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Intricate and vibrant earrings upon which the luster of a hundred flowers seems to flow.

Heart of Khvarena's Brilliance is an Artifact in the set Vourukasha's Glow.


"My dear friend, you who were so wise, yet passed early..."
"Amidst glorious legends lurks the gloom of oblivion,"
"Just as life walks with death, and forgetting is the lover of remembrance."
"If the darkness of death did not threaten it, no life would have any importance."
"If the waves of forgetfulness did not surge against them, there would be no histories worth recording."

In the age long past, the queen of grass and trees once did as her friend had entrusted,
Granting the Khvarena of flowers to the divine bird's form, giving her charge over the defense over a part of the rainforest.
And just as the fate of the fresh flower is to wither, Simurgh's fate was sacrifice.
The nurturer of all things verdant had known this since the night she slept beside the lord of flowers...

"And so the verdant divine bird blossomed into countless Khvarena flowers, scattering across the land like hoopoes..."
"The Khvarena fell upon the pure remains of the Amrita's mistress, and thus was a glimmering sea of flowers born."
"Many spirits dwell in the sea, and they carry the wishes of grass, tree, and dew, cleansing all filth."
"Many spirits dwell in the sea, and they sing of the three mothers — of verdure, of sweet dew, and fresh flowers."

One night, the daughter must leave the embrace of the three mothers,
And sacrifice herself, for the impurity of the world grows great...

See Also[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishHeart of Khvarena's Brilliance
Língguāng Míngshuò zhī Xīn
Língguāng Míngshuò zhī Xīn
Reikou Meimetsu no Kokoro‍[!][!]
Heart of Flickering Spiritual Light
Korean크바레나의 눈부신 심장
Keubarena-ui Nunbusin Simjang
Khvarena's Blinding Heart
SpanishCorazón Refulgente de la JvarenaRefulgent Heart of Khvarena
FrenchCœur de la brillance de la khvarenaHeart of Khvarena's Brilliance
RussianСердце светозарности Хварны
Serdtse svetozarnosti Khvarny
Heart of Khvarena's Brilliance
ThaiHeart of Khvarena's Brilliance
VietnameseTrái Tim Khvarena Huy Hoàng
GermanHerz khvarenaischer BrillianzHeart of Khvarenaic Brilliance
IndonesianHeart of Khvarena's Brilliance
PortugueseCoração do Brilho de Khvarena
TurkishKhvarena'nın İhtişamının KalbiKhvarena's Magnificent Heart
ItalianFulgore del Cuore di KhvarenaHeart of Khvarena's Brilliance

Change History[]

