Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Glowing Hornshroom Spore is a Gardening Material which can be obtained by harvesting Glowing Hornshroom with the Seed Dispensary or purchased from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×5.

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Glowing Hornshroom Spore:

Item NPC Realm Currency Cost Stock Notes
Glowing Hornshroom Spore Glowing Hornshroom Spore Serenitea Pot/Realm Depot 5 5

Craft Usage[]

No recipes use Glowing Hornshroom Spore as an ingredient.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGlowing Hornshroom Spore
"Keikou Shino-kinoko" no Houshi
Korean「형광 뿔버섯」 포자
"Hyeonggwang Ppulbeoseot" Poja
SpanishEspora de cornihongo luminoso
FrenchSpore de champicorne brillant
RussianСпоры мерцающего рогатого гриба
Spory mertsayushchego rogatogo griba
ThaiGlowing Hornshroom Spore
VietnameseBào Tử Nấm Sừng Phát Sáng
IndonesianGlowing Hornshroom Spore
PortugueseEsporo de Cogumelo Brilhante
TurkishParlak Boynuz Mantarı Sporu
ItalianSpora di Cornofungo luminoso

Change History[]

Version 5.3
  • Glowing Hornshroom Seed was renamed to Glowing Hornshroom Spore.

Version 5.2

  • Glowing Hornshroom Seed was released.

