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Heart of the Deep is the third part of the Waterborne Poetry event.



Heart of the Deep

Arriving at the venue for the third day, the Traveler and Paimon find out that Noelle and Xingqiu won't be joining them today because of other duties and Chongyun saw Callirhoe alone looking upset on the bridge near Dihua Marsh. Everyone goes to check on her. On the way, Paimon tells Mika about the poem on a leave during yesterday's inspiration walk. Mika deduces that Callirhoe is the one who wrote the poems and everyone agrees with his reasonings. They see another leaf afloat on the river and decided to follow it. After getting the poem, they realize it is a reply for the poem they sent yesterday.

After finding Callirhoe and saving her from hilichurls, everyone are shocked to see her in water droplet form. Callirhoe transform back into her human form and reveals that she is an Oceanid who fled Fontaine after the death of previous Hydro Archon and settled on Springvale, though she cannot recall any memories of her journey. She also reveals that she is the Spring Fairy in the "Heart of Clear Springs" story and the boy in the story is the now elderly Old Finch, whom she met when he was young. Callirhoe decided to left him because of the difference of their lifespan and afraid that he will live with regret, not knowing that he always waited for her by the spring every day. After some convincing, Callirhoe decides to see Finch and will create a poem for him. She asks everyone to help arrange the reunion and to keep her true identity a secret from other people.

Arriving at Springvale, Diona finds Finch by the Spring and takes him to the waterfall. At the waterfall, Finch finally reunites with Callirhoe and reminisces about their memories, thinking she is still the same person as she was back then. Callirhoe then reads the poem she made for him and Finch finally understand her situation. Callirhoe gives Finch a droplet of water condensed from her power: the true Heart of the Clear Springs. From then on, she will come in Finch's dream whenever he calls for her. As Callirhoe physical form starting to disappear, she finally gives Finch his long-awaited kiss and quietly leaves. But Finch ensures them that she is nearby and will always be part of the spring.

Everyone goes back to the venue in high spirits that even Diona is willing to make a drink for Venti. Xingqiu asks why are they gone for so long and they made up various excuses, which Xingqiu doesn't buy. Xingqiu tries to bribe Chongyun with trip to a haunted house. Chongyun declines the offer and starting to think his pure-yang spirit may not be a bad thing after all, confusing Xingqiu even more.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
13Winding RiverJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsHeart of the Deep (Quest)
Locations, Serenitea Pot
41Callirhoe's PrayerThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4Heart of the Deep (Quest) (cutscene)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishHeart of the Deep
Yōu Tán Xīn
Yōu Tán Xīn
Kanga-na Izumi no Kokoro
Korean샘물의 마음
Saemmul-ui Maeum
Heart of the Spring
SpanishEl corazón del manantialThe Heart of the Spring
FrenchLe cœur au plus profondThe Heart at the Deepest
RussianСердце глубины
Serdtse glubiny
Heart of the Deep
VietnameseTrái Tim U Sầu
GermanHerz der TiefeHeart of the Deep
IndonesianDalamnya Ketulusan Kasih AirThe Deep Sincerity of Water's Love
PortugueseCoração das Profundezas
TurkishDerinliklerin Yüreği
ItalianCuore profondo

Change History[]
