (Since "lata" may mean cold or ice, "movo lata" literally means "moving ice", indicating water)
kuzi mighty, strong
celi heat; Pyro, fire; the sun (typically celi upa)[2] The color of celi is red.[2] The phrase celi lata (literally "hot cold" or possibly "fire cold") refers to things that emit light, but not heat, such as Small Lamp Grass, fireflies, stars, and the moon.[2]
upa to combine, to merge, to gather Meaning uncertain, but upa possily meant something far ahead and cannot be grasped. In some context, upa indicates the spirit. Dada upa means "very tall/large mountain."[2] Celi upa means "the sun."[2] Upa sada means that you are prepared to do something.[2]
shato like, alike, similar
lata Cryo, ice, cold[2] The color of lata is blue.[2] Movo lata is water.[2]
unu one[2] god A holy word that embodies hilichurls' concept of gods and the origin of life.[2] The color of unu is yellow.[2]
du two[2]
unu du three[2] Literally "one two."
dudu four[2] Literally "two-two."
ya (plural: yaya) human Can also mean "person" or "people"
ika enemy, bad people[2] enemy
kundala to kill, to fight May also mean "enemy" as a noun
dala what?
si thing
valo thank you
buka stomach May possibly indicate hunger.
guru-guru hungry
kucha small[2] weak Kucha gusha (lit. "small grass") means seed.[2] Slightly contemptuous connotation.[2]
odomu friend Meaning currently under review.
tiga stone, Geo
plata shield
vin wine
pupu grass Meaning uncertain, may be used insultingly
beru si what are you doing? Meaning of individual words uncertain
beru nye / beru nya stop talking or be quiet
mani hands, physical labor; five[2] to give The meaning of "five" possibly comes from the number of fingers on a hand.
olah hello[6]
tomo unique, unusual;[5] help;[7][Note 1] ally Mentioned many times in the Mutual Exchange and Hilichurl Justice quests in the Mimi Tomo event. No direct translation given. Meaning currently under review.
aba before Used by Ella Musk in Language Exchange, and by hilichurl in Poetry Exchange. Possibly means "before."[2] Possibly means "want."
ka unknown Used by Ella Musk in Language Exchange.
todo unknown Used by Hilichurl in Language Exchange. May mean "give."
biadam bad Exact meaning unknown, always strong negative. May be rude.[8]
boya color[2] Used as a suffix for colors. Celi boya (lit. "fire color") is red, gusha boya (lit. "grass color") is green, lata boya (lit. "ice color") is blue, nini boya is white, nunu boya (lit. "sleep color") and sama boya are black, and unu boya (lit. "God's color/one color") is yellow.[2]
mito know[5]
lawa king or chief[9] As in Lawachurl.
sama unknown As in Samachurl. The color of sama is black.[2]
hili unknown As in Hilichurl.
in in[2] Meaning uncertain.
unta unknown Mentioned in Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian. Possibly means "after."
Du ya zido dala? Where did this thing go? Mentioned in Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian. Meaning of du uncertain. Inconsistent with other translations. Possibly idiomatic.


  1. The event Mimi Tomo is not named with the Hilichurlian Mimi Tomo in all languages. The event name in Chinese includes a term (折箭) that can mean alliance (lit. to break an arrow [to seal a promise]), and the event names in both Japanese and Korean use the word for alliance (結盟 and , respectively). Discussed in a comment on Hilichurlian and the wiki's Discord server's #wiki-suggestions and #genshin-languages channels at the beginning of June 2021.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Bilibili: 《原神》声优小剧场——「蒙德茶会」第二期 (Timestamp: 6m 30s - 8m 30s)
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 Book: Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian
  3. Book: Draft Lines of Hilichurlian Poetry
  4. Book: Hilichurl Ballad Selection, Vol. 2
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Event Mimi Tomo World Quest: Mutual Exchange
  6. Venti's Voice-Over: Something to Share
  7. Event Mimi Tomo World Quest: Hilichurl Justice
  8. Story Quest, Venti, Carmen Dei Chapter: Act I - Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land, Part 3: Lionfang's Legacy
  9. Book: Hilichurl Cultural Customs