Heart of the Deep is the first part of Waterborne Poetry Part III: Heart of the Deep.
- Wait until the following day (08:00 – 10:00)
- Go to the event venue
- Look for Callirhoe
- Chase after the leaf
- Follow Mika
- Look for Callirhoe
- Chase the monsters away
- Wave 1:
- Wave 2:
Blazing Axe Mitachurl ×2
- Go to Springvale
- Talk to Old Finch
- Return to the event venue

The fallen leaves float away, carrying with them stories of the past. Will the protagonists of the fairytale rekindle feelings from a distant past?
- (Pass time)
- Paimon: *yawn* That was a refreshing sleep! Let's go to the venue.
- Paimon: Paimon's really looking forward to hearing everyone's poems!
- (Approach the stage)
- Paimon: Huh, looks like we're a few people short today...
- Chongyun: Morning, friends. Xingqiu said he wants to take some time and focus on writing poems, so he'll join us later.
- Mika: Noelle has other duties today, so she asked me to tell everyone not to wait up for her.
- Paimon: Aw, okay. Well, never mind... What about Callirhoe, though? She said she'd be here...
- Diona: I got here really early, but I haven't seen her yet.
- Chongyun: Are you talking about the girl with the blue hair? I saw her on the bridge near Dihua Marsh during my morning training.
- Chongyun: She looked a little upset, so I didn't want to disturb her...
- Paimon: Upset? Oh no... What should we do? Was it something we said last night? Paimon's worried...
We should go find her.
- Mika: I agree! If she's run into some kind of trouble, I'd like to help her.
- Diona: Huh? You're all going? Then I'm coming too!
- Chongyun: Shall we start with the bridge? We're all here a little early, so there should be time.
- Paimon: Good idea. We'll be back in a jiffy!
- (Approach the bridge)
- Mika: Oh, so this is the place? We ran into her here yesterday, too!
- Mika: She looked like something was weighing on her mind then as well.
- Paimon: It's also not far from where we were dropping those leaves...
- Mika: Leaves?
- Paimon: Oh, right! We were so busy matching couplets, we forgot to mention...
- You tell everyone about your inspiration walk yesterday...
- Mika: Huh, interesting.
- Mika: I wonder... Could Miss Callirhoe have been the one who wrote that poem on the leaf?
- Paimon: Hmm? What makes you say that?
- Mika: Oh, sorry, uh... nothing — well, nothing concrete. Just a hunch, I guess.
- Mika: It's just... That poem on the leaf kinda gave me the same feeling as when I saw her yesterday. So much sadness...
- Chongyun: Now that you mention it, this is upstream from where we found the poem...
- Diona: ...Huh?
- Diona: Hey, look! Over there! Another leaf!
- Paimon: ...Wow, you're right! And this one has writing on too!
- Paimon: After that leaf!
- (Approach the marked location)
- Paimon: Argh! Why does it have to float so quickly?
- (Approach the next marked location)
- Diona: Can't you just fly over and grab it?
- Paimon: Um... But Paimon can't swim, what if Paimon accidentally falls into the water...
- (Approach the bridge)
- Chongyun: It stopped!
- Paimon: ...Now!
- (Pick up the leaf)
- Paimon: Phew... we finally caught it...
- Mika: Are the words still legible? Or have they been washed out?
- Poem on a Fallen Leaf
- The desire remains, but the time is past.
- The boy by the spring grows frail too fast.
- But when dreams flow to fruition, where streams join the sea,
- We'll journey on in endless reverie.
Paimon: Looks like the ink's intact! Let Paimon take a look at what it says...
- Paimon: Huh? This is related to the poem we wrote in reply yesterday! She must've picked up one of our leaves!
- Paimon: "Spring"... "young boy"...
- Paimon: Hmm, it's looking a lot like Callirhoe was the one who wrote this.
- Diona: She seems to care a lot about that story, huh.
- Paimon: Actually, when Paimon first saw her, Paimon was wondering...
- Paimon: Do you think... is it possible that... she's a—
Let's just focus on finding her first.
- Mika: Based on the current and accounting for wind strength... everyone, please follow me.
- (Approach the marked area)
- Mika: This should be far enough upstream. Let's split up and search the area.
- Paimon: Calliiiiiiirhoe! Calliiiiiiirhoe!
- (Approach Callirhoe)
- Paimon: Ah! She's surrounded by hilichurls! Let's go save her!
- (Approach Callirhoe after defeating the hilichurls)
- Paimon: Phew! Callirhoe, are you okay?
- Paimon: Wh—What's that!?
- huge water droplet! Diona: It's a
- Chongyun: ...This is exactly what I saw the other day!
...Large Water Droplet?
- ???: ...Huh? Why are you all looking at me like that?
- ???: ...Oh no! My body, is it...?
- Mika: That voice is definitely Callirhoe's...
- ???: Ah! How did this happen... Please wait a moment...
- The water droplet turns back into Callirhoe's human form before everyone's eyes...
- Callirhoe: Oh no... Did I use up too much energy?
- adeptus? Chongyun: How did you... What's going on here? Miss Callirhoe, are you some kind of
- Oceanid, who flowed here from Fontaine long ago... Callirhoe: No... I'm so sorry for deceiving you all for so long. Actually, I'm... an
- Chongyun: What's an Oceanid?
- former Hydro Archon. They all fled Fontaine after the archon died, and settled across the world... Mika: Ah! The Grand Master has mentioned them before — the Oceanids were the familiars of the
- Callirhoe: That's correct... Though, to tell you the truth, I can't even completely recall how I found myself here...
- Callirhoe: I have a vague impression of my ancestral home, but I can't recall clearly anything I saw on my journey...
- Callirhoe: All I know is that by the time I arrived in Mondstadt, I had lost most of my power, and couldn't even sustain a physical form...
- Callirhoe: Eventually, I settled in a place called Springvale, where I slowly began to regain my power...
- Callirhoe: Springvale is a serene and beautiful place. The water that flows through there is clear and pure, just like the hearts of the people who dwell there.
- Diona: So you're the spring fairy of Springvale?
- Callirhoe: Yes, Diona, and I remember you too, you know! When you were little, you often came to the spring at night to speak with me.
- Diona: Really? You're not messing with me, are ya?
- Mika: (I... I always thought that was just a local legend...)
- Callirhoe: Your favorite little pillow, the fish one... Its name is "Bubbles," is it not?
- Diona: ...Yep!
- Diona: (All those childhood memories... so they weren't just a dream!)
- Paimon: So... if this is true, then all those things written on the leaves...
The moonlight flows like silken honey...
The boy by the spring grows old and frail...
- Callirhoe: I see... So you were the ones who found my leaf...
- Heart of Clear Springs" is me. Callirhoe: Well, you are correct... the spring fairy in "
- Paimon: No wonder you were asking us so many questions about it!
- Paimon: So, the boy from the story...
- Finch. Callirhoe: ...Is
- Callirhoe: I always loved listening to people's dreams... And still do, to this day.
- Callirhoe: Whether they're beautiful, sad, or filled with emotions I couldn't understand at the time...
- Callirhoe: One night, a little boy came to the spring. The tears that fell from his face were more fragile than a moonbeam, and purer than the morning dew...
- Callirhoe: I like humans, and wanted to understand them better. I also wanted to make sense of the feelings contained in his tears that were then a mystery to me...
And so you became friends.
- Callirhoe: Yes. We often met under the stars, sharing our stories with one another.
- Callirhoe: Sometimes, we'd stay up all night and see who would hear the first bird chirping from the boughs, or the first cicada of summer...
- Paimon: Aw, that sounds lovely.
- Callirhoe: But... One day, just like the book says, I saw an emotion in Finch's eyes that I couldn't reciprocate...
- Callirhoe: I felt out of my depth, in uncharted waters... But I knew all too well that we Lochfolk face a very different fate from that of humans. Whatever was happening, I didn't want it to lead to Finch writing a chapter of his life that he would later come to regret...
- Callirhoe: So, I fled, and never appeared before him again...
- Diona: Oh, Callirhoe...
- Callirhoe: My strength returns very slowly, and even after decades... I can only sustain a physical form for a very short time...
- Callirhoe: I once hoped that Finch would be able to move on, and meet me "when the stars in the night sky have all gone out."
- Callirhoe: But after seeing so many people's stories, and hearing about all their dreams, I have gradually come to understand Finch's heart...
- Callirhoe: This feeling of wanting to respond to his feelings is surging relentlessly in my chest, and I can no longer restrain it.
- Callirhoe: But I'm also scared. Scared that if I go and see him now, I'll bring nothing but disappointment... and even more pain, when it comes time to part...
- Paimon: ...
- Chongyun: (It really is a difficult choice...)
- Mika: ...
- Mika: Please, go see him!
- Callirhoe: Huh?
- Mika: I know Grandpa Finch, and he's a really kind person! When I was struggling to learn how to draw maps, he was always encouraging me... telling me not to give up, always keep trying, and get out there and have some adventures!
- Mika: He often tells me stories about his past, but I've never once seen a look of regret or sadness in his face!
- Mika: And even though Grandpa Finch loves adventures, he still stands there by the spring, every day, as if he's waiting for something.
- Mika: I believe that he's serious about his feelings for you, Miss Callirhoe! He's never stopped hoping that he'll see you again one day!
- Mika: So if you want to see him too... then what are you waiting for!?
- Callirhoe: ...
Wow, Mika...
That was great! Didn't know you had it in you.
- Mika: ...Huh!? Ah! I—I... Sorry, I think I got a bit too excited, and... and I just thought... Well, it just sorta came out...
- Callirhoe: ...
- Callirhoe: I understand... That settles it. I've decided.
- Callirhoe: I will go back and see Finch.
- Mika: ...You will? Amazing! That's great!
- Callirhoe: But... I'd like to ask all of you for some help...
- Paimon: Sure! Just say the word, we'll help you any way we can.
- Callirhoe: Would you come to Springvale with me, and help to bring Finch to my side?
- Callirhoe: I cannot maintain this form for much longer... And I'm worried others will see me how I was just before...
- Diona: Leave it to me! I'm really close with Grandpa Finch.
- Callirhoe: Also... please keep Finch's and my secret... I wouldn't want Springvale's tranquil waters to become agitated on account of all this...
Don't worry.
- Chongyun: Your secret is safe with me.
- Mika: I won't tell anyone. That's a promise.
- Callirhoe: Great... I can't thank you all enough...
- Callirhoe: Aah...
- Paimon: What's wrong? Are you gonna turn back into a water droplet?
- Callirhoe: No... I'm sorry, it's just that my mind's racing... As much as I want to talk to him again, I'm still worried that I won't have the words when the time comes...
I have an idea...
Write him a poem.
- Callirhoe: A poem...
All the things you hide deep inside your heart...
Everything you never had the chance to say...
- Callirhoe: ...
- Callirhoe: Okay, good idea. I'll write him a poem.
- Callirhoe: And it will be called... Heart of Clear Springs.
- (Approach Springvale)
- Callirhoe: *gasp*
- Mika: ...Are you okay?
- Callirhoe: ...It's nothing... I'm just scared that I won't be able to maintain this form much longer.
- Diona: Okay, don't panic... Wait here, Callirhoe! I'll go fetch Grandpa Finch!
- Callirhoe: ...Take it slow, Diona.... Finch isn't a young man anymore, he's not as steady on his feet...
- Callirhoe: I can still... hold on... a bit longer...
- Diona: Okay! Stay strong! You can do it!
- (Talk to Callirhoe, Chongyun, or Mika again, optional)
- Mika: ...How are you holding up? Would you like some support, Miss Callirhoe?
- Paimon: You can also lean on Paimon if you need!
- Callirhoe: ...Thank you, all of you.
- (Approach Old Finch)
- Diona: Grandpa Finch!
- Old Finch: Is that Diona? You're back early today.
- Diona: Today's your special day, Grandpa Finch! Can you come with me?
- Old Finch: Oh? Well, where are we going?
- Diona: Over there, to the waterfall!
- Old Finch: Haha, did you catch a nice little fishie?
- Diona: Ugh, just come with me already! This is extremely important!
- Old Finch: But, I promised your father that I'd go to...
- Diona: Grandpa Finch!
- Old Finch: Alright, alright... No need to get worked up, I'm right behind you...
- Diona: That's more like it. Now, come on, I'll help you.
- Old Finch: (Ohoho, Draff's daughter is just like him when she's on a mission...)
- Callirhoe: ...
- Diona: Over here, over here! It's okay, Grandpa Finch, take your time.
- Old Finch: Hmm? What's all this? What are all these people doing here?
- Old Finch: Even Mika's here? Haha, how's work been going lately?
- Old Finch: And even some friends from abroad, if I'm not mistaken? ...You do know that today's not my birthday, don't you?
- Chongyun: Greetings, Mr. Finch. My name is Chongyun. We all met at the poetry gala, and... Well, there's someone we'd like to introduce you to...
- Callirhoe: ...Finch.
- Old Finch: ...! That voice... Callirhoe?
- Callirhoe: ...I didn't think you'd still remember.
- Old Finch: ...Oh, I remember, hahaha, I remember alright. How could I ever forget?
- Old Finch: Although, your appearance is different than I recall. Back then, you looked like you'd stepped right out of a fairytale...
- Old Finch: Oho, but I'm one to talk! Of course a fairy from a fairytale can change forms... In your eyes, I'm probably the one who's changed beyond all recognition...
- Callirhoe: Haha... Oh, even after all these years, you still know just what to say to make me laugh.
- Old Finch: I thought you were only able to appear in the dead of night? ...There have been times when I've wondered whether it really was all a dream...
- Callirhoe: ...I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long, Finch.
- Old Finch: ...Oh, it can't have been that long... It's been but the blink of an eye, really.
- Callirhoe: ...Finch, would you like to hear to a poem I wrote for you?
- Old Finch: A poem? You write poetry now? Well of course! I'd be delighted to listen... I'll hang on every word that leaves your lips...
- Callirhoe: ...In that case, let me read you a story about the spring fairy...
- (A cinematic plays)
- Callirhoe:
- Far from my native land I roamed
- In streams I slept
- Many seasons I met as the suns set and rose
- I searched for a garden to call a home
- And the moonlight ebbed as the water flowed
- A soft breeze beckoned me unto a spring
- "Sleep, weary wanderer, your journey is over"
- "May the dancing petals sweeten your slumber"
- At dawn I hummed the melody of a distant stream
- And the songs in the night serenaded my dreams
- A boy's tender tears trembled through the water
- Stirring me more than any starlight sonata
- He wove me a wreath from past petals and future buds
- I crossed beyond the veil of dreams to the realm of flesh and blood
- "Look at the love that shines from his eager gaze"
- "Answer the call of his heart, lest this moment go to waste"
- The kittens and fireflies invited my heartstrings to sing
- But I was a stranger to the melody of mankind
- And knew not how this tune should begin
- As the river of dreams trickled into the ocean blue
- Every time a crystalfly flapped its wings
- Older it seemed he grew
- But I learned to fathom human ways each stumbling step I took
- And clouds of confusion became crystal clear in the vulnerable verse I wrote
- As seed yearns for soil, and trees for the sun
- A once-foreign melody inside my heart sung
- And it cried out your name on every string it could strum
- Now, I give my dream to you
- May it be in your slumber a sweet spring to quench your thirst
- Now, I hand my heart to you
- Praying my belated promise might meet
- Still with your trust
- (Cinematic ends)
- Old Finch: ...
- Old Finch: Yes... This is how I remember you from when we first met...
- Old Finch: All those years ago... It really has been a long old time, hasn't it?
- Callirhoe: ...Finch, I...
- Old Finch: It's okay, I understand. Your poem, it... it explains everything...
- Callirhoe: ...Thank you, Finch. Please, take this.
- Old Finch: It's so beautiful...
- Callirhoe: This is a droplet of water condensed from my own power.
- Callirhoe: ...Finch, I don't have a physical form like humans, and I can't stay by your side. I don't know how long it'll be before I can change back into human form again...
- Callirhoe: But as long as this droplet remains with you, our hearts will always be connected... no matter the distance between us.
- Callirhoe: I will always be one with the spring. From this day onwards, if you call me, I will meet you in your dreams.
- (TravelerTraveler): (The true Heart of Clear Springs...)
- Paimon: Waaaah...! It's so romantic!
- Old Finch: Hahaha, you've really learned a lot, haven't you? And you don't even mind that the kids are watching...
- Callirhoe: ...Does it bother you?
- Old Finch: How could it possibly? This is the happiest moment of my life...
- Old Finch: I just worry that once I go to sleep, I won't ever want to wake up again...
- Callirhoe: Huh!? D—Don't say that...
- Old Finch: Hahaha, I'm only joking! Ah, it seems that you still have much to learn.
- Callirhoe: Is that right?
- Diona: (Hehe, Grandpa Finch and Callirhoe look so happy! What a purrfect moment...)
- Callirhoe: Diona, thank you for fetching Finch for me. I've never forgotten you either.
- Diona: I used to chat with you a lot... Wasn't it ever annoying?
- Callirhoe: Of course not! You are one of the truest friends I have in the entire world.
- Callirhoe: That's why I gave you your gift. So that a part of me could always be with you.
- Diona: ...Huh?
- Chongyun: (Wait... So is Diona's ability to mix delicious drinks from disgusting ingredients a blessing from this water spirit?)
- Chongyun: (And if so... Is it also possible that my pure-yang spirit is a gift from some being?)
- Callirhoe: ...
- Callirhoe: ...My physical form is about to disappear.
- Callirhoe: Finch...
- Old Finch: Yes?
- Callirhoe: ...I've never regretted meeting you, or deciding to talk to you that night. Not once, all these long years, not for a single moment.
- Old Finch: ...It probably goes without saying, but neither have I.
- Callirhoe: Although... it was different from in the stories... that fateful night, I never gave you that kiss...
- Callirhoe: This gift that represents my promise and my love, I give it to you now...
...Paimon! Close your eyes!
- Paimon: Huh?
...Diona! Eyes shut, now!
- Diona: Hmm?
- At moments like this, it's only polite to close your eyes...
- Old Finch: It's okay, everyone...
- Old Finch: She's gone now...
- Paimon: What? But... Paimon didn't get a chance to say goodbye.
- Diona: Grandpa Finch...
- Old Finch: Don't worry now, she hasn't gone far...
- Old Finch: Just like she said, she'll always be one with the spring... by our side, and in our dreams...
- (Talk to Old Finch again, optional)
- Old Finch: Oh, child, let me stay here a little longer...
- (Approach the stage)
- Venti: Oh? Hey, you're all back! And it looks like you're in much better spirits than before.
- Venti: Hu Tao's a step ahead. She's already talking about printing a poetry anthology.
- Venti: She said she "can't wait for everyone's final words, because I'm itching to pull the trigger." By which, I assume she meant she eagerly anticipates receiving everyone's freestyle poetry submissions to help her close the deal.
- Xingqiu: Where have you all been? I've been waiting here forever!
- Venti: Perhaps they lacked sufficient inspiration, and wished to have an emergency communion with nature? And with any luck, I'll bet they heard some fine poetry along the way...?
- Paimon: Tone-Deaf Bard! Does this mean that right from the start, you—
*cough* We promised...
- Paimon: Oh! Uh... Right from the start, you said you would treat us to a nice meal.
- Venti: Huh? Did I?
I think this is worth a meal.
- TravelerTraveler) agrees, then it looks like I can't escape this time. Venti: Haha, very well! Since (
- Venti: Diona, dear Diona... Could I trouble you to fix us a couple of your delicious beverages?
- Diona: Hmph! You wish! ...Alright, well normally I'd never agree, but... Since I happen to be in a good mood today...
- Xingqiu: Huh? So just what have you guys been up to all this time? Why does it feel like there are some unspoken words hanging in the air here that everyone is privy to but myself...
- Chongyun: Really? Must be the breeze, you're reading way too much into it.
- Mika: Y—Yeah! That's right, we're just, uh... taking a walk. Inspiration walk. Since it worked so well last time.
- Xingqiu: Oh, so even Mika's in on it...
- Xingqiu: Chongyun, how about you tell me what happened on the sly? I've just remembered that I heard about a haunted house recently that you'll definitely want to check out!
- Xingqiu: I'm willing to bet that even your pure-yang spirit won't be able to scare off these demons!
- Chongyun: I appreciate the gesture, but no thanks. Not this time.
- Chongyun: And I'm starting to think that... maybe this pure-yang spirit isn't such a bad thing after all...
- Xingqiu: Huh? What the... What's gotten into you!?
- Xingqiu: Okay, that confirms it! I call shenanigans, something big definitely went down here!
Post-Quest Dialogue[]
The following become available after completing this quest.
Callirhoe's Voice[]
- (Interact with the spot beside the Springvale lake waypoint)
- (Listen...): (A happy melody...)
Hu Tao and Jifang[]
- (Talk to Hu Tao or Jifang on the boardwalk northeast of the Chihu Rock waypoint)
- Jifang: Now then, didn't you say you wanted to publish a book?
- Hu Tao: Yes, I do.
- Jifang: ...So where's the book?
- Hu Tao: It's in the works! Just waiting on the poems!
- Jifang: ...And where are the poems?
- Hu Tao: They're on the way.
- Jifang: ...Look, I'm sorry Director Hu, but how do you expect me to talk business with you when you don't even have the poems yet?
- Hu Tao: I just figured while we're waiting, we could discuss terms in advance.
- Jifang: Well, I need to see the content to decide if I even want to sell it, let alone how much to sell it for.
- Hu Tao: Oh, come on, I showed you a sample already, and it was some of my finest work! Besides, you only need a few highlights to sell an anthology!
- Jifang: ...You think your poem, "Fifteen Tenderloin Steaks" will carry the whole book, do you?
- Hu Tao: That and "Square Meals In the Basement"! My consultant, the erudite Mr. Zhongli, described it as a meticulous masterpiece! Ooh — quote that on the cover! It'll practically sell itself!
- Jifang: ...Director, we're a small business. If we invest money in printing and nobody buys it, it's my bottom line that's affected.
- Hu Tao: Don't you worry! I guarantee you, when this anthology comes out, it will take the world by storm! Gods and ghosts alike will weep!
- Hu Tao: As a matter of fact, I heard a ghost crying on the way here. If you don't believe me, I can bring it over?
- Jifang: ...There'll be no need for that.
- (Talk to Xiao near the waypoint next to Pervases' Temple)
- Xiao: ...It's you.
- Xiao: ...
- Xiao: I thought about what you said... and tried to write a poem.
- Xiao: After putting my feelings onto paper, my heart feels much calmer...
- Xiao: Can they... really hear it...?
Xiao's Poem[]
- (Interact with the scroll on the table in Pervases's Temple)
- Poem Placed by Unknown Person
A thousand year's vissicitudes, one's form never aging.
Grace never forgotten, the fire yet burning.
Mountains climb high and waters run deep.
Strange fate, indeed, to once more meet.
- Poem Placed by Unknown Person
No. | Soundtrack Name | Album | Played In |
13 | Winding River | Jade Moon Upon a Sea of Clouds | Heart of the Deep (Quest) Locations, Serenitea Pot |
41 | Callirhoe's Prayer | The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4 | Heart of the Deep (Quest) (cutscene) |
Story Teaser- Heart of Clear Springs - Genshin Impact
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Heart of the Deep | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 幽潭心 Yōu Tán Xīn | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 幽潭心 Yōu Tán Xīn | |
Japanese | 閑雅な泉の心 Kanga-na Izumi no Kokoro | |
Korean | 샘물의 마음 Saemmul-ui Maeum | Heart of the Spring |
Spanish | El corazón del manantial | The Heart of the Spring |
French | Le cœur au plus profond | The Heart at the Deepest |
Russian | Сердце глубины Serdtse glubiny | Heart of the Deep |
Thai | เบื้องลึกของหัวใจ | |
Vietnamese | Trái Tim U Sầu | |
German | Herz der Tiefe | Heart of the Deep |
Indonesian | Dalamnya Ketulusan Kasih Air | The Deep Sincerity of Water's Love |
Portuguese | Coração das Profundezas | |
Turkish | Derinliklerin Yüreği | |
Italian | Cuore profondo |
Change History[]
Released in Version 4.1