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Guests in Qingce is an event World Quest for Lantern Rite. Completing it is required to unlock the requests in Lantern Rite Tales: Part III.


  1. Talk to Wang'ya
  2. Find Mr. Bohuan
  3. Give a Xiao Lantern to Uncle Ghast
  4. Give a Xiao Lantern to Master Lu
  5. Give a Xiao Lantern to Hanfeng
  6. Talk to Qingzhou
  7. Give three Xiao Lantern materials to Qingzhou
  8. Guess the first lantern riddle
    • "Xiao Lantern" is the correct answer
  9. Guess the second lantern riddle
    • "Firecrackers" is the correct answer
  10. Guess the third lantern riddle
    • "Kites" is the correct answer
  11. Talk to Qingzhou
  12. Talk to Wang'ya
  13. Follow Wang'ya
  14. Talk to Wang'ya
  15. Follow Wang'ya
  16. Talk to Wang'ya


UI Quest Quest Description

Wang'ya has something to say to you at Wangshu Inn...
(Talk to Wang'ya)
Wang'ya: That should be enough...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you going to do?
Wang'ya: Hmm? I'm surprised to see you here...
Wang'ya: You still remember how I invited Qingzhou and Mr. Bohuan to Qingce Village, right?
Wang'ya: They've headed there already. Meet them there if you want to join.
Wang'ya: I still have something to do here. I'll make my way to Qingce Village as soon as I'm done.
Icon Dialogue Talk I feel like you're never done...
Icon Dialogue Talk I feel like you're constantly busy during the festival season...
Wang'ya: Ah... I can't help it. The workload at the Ministry of Civil Affairs during the Lantern Rite is unbelievable.
Wang'ya: The Ministry of Civil Affairs is transporting some festival supplies today, and Wangshu Inn happens to be a transit station.
Wang'ya: Since I'm here, I promised them that I'd monitor the transfer of goods...
Wang'ya: You can go to Qingce Village first and wait for their arrival. Making an inventory shouldn't take me long.
(Talk to Wang'ya again)
Wang'ya: Hmm, I wonder if Qingzhou and Mr. Bohuan have made it to Qingce Village yet...

(Talk to Mr. Bohuan or Granny Ruoxin)
Granny Ruoxin: Mm... Not bad! In fact, your calligraphy is the best I've ever seen.
Mr. Bohuan: Hahaha, that's very nice of you to say! I'm afraid that's the best I can do... Would you like anything else written?
Icon Dialogue Talk I see that you're all set up.
Mr. Bohuan: Ah, it's you! I just got here. My calligraphy is actually in great demand. I need to pick up my pace if I want to assist all those people.
Mr. Bohuan: Qingzhou is here too. Have you seen him since you came?
Icon Dialogue Talk I didn't see him...
Icon Dialogue Talk He's not with you?
Mr. Bohuan: Uh... We traveled to Qingce Village together, but he seemed very perturbed all the way here.
Mr. Bohuan: I asked what troubled him, but he only sighed and said he lost inspiration.
Mr. Bohuan: When we finally got here, I got straight to writing, and he said he wanted to look around alone, so we parted ways.
Mr. Bohuan: Perhaps the villagers know where he is. You'd better ask around.
Mr. Bohuan: While you're at it, I could use your help with returning these adorned Xiao Lanterns to their owners. Let me mark their locations for you...
Mr. Bohuan: I still have a lot of writing to do here, so I'll leave the lantern delivery to you.
(Obtain Inscribed Xiao Lantern Inscribed Xiao Lantern ×3)
(Talk to Mr. Bohuan or Granny Ruoxin again)
Granny Ruoxin: Many thanks for your wonderful calligraphy, a good calligrapher is hard to come by.
Mr. Bohuan: Why, it's my pleasure! I still have a few more lanterns to do, hold on...

(Talk to Uncle Ghast)
Uncle Ghast: What is it, youngster?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Xiao Lanterns with Mr. Bohuan's calligraphy...
Uncle Ghast: Oh... Right, I did ask that gentleman to make an inscription for me. That's it, isn't it?
Uncle Ghast: Nicely done... Thank you for bringing it to me. I still need to thank that calligrapher, too.
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you seen Qingzhou by any chance?
Uncle Ghast: Qingzhou... Do you mean that famous poet? I saw him around here with a huge frown on his face. He seemed really upset.
Uncle Ghast: Uh... That's all I know. Maybe someone else will be able to point you to him.
(Talk to Uncle Ghast again)
Uncle Ghast: Whoa, that's some fine calligraphy...

(Talk to Master Lu)
Master Lu: Welcome to Fanmu Carpenter's! Anything you'd like to order?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Xiao Lanterns with Mr. Bohuan's calligraphy...
Master Lu: It's done? Let me take a look...
Master Lu: That's quite something! A fine piece of writing!
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you seen Qingzhou by any chance?
Master Lu: Ah, that poet? I saw him earlier with some kids who were following him around.
Master Lu: I wish I could tell you more. Perhaps other villagers will be of more help.
(Talk to Master Lu again)
Master Lu: Wow, nice calligraphy...

(Talk to Hanfeng)
Hanfeng, "Cold Blade": Hello. Can I help you with something?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Xiao Lanterns with Mr. Bohuan's calligraphy...
Hanfeng, "Cold Blade": Is it ready? Let me see...
Hanfeng, "Cold Blade": Oh my! This is lovely! That gentleman is blessed with amazing talent...
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you seen Qingzhou by any chance?
Hanfeng, "Cold Blade": Qingzhou? Yes, I've seen him. He just passed by here with a bunch of children.
Hanfeng, "Cold Blade": He said... that they were going out to play some games. Odd, isn't it? You wouldn't expect such a renowned poet to entertain children that way...
Hanfeng, "Cold Blade": You shouldn't have too much trouble finding him. Just go that way.
(Talking to Hanfeng again)
Hanfeng, "Cold Blade": If you're looking for Qingzhou, head out that way. He took some children out to play a game.

(Talk to any of the three kids before Qingzhou)
Little Liu: I wonder what Uncle Qingzhou's next riddle will be...
Little Zuo: I'm definitely gonna solve this one.
Little You: I... I'll try my hardest...
(Talk to Qingzhou)
Qingzhou: This... will not work. It needs to be more elaborate...
Qingzhou: No... Another dead end. Something so cryptic would only alienate my little audience...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you up to?
Qingzhou: Oh, it's you, my liege! I am crafting lantern riddles for these children.
Icon Dialogue Talk Lantern... what?
Qingzhou: You are not familiar with those, I presume? You may consider it... a game, of sorts.
Qingzhou: Each Xiao Lantern has a short riddle inscribed upon it. The person who solves the riddle can take the lantern it was written on.
Qingzhou: At present, I am trying to perfect these three riddles. And as if this wasn't enough, my little friends also insist on adding additional "loot" for correct solutions...
Qingzhou: Hehe, "loot"... How do they even know of such expressions?
Icon Dialogue Talk What about your competition with Vermeer?
Icon Dialogue Talk Still remember your competition with Vermeer?
Qingzhou: The competition... *sigh* It shames me to say this... The matter has been on my mind ever since we agreed upon it...
Qingzhou: But no matter where I look, I cannot seem to find even an ounce of inspiration. I have no idea what kind of poem would be a worthy depiction of both Liyue Harbor and the Lantern Rite...
Qingzhou: Truth be told that was the reason I accepted Wang'ya's invitation. I had hoped that maybe here I'd collect some material and find my muse.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are the lantern riddles supposed to help you with that?
Icon Dialogue Talk What kind of material could you possibly find here?
Qingzhou: Hahaha, do not worry about me, my liege. My writer's block has not got the best of me yet.
Qingzhou: Those lantern riddles, however, have nothing to do with finding inspiration.
Qingzhou: I felt really bad for these children. They have no one to entertain them or take them on holiday outing in this place, completely bereft of any festive atmosphere as it is...
Qingzhou: I just wanted to amuse them with my riddles so that they can participate in the Lantern Rite like the rest of us.
Qingzhou: Anyways, I just came up with three riddles. Now I just need three Xiao Lanterns...
Qingzhou: Would you be kind enough to bring me three sets of Xiao Lantern materials, my liege?

(Talking to Qingzhou after collecting materials)
Qingzhou: Have you collected three sets of Xiao Lantern materials yet?
(After giving him all 9 materials)
Qingzhou: Hmm, you are most capable indeed! I just need a moment to make these lanterns. Then, we can write the riddles on them.
Qingzhou makes three Xiao Lanterns and writes riddles on them...
Qingzhou: Alright, this should do it.
Icon Dialogue Talk These Xiao Lanterns...
Icon Dialogue Talk Who knew you had it in you...
Qingzhou: Heh... I'm from Liyue after all. Making Xiao Lanterns runs in our blood. Although my technique isn't the greatest...
Qingzhou: Our little friends are ready to take their shot at the riddles. Why don't you stay and cheer for them?

(Talk to Qingzhou)
Qingzhou: Heh, come on, keep thinking. Once you crack one bit of it, the rest will follow straight away.
(Before solving the first lantern riddle)
Little Liu: Ugh, this is soooo haaaard...
(Guessing the first lantern riddle)
Lantern Riddle: "Rock-hard flesh and bamboo bones. Lives in the city with thousands of clones."
Lantern Riddle: "Pitch black sea marks the end of its flight. Within its body hides resplendent light."
Paimon: Th—That's what a lantern riddle is? Too difficult for Paimon's little brain... Do you have any clue what the answer might be?
Lantern Riddle: "Rock-hard flesh and bamboo bones. Lives in the city with thousands of clones."
Lantern Riddle: "Pitch black sea marks the end of its flight. Within its body hides resplendent light."
Icon Dialogue Talk Boiled Fish.
Qingzhou: Hmm... Wrong answer. You may wish to give it some more thought.
(Repeats the riddle)
Icon Dialogue Talk Xiao Lantern.
Qingzhou: Correct! You've guessed right.
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon.
Qingzhou: Hmm... Wrong answer. You may wish to give it some more thought.
(Repeats the riddle)
Qingzhou: Xiao Lanterns have bamboo frames and insides made of rocks. They float in the sky after release. You do not find them in the wild, and that's why each one "lives in the city."
Qingzhou: Even chunk of Plaustrite inside is not easily damaged, the lampshade can break. Once released, a Xiao Lantern may fall into the sea, which "marks the end of its flight."
Qingzhou: Even so, the wishes committed to the lanterns will not perish... Which is symbolized by their "resplendent light."
Little Liu: *sigh* I wouldn't have thought about it at all...
Little Liu: Wow, you're so smart! So... you should take this gift!
Little Liu: My friends say that you should always get some "loot" for guessing the right answer... This can be your "loot."
(Obtain Bird Egg Bird Egg)
(After solving the first riddle)
Little Liu: Ohh, so it was Xiao Lanterns. But what the heck are the "Verses of Equilibrium"...

(Before solving the second lantern riddle)
Little Zuo: Bamboo tube... powdered stone... What does it mean?
(Guessing the second lantern riddle)
Lantern Riddle: "A bamboo tube with powdered stone. Burns in the night as bright as the sun."
Lantern Riddle: "It roars like thunder, very frightening. But it summons ash instead of lightning."
Paimon: This one seems really simple, if you think hard enough...
Lantern Riddle: "A bamboo tube with powdered stone. Burns in the night as bright as the sun."
Lantern Riddle: "It roars like thunder, very frightening. But it summons ash instead of lightning."
Icon Dialogue Talk Xiao Lanterns.
Qingzhou: Hmm... Wrong answer. You may wish to give it some more thought.
(Repeats the riddle)
Icon Dialogue Talk Baron Bunny.
Qingzhou: Hmm... Wrong answer. You may wish to give it some more thought.
(Repeats the riddle)
Icon Dialogue Talk Firecrackers.
Qingzhou: Correct! You've guessed right. Haha, it must have been a fairly simple one. Bamboo tube, powered stone, burns in the night...
Qingzhou: And then, "clap of thunder." "Firecrackers" is the only possible answer.
Little Zuo: ...Ohhhh! Of course!!! How did I not get that...
Little Zuo: Since you solved the riddle, here's your reward.
(Obtain Frog Frog)
(After solving the second lantern riddle)
Little Zuo: Firecrackers! How did I not think of that...

(Before solving the third lantern riddle)
Little You: Hmm, string... Where does that fit in...
(Guessing the third lantern riddle)
Lantern Riddle: "Watch me rise from Wanmin and ride the wind to Jueyun."
Lantern Riddle: "But if my string is broken, I flail and plummet into oblivion."
Paimon: Uhh... What does that mean?
Lantern Riddle: "Watch me rise from Wanmin and ride the wind to Jueyun."
Lantern Riddle: "But if my string is broken, I flail and plummet into oblivion."
Icon Dialogue Talk Dandelions.
Qingzhou: Hmm... Wrong answer. You may wish to give it some more thought.
(Repeats the riddle)
Icon Dialogue Talk An adventurer using a wind glider.
Qingzhou: Hmm... Wrong answer. You may wish to give it some more thought.
(Repeats the riddle)
Icon Dialogue Talk Kites.
Qingzhou: Correct! You've guessed right. You have to "ride the wind" if you want to get as high as Jueyun...
Qingzhou: And you control it with a string. So naturally, it must be a kite.
Little You: What? How does that work... Hmm...
Little You: ...Oh, I guess it must be. How did you get that, though? You must be super smart.
Little You: Since you solved the riddle, here's your reward.
(Obtain Potato Potato)
(After solving the third lantern riddle)
Little You: Ohhhh, a kite...

(Talk to Qingzhou)
Qingzhou: You must have a sharp mind if you managed to solve all three riddles.
Qingzhou: Um, so... Although typically the one who solves the riddles gets free Xiao Lanterns, I'm afraid I simply can't give you these Xiao Lanterns here...
Qingzhou: And it would ruin my hands if I were to try and make three more. Ahem... Please take these instead.
Qingzhou: These children don't seem ready to stop just yet... It seems like three riddles was not enough. I'll have to come up with a few more.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, about your poetic inspiration...
Icon Dialogue Talk Vermeer has probably already...
Qingzhou: ...
Qingzhou: Oh, don't read too much into it... That was just a little idea I came up with, it's nothing serious.
Qingzhou: But these children are waiting very expectantly for me to give them lantern riddles.
Qingzhou: I'll keep entertaining them until they've had enough. When the painter comes, I'll let him know.
Qingzhou: Ah, would you look at the time? Wang'ya should be arriving any moment now. Please, could you receive her on my behalf? I shall continue entertaining these children with lantern riddles.
(Obtain 10,000 Mora)
(Talk to Qingzhou or any of the three kids)
Little Liu: One more, one more! I'll definitely get it this time!
Little Zuo: This time... This time I'll crack it, too.
Little You: And I... also wanna try.
Qingzhou: Okay, children, settle down. Let me think for a moment... Hmm...

(Talk to Wang'ya)
Wang'ya: Well, I'm here... Traveler? Have you seen Qingzhou and Mr. Bohuan?
Icon Dialogue Talk About Qingzhou and Mr. Bohuan...
Wang'ya: I see... Great! I thought nobody would make arrangements if I wasn't here.
Wang'ya: The Ministry of Civil Affairs has quite a lot of goods for distribution. It's taken me a long time to count them all up.
Wang'ya: I came here as soon as I finished. Didn't think I'd end up being so late...
Wang'ya: But from the sounds of it, everything's under control and I don't need to do anything.
Wang'ya: I'll go and see them in a bit. Let's take a walk first.

(Talking to Wang'ya after walking)
Wang'ya: Qingce Village... I actually came here as a child a few times.
Wang'ya: I always liked the tofu here, and the little wooden carvings.
Wang'ya: The surroundings here are quite beautiful, too. In the past, a lot of people thought it was great living here.
Icon Dialogue Talk So... What happened?
Wang'ya: Well... for older people, Qingce Village is a calm and easygoing place to live. Everything is familiar, and things don't change much.
Wang'ya: Stay here a while and you might even start wondering whether time has stopped.
Wang'ya: But it's maybe not the best place for young people...
Wang'ya: For a variety of reasons, most of the young people from Qingce Village have moved to Liyue Harbor, leaving only the old people and young children behind.
Icon Dialogue Talk What reasons, exactly?
Wang'ya: It's a long story. Hard to explain.
Wang'ya: Let's keep walking.

(Talking to Wang'ya after walking)
Wang'ya: To sum up, for one reason or another, Qingce Village has slowly become a village for the elderly and for the kids.
Wang'ya: When the festive season comes around, it's difficult for them to create a really celebratory atmosphere here. The Ministry of Civil Affairs always arranges to send supplies over, but...
Wang'ya: But that's really all we can do for them as outsiders here.
Wang'ya: I think that what they really need is the company of their families.
Wang'ya: Without your family around you... all the material wealth, all the organized entertainment in the world is just...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Family...
Wang'ya: Ah! Sorry, it's just I deal with things like this all the time... I guess when I'm not careful, I just start talking about heavy topics...
Wang'ya: On the bright side, Qingce Village is much more festive than usual this year with Qingzhou, Mr. Bohuan, and you here.
Wang'ya: Thanks again for your help, Traveler.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why don't you go home?
Icon Dialogue Talk What about... your family?
Wang'ya: I... It can't be helped. The Ministry of Civil Affairs delivers supplies to many places during the Lantern Rite, and I still have my part to do...
Wang'ya: Some of the places are so far away that I'll bet you've never even heard of them.
Wang'ya: And it's not just me. Many of my colleagues are out delivering Xiao Lanterns, too.
Wang'ya: Our hope and our duty is to deliver Xiao Lanterns to all, so everyone can experience the festival spirit.
Wang'ya: But as for me... Haha, I'm a bit of an exception. I don't get to go home during the festive period.
Wang'ya: In a good year, I get to take a few days off near the end of the festival and spend some time with my family.
Wang'ya: They're generally very understanding about it. But I suspect that this time, my mother's going to nag me about it.
Wang'ya: Well, I'll have to get back to work shortly. You should make the most of everything going on during the festival.
Wang'ya: Happy Lantern Rite!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGuests in Qingce
Qīngcè Láikè
Qingce Guests
Qīngcè Láikè
Keisaku no Raikyaku
Qingce Visitors
Korean경책의 손님
Gyeongchaek-ui Sonnim
Guests of Qingce
SpanishVisitantes de la Aldea ChingtséGuests of Qingce Village
FrenchInvitations à QingceInvitations to Qingce
RussianГости деревни Цинцэ
Gosti derevni Tsintse
Qingce Village Guests
ThaiQingce กับแขกผู้มาเยือน
VietnameseKhách đến Khinh Sách
GermanGäste in QingceGuests in Qingce
IndonesianPengunjung Qingce VillageQingce Village Visitors
PortugueseConvidados na Vila Qingce

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