Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Section Order

For consistency, all articles must follow a general layout:

  1. Notices
  2. Hatnotes
  3. Soundtrack Infobox
  4. Introduction
  5. Production Credits
  6. Videos
  7. Trivia
  8. Other Languages
  9. References
  10. Categories
  11. Interwikis

Soundtrack Infobox

{{Soundtrack Infobox
|title          =
|image          =
|album          =
|releaseDate    =
|disc           =
|number         =
|featured       =
|featured2      =
|featured3      =
|featured_disc  =
|featured_disc2 =
|featured_disc3 =
|youtube_id     =
|youtube_time   =
|spotify_id     =
|previous       =
|next           =
{{Soundtrack Infobox
|title          =
|image          = City of Winds and Idylls.png
|album          = City of Winds and Idylls
|disc           = 1
|number         = 03
|featured       = GENSHIN CONCERT 2021 "Melodies of an Endless Journey" (CD)
|featured2      =
|featured3      =
|featured_disc  = A
|featured_disc2 =
|featured_disc3 =
|youtube_id     = AALrH26HAmw
|youtube_time   = 188
|spotify_id     = 72qSf167ZBQ8ptRaCTP0MA
|previous       = Legend of the Wind
|next           = Bustling Afternoon in Mondstadt

The template {{Soundtrack Infobox}} is used here. See the documentation for more details on the parameters and their use.

title Refers to the official title of the soundtrack. This is used when the page title and soundtrack title are different from each other.
image Refers to the cover image of the album the soundtrack is from. All album covers can be found in Category:Soundtrack Covers.
album Refers to the album the soundtrack is from. The template automatically links the album name.
releaseDate Refers to the date of the track's release, if not included in the album when it was first released.
disc Refers to the disc number, not the disc name. If the album does not have discs, this parameter is left empty.
number Refers to the number assigned to the soundtrack in the album's tracklist. The number should be written in two digits (e.g. 01, 15).
This is for soundtracks that are featured in albums other than the ones they were originally released in.
youtube_ID Refers to the YouTube video ID which can be found in the URL. These videos should come from the official Genshin Impact or HOYO-MiX channels.
youtube_time Refers to the timestamp for a soundtrack in a compilation video.
spotify_id Refers to the ID of the soundtrack on Spotify.
This should include the full page name of the soundtrack, which will be automatically linked by the template. Leave the parameter empty if no track is to be put here.


  • Soundtrack titles are bolded while album/EP names are italicized.
  • The introduction should only include the official soundtrack name.
  • If the soundtrack (already included in an album or EP) was featured as a Radiant Spincrystal tune, it should be noted in a separate line:
This soundtrack was featured as a tune contained within [[Radiant Spincrystal 00]].

Album Release

'''{{subst:PAGENAME}}''' is a [[soundtrack]] from the album ''[[Album]]''.

Extended Play

'''{{subst:PAGENAME}}''' is a [[soundtrack]] featured in the EP ''EP Name''.

Radiant Spincrystal

'''{{subst:PAGENAME}}''' is a [[soundtrack]] featured as a tune contained within [[Radiant Spincrystal 00]].

Soundtrack Usage

==Soundtrack Usage==
{{Soundtrack Usage
{{Soundtrack Usage
|location=Mondstadt City//Day;;Stormterror's Lair

The template {{Soundtrack Usage}} is used here. See the documentation for more details on the parameters and their use.

Production Credits

==Production Credits==
==Production Credits==
!Staff<ref>NetEase Cloud Music: [ Path of Yaksha {{zh|捷疾之业}}]</ref>
|Yu-Peng Chen ({{zh|陈致逸}})
|Dimeng Yuan ({{zh|苑迪萌}})
|Jiannan Gu ({{zh|顾剑楠}})
!Electric Guitar
|Dimeng Yuan ({{zh|苑迪萌}})
|International Master Philharmonic Orchestra ({{zh|国际首席爱乐乐团}})
!Recording Studio
|Jintian Recording Studio ({{zh|金田录音棚}})
!Recording Engineer
|Xiaosi Wang ({{zh|王小四}})
!Mixing Engineer
|Dimeng Yuan ({{zh|苑迪萌}})
!Mastering Engineer
|Dimeng Yuan ({{zh|苑迪萌}})
  • Production credits and other details should be taken from official miHoYo and HOYO-MiX media. List of credits are available on Chinese music platforms NetEase Cloud Music, QQ Music, and Igeciku.
    • For The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2 and succeeding albums, the music was first released on QQ Music and then on NetEase Cloud Music seven days later.
  • The source of credits lists should be included in the table, next to Staff using <ref></ref>. The reference must include the link, platform name, and soundtrack name. See example above.
  • If there are multiple people for a role, separate the names with commas.
  • Additional names that were not included in these lists can be included in the table provided that there is a credible source of the person's involvement in the production. For example, violinist Philippe Honoré was shown to be play the violin for The Edge of the Prairie in Genshin Impact OST — Behind the Scenes with the Artists but was not credited for his solo.
  • All names follow the Western name order (first name-last name).
  • Chinese and Japanese characters must be written in {{zh}} and {{ja}}.
  • Yu-Peng Chen (陈宇鹏) is always credited with his stage name, Zhiyi Chen (陈致逸), in Chinese. See example above.

Chinese-English Staff Names

Chinese Name English Name
阿烈 A Lie
徐威 Aaron Xu
陈子敏 Arcangelo Chen
麻锅 Bardge
黄北星 Beixing Huang
沈贝怡 Beiyi Shen
杨冰洋 Bingyang Yang
吴身宝 Bob Wu
吴波涛 Botao Wu
刘耳朵 Chang Liu
罗畅 Chang Luo
李超 Chao Li
王晨醒 Chenxing Wang
短笛 Chun Liu
李楚然 Churan Li
房大磊 Dalei Fang
吴丹 Dan Wu
苑迪萌 Dimeng Yuan
安栋 Dong An
欧阳东方 Dongfang Ouyang
豆子 Dou
亦乐 Elim
齐放 Fang Qi
岳艮 Gen Yue
肖广一 Guangyi Xiao
陈冠男 Guannan Chen
李海涛 Haitao Li
李翰琪 Hanqi Li
林禾 He Lin
张宏涛 Hongtao Zhang
陈泓璇 Hongxuan Chen
屠化冰 Huabing Tu
黄銘 Huang Ming
庾慧晶 Huijing Yu
苏绘璎 Huiying Su
田佳 Jia Tian
罗嘉成 Jiacheng Luo
何迦德 Jiade He
施佳加 Jiajia Shi
马稼骏 Jiajun Ma
张佳理 Jiali Zhang
顾剑楠 Jiannan Gu
葛佳麒 Jiaqi Ge
莫家伟 Jiawei Mo
张洁敏 Jiemin Zhang
柴锦斐 Jinfei Chai
葛金桥 Jinqiao Ge
尚靖雅 Jingya Shang
陈宇轩 Jovi
刘俊杰 Junjie Liu
王昆 Kun Wang
李晨安 Li Chenan
汤琳 Lin Tang
杨丽莹 Liying Yang
馬雪潼 Ma Xuetong
柳鸣 Ming Liu
赵墨佳 Mojia Zhao
权宁枚 Ningmei Quan
尤裴佳 Peijia You
李朋 Peng Li
丁谦 Qian Ding
刘峤 Qiao Liu
张琴 Qin Zhang
刘睿 Rui Liu
陆莎莎 Shasha Lu
高胜寒 Sheng-Han Gao
谢圣娴 Shengxian Xie
王斯迈 Simai Wang
曹思义 Siyi Cao
张松洁 Songjie Zhang
徐天晓 Tianxiao Xu
刘婉秋 Wanqiu Liu
包雯茜 Wenqian Bao
李巍 Wei Li
唐卫青 Weiqing Tang
施文卿 Wenqing Shi
孟霄 Xiao Meng
曹晓冬 Xiaodong Cao
袁小钢 Xiaogang Yuan
程晓华 Xiaohua Cheng
丁晓逵 Xiaokui Ding
陈小龙 Xiaolong Chen
王小四 Xiaosi Wang
王潇希 Xiaoxi Wang
陆晓幸 Xiaoxing Lu
赵鑫 Xin Zhao
陈鑫光 Xinguang Chen
杜欣欣 Xinxin Du
程锡峥 Xizheng Cheng
柯燕芳 Yanfang Ke
杨扬 Yang Yang
范晔 Ye Fan
伊豊宇 Yi Fengyu
李一 Yi Li
孙艺 Yi Sun
申依靖 Yijing Shen
姜以君 Yijun Jiang
王颖 Ying Wang
刘颖熙 Yingxi Liu
魏英轩 Yingxuan Wei
茅异竹 Yizhu Mao
孙宇 Yu Sun
于源春 Yuanchun Yu
王宇宸 Yuchen Wang
陈致逸 Yu-Peng Chen
王昱平 Yuping Wang
王与兵 Yubing Wang
戴月 Yue Dai
金玥 Yue Jin
朱玥 Yue Zhu
王予曦 Yuxi Wang
黄巍 Zach Huang
张栗 Zhang Li
夏之炜 Zhiwei Xia
朱忠强 Zhongqiang Zhu
丛众一 Zhongyi Cong
伍洲 Zhou Wu
车子玉 Ziyu Che

Chinese-English Group Names

Chinese Name English Name
龙之艺交响乐团 Art of Dragon Orchestra
龙之艺四重奏 Art of Dragon Quartet
龙之艺交响乐团 Art of Loong Orchestra
中国农影录音棚 China Agricultural Film and Television Center Studio
中国剧院录音棚 Chinese Theatre Recording Studio
国际首席爱乐乐团 International Master Philharmonic Orchestra
金田录音棚 Jintian Recording Studio
伦敦爱乐乐团 London Philharmonic Orchestra
Sfuture艺术团 Sfuture Art Group
上海音像公司录音棚 Shanghai Audio & Video Company Recording Studio
上海广播大厦 Shanghai Media Group
上海爱乐交响合唱团 Shanghai Philharmonic Society & Choir
上海交响乐团音乐厅 Shanghai Symphony Hall
上海交响乐团 Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
上海朱梓溶艺术工作室 Shanghai Zhu Zirong Art Studio
上海音像公司录音棚 YX STUDIO

Chinese-English Role Names

Chinese Name English Name
编曲 Arranger
合唱团 Choir
合唱指挥 Choir Conductor
作曲 Composer
指挥 / 指挥家 Conductor
联合制作 Co-Production
音频编辑 Editing Engineer
电声乐队编配 Electroacoustic Band Arranger
民乐监制 Folk Instruments Supervisor
作词 Lyricist
母带 / 母带制作 Mastering Engineer
混音助理 Mixing Assistant
混音 / 混音师 Mixing Engineer
音乐监制 Music Supervisor
乐队 Orchestra
乐团经理 Orchestra Manager
舞台监督 Orchestra Stage Manager
乐队配器 Orchestrator
出品 Production
Protools工程师 Pro Tools Engineer
录音师 / 声音工程师 Recording Engineer
录音棚 Recording Studio
录音现场指导 Scoring Sessions Director

Chinese-English Instrumental Role Names

Chinese Name English Name
第一合唱 1st Choir
第二合唱 2nd Choir
第一小提琴 1st Violin
第二小提琴 2nd Violin
A调单簧管 A Clarinet
手风琴 Accordion
原声吉他 Acoustic Guitar
附加弦乐 Additional Strings
附加小号 Additional Trumpet
班苏里笛 Bansuri
贝斯 Bass
低音单簧管 Bass Clarinet
大管 Bassoon
B调单簧管 B-Flat Clarinet
布祖基琴 Bouzouki
古典吉他 Classical Guitar
低音大管 Contrabassoon
笛子 Dizi
低音提琴 Double Bass
嘟嘟克管 Duduk
E调单簧管 E-Flat Clarinet
电贝司 Electric Bass
电吉他 Electric Guitar
二胡 Erhu
女声 Female Vocals
长笛 Flute
古筝 Guzheng
竖琴 Harp
竖琴独奏 Harp Solo
羽管键琴 Harpsicord
木笛 Irish Flute
卡农琴 Kanun
曼陀林琴 Mandolin
马头琴 Matouqin
奈伊笛 Ney
龙弦吉他 Nylon Guitar
尼龙弦吉他 Nylon-Stringed Guitar
双簧管 Oboe
乌德琴 Oud
钢琴 Piano
短笛 Piccolo
琵琶 Pipa
桑图尔琴 Santur
三弦 Sanxian
萨克斯 Saxophone
萨兹琴 Saz
尺八 Shakuhachi
三味线 Shamisen
篠笛 Shinobue
西塔尔琴 Sitar
独奏乐器 Solo Instrument
女高音独唱 Soprano
钢弦吉他 Steel Guitar / Steel-Stringed Guitar
弦乐 Strings
太鼓 Taiko
哨笛 Tin Whistle
津轻三味线 Tsugaru-Shamisen
尤克里里 Ukelele
中提琴 Viola
小提琴 Violin
小提琴独奏 Violin Solo
大提琴 Violoncello / Cello
演唱 / 女声独唱 Voice / Vocal Artist
人声 / 演唱 Voice
中胡 Zhonghu

Japanese-English Staff Names

Japanese Name English Name
春山 あき Aki Haruyama
梅垣 晶子 Akiko Umegaki
武舎 Ayumu Musha
齋藤 春樹 Haruki Saito
栗田 博文 Hirofumi Kurita
稲岡 宏司 Hiroshi Inaoka
田中 宏幸 Hiroyuki Tanaka
村上 伊知郎 Ichiro Murakami
岩崎 井織 Iori Iwasaki
上原 潤之助 Junnosuke Uehara
佳奈 Kana Tsuji
渡邊 香澄 Kasumi Watanabe
坂本 Kei Sakamoto
阿南 恵介 Keisuke Anan
加藤 賢二 Keniji Kato
村上 健太 Kenta Murakami
鈴木 浩二 Koji Suzuki
粕谷 雅明 Masaaki Kasuya
寄田 真見乃 Mamino Yorita
山村 Ryo Yamamura
Ryu Haku
市川 竜帆 Ryuho Ichikawa
宮野 幸子 Sachiko Miyano
千葉 智史 Satoshi Chiba
駒田 早代 Sayo Komada
髙橋 純代 Sumiyo Takahashi
中山 太陽 Taiyo Nakayama
吉羽 貴史 Takashi Yoshiba
村松 Takeshi Muramatsu
洲﨑 拓郎 Takuro Susaki
村田知樹 Tomoki Murata
神田 智子 Tomoko Kanda
菊地 智敦 Tomonobu Kikuchi
平田 有了 Tomonori Hirata
駒田 艶子 Tsuyako Komada
里見 Tsutomu Satomi
井上 泰久 Yasuhisa Inoue
堀内 陽平 Yohei Horiuchi
立石 佑太 Yuta Tateishi
小山 Yutaka Oyama

Japanese-English Group Names

Japanese Name English Name
太鼓芸能集団 鼓童 Kodo
音響ハウス Onkio Haus
株式会社SCI SCI Inc.
しゃみお Shamio
東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra


<gallery hideaddbutton="true" captionalign="center">
  • Character Demo and Character Teaser soundtrack pages should have a Videos section that includes the video(s) the soundtrack was featured in.
  • Extended Play videos are added to the pages of their featured soundtracks.


* This soundtrack shares the same theme with [[Mesmerizing Waves]] and [[Journey into Sweet Dreams]].
  • The Trivia section can include details about shared themes or musical motifs between soundtracks.

Other Languages

==Other Languages==
{{Other Languages
|en      =
|zhs     = 
|zhs_rm  = 
|zhs_tl  = 
|zht     = 
|zht_rm  = 
|ja      = 
|ja_rm   = 
|ja_tl   = 
|ko      = 
|ko_rm   = 
|ko_tl   = 
==Other Languages==
{{Other Languages
|en      = Flickering Shadows of Trees
|zhs     = 清风散林缬
|zhs_rm  = Qīngfēng Sàn Línxié
|zht     = 清風散林纈
|zht_rm  = Qīngfēng Sàn Línxié
|zh_tl   = The Clear Wind Scatters the Forest's Stippled Light
|ja      = 揺らめく木々の影
|ja_rm   = Yurameku Kigi no Kage
|ja_tl   = Swaying Trees' Shadows
  • The template {{Other Languages}} is used here. See the documentation for details.
  • The soundtrack names should be taken from official miHoYo, HOYO-MiX, and Genshin Impact media:




{{Soundtrack Navbox|Album Name}}