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Goal: Counter the "Phantom Blubberbeast!" is an Event Quest during the Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Event.


  1. Take a stroll in the Court of Fontaine's business district
  2. Talk to Lepine-Pauline


UI Quest Quest Description

Since Paimon's in a good mood, she suggests you take a walk around the Court of Fontaine together. You certainly didn't excpect [sic] to run into an eccentric engineer...
(On obtaining quest)
Media:vo wfeq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hee-hee~ Paimon's in a really great mood today! Dunno why, but Paimon's head is filled with happy thoughts!
Media:vo wfeq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Why don't we make the most of it? Let's take a walk around Fontaine, maybe buy some souvenirs and grab a tasty snack!

(Approach Lepine-Pauline)
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 01.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Snappity-snap, printy-printy-printy... Stackity stack stack stack!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 02.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Whoa! Those two are kinda big deals!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 03.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Hey, you two! Can I take your picture?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh...? Does she mean us? Why does she want our picture?
Icon Dialogue Talk She probably just wants a keepsake.
Icon Dialogue Talk But if it's for commercial use, we could charge her for it...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hehehe... Guess we'd better get used to the celebrity treatment, huh? Can't blame the fans for wanting a photo of their heroes!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: But if this is for anything besides your own personal use, then we're legally allowed to charge you... Wait, what would they call it here? An appearance fee? Photoshoot fee?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 04.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Absolutely! It's just an honor to be able to photograph the ace adventurer duo. How does one-and-a-half million Mora sound?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Sure, that sounds fine!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: ...Hold up, how much did you say again? One-and-a-half million!? Did Paimon hear that right?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: That's a lot of Mora for just one photograph... Maybe a little too much? Are we really worth all that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Snap away! Take as many photos as you like!
Icon Dialogue Talk This sounds too good to be true...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 05.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Hah! You guys are overreacting. This measly one-and-a-half mil is just the start!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 06.ogg Lepine-Pauline: If you're interested in working with me as a photographer, you could potentially be taking home anywhere up to nine-figures! Snap some snaps and stack those stacks!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Nine figures? That's... wait... every thousand is three figures, plus one for the one... so one million, that's seven, plus two is... ten million, a hundred million... A HUNDRED MILLION!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Now you're just throwing numbers out.
Icon Dialogue Talk I have doubts about your sincerity.
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Yeah! This all sounds too crazy even for Paimon to fall for it!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What kind of racket are you running here? You planning on flashing a couple of famous faces to con innocent people?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 07.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Con innocent people! Hah, you took the words right out of my mouth!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 08.ogg Lepine-Pauline: But you got it back to front — my goal here is to rid Teyvat of everyone out there who's trying to con innocent people. Help me out, and there'll be a big bonus in it for you!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Whoa, back up a little! Seems you skipped a couple of steps... How did you get from photography to... crime fighting?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 09.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Well, it all has to do with an important problem in law enforcement that often gets overlooked: target recognition.
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 10.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Common sense says that if Gardemeks want to fight crime, the first thing they need to do is identify who's a criminal and who isn't. Right?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 11.ogg Lepine-Pauline: But what happens when a Gardemek mistakes an honest citizen for a criminal? Or sees someone brandishing a weapon in public, but fails to flag them as a potential threat? Then you've got a huge problem!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 12.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Think of the poor fisherman whose fishing rod gets mistaken for a spear! Or the crafty crook who carries around a metal pipe to club his victims with, but dismissed as a regular plumber!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Okay... Fair enough, you're kinda making sense now...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 13.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Great. Okay, so let's say I disguise myself as a cat, or a dog, or a finch, or a pigeon — or maybe even a Blubberbeast, because why the heck not? So I'm walking around the city streets like an escaped amusement park employee, and a Gardemek sees me. How do you think it would respond?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry, how did we get to amusement parks?
Icon Dialogue Talk A disguise? Don't you mean a costume?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: That's cheating!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: A Gardemek's not gonna do anything to some cute little critter. Also, what kind of Blubberbeast would even want to come to the city anyway...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 14.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Bingo! Right answer.
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 15.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Gardemeks are incapable of registering cats, dogs, finches, pigeons — and, of course, Blubberbeasts — as potential targets. Their image recognition system actually ignores them completely.
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 16.ogg Lepine-Pauline: It is actually fairly logical, if you think about it. Removing all the near-zero-risk entities from the target database boosts performance in most situations.
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 17.ogg Lepine-Pauline: But here's a quote from a recent report in The Steambird: "Several keen-eyed thieves who noticed a flaw in the Gardemeks detection systems disguised themselves as Blubberbeasts during the commission of their crimes"...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 18.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Completely blind to the would-be-Blubberbeasts, the Gardemeks made no attempt to intervene in the thefts committed by the gang.
Icon Dialogue Talk Those crafty crooks!
Icon Dialogue Talk So devious!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Wait, so this actually happened? And the Gardemeks really didn't catch them?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Okay, that's pretty gutsy... But also kinda horrifying. What if they get bored of petty theft, and move to something even worse? They could get away with anything!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 19.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Exactly. And that's why we have to fight these criminals in the domain of technology. It's turned into an ongoing tug-of-war between their disguises and our image recognition capabilities.
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 20.ogg Lepine-Pauline: And I, Lepine-Pauline, specialist in Graph Adversarial Technology, am determined to do my part towards a crime-free future for Fontaine!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 21.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Currently, I'm in the process of collecting sample images. Once I have a large enough pool, I'll use that to develop a simple but powerful and highly accurate image-recognition algorithm that runs on a small graphical processing module...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 22.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Any clockwork meka installed with this module will instantly be able to recognize people wearing disguises and accurately assess the criminal threat they pose.
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 23.ogg Lepine-Pauline: And if all goes to plan, the Palais Mermonia will jump at the chance to have these installed on every Gardemek in the city... It's the business opportunity of a lifetime!
Icon Dialogue Talk And this all starts with you doing street photography?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think you might have some trouble getting enough samples...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Paimon's getting deja vu... Lemme guess, you're a homebody researcher who prefers to stick to the city, limiting your potential sample size...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: And the reason you wanna work with us is because we can go out into the wild and help you get all the other photos you need. Right?
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 24.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Wow, haha... Right again! Down to the last detail... Sounds like the ace adventurer duo has seen it all before.
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 25.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Whaddaya say? Join my project, become a Graph Adversarial Technology specialist, and together we can expose every costumed offender in Fontaine!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 26.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Crucially, with your help, we can build a solid Graph Adversarial tech pipeline and take Fontaine's technology and law enforcement capabilities to the next level! Everybody wins!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Hmm... This does sound like it's for a good cause...
Media:vo wfeq001 2 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Forget the Mora — we can't stand by and do nothing... There are criminals out there giving Blubberbeasts a bad name, and that's something Paimon won't stand for!
Icon Dialogue Talk Justice for Blubberbeasts!
Icon Dialogue Talk Nine-figure bonus, here we come!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 27.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Great! And just like that, welcome to the team!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 28.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Okay, take this — it's an Image Recognition Sample Collector. It contains recording and analysis equipment that I designed myself, and comes complete with a user guide!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 29.ogg Lepine-Pauline: I've already looked through lots of images from all over to determine the key features of the samples I'd like to collect. All you need to do is work your way through the guide, get the pictures, and bring them back to me. Simple!
Media:vo wfeq001 2 lepine-pauline 30.ogg Lepine-Pauline: Let's get this show on the road, everyone. We must win the tug-of-war against evildoers... and score some big-ticket orders from the Palais Mermonia!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGoal: Counter the "Phantom Blubberbeast!"
Datou! "Kaitou Pukupuku-juu"!
Korean목표: 「탱탱 물범 괴도」 식별 작전!
Mokpyo: "Taengtaeng Mulbeom Goedo" Sikbyeol Jakjeon!
SpanishObjetivo: ¡Guerra a los Ladrones Foca Abotargada!Objective: War on the Bloated Seal Thieves!
FrenchObjectif : contrer les boudinés voleurs !Objective: Counter the Thieving BlubberbeastsBlubberbeastsBlubberbeastsBlubberbeastsTooltip for BlubberbeastsBlubberbeasts
RussianЦель: противостоять вору-пухленю!
Tsel': protivostoyat' voru-pukhlenyu!
Goal: Counter the BlubberbeastBlubberbeastBlubberbeastBlubberbeastTooltip for BlubberbeastBlubberbeast Thief!
Thaiเป้าหมาย: ต่อต้าน "หัวขโมย Blubberbeast"!
VietnameseĐối Phó Với "Kẻ Trộm Giả Dạng Hải Thú Bồng Bềnh"!
GermanZiel: Bekämpfe den Pummelrobben-Banditen!Goal: Fight the "BlubberbeastBlubberbeastBlubberbeastBlubberbeastTooltip for BlubberbeastBlubberbeast Bandit!"
IndonesianTarget: Lawan si "Phantom Blubberbeast Thief"!Target: Fight the "Phantom Blubberbeast Thief"!
PortugueseAlvo: Contra-ataque a "Foquinha Rotunda Ladra"!
TurkishBiri "Hayalet Tombalağı" Durdursun Canım!
ItalianObiettivo: Contrasta la "Blobbofoca fantasma"!Objective: Counter the "Phantom Blubber Seal"!

Change History[]
