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Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Ahangar Stages for Genius Invokation TCG.


1 stage matches the category selection:

TypeAdventure Challenge
GroupOpen World Match
CharacterAhangar Ahangar
Required Player Level8
Stage Introduction
Once, when I was looking high and low through the forest for Magical Crystal Ore, I came once again to the banks of a swamp and encountered a group of hilichurls who lived there...
Challenge Objective(s)Reward(s)
Achieve victory
Achieve victory within 5 Rounds
Use 1 Elemental Burst
Active Lineup
Cryo Hilichurl Shooter Character CardCryo Hilichurl Shooter3Anemo Samachurl Character CardA­ne­mo Sa­ma­churl4Electro Slime Character CardElectro Slime4Hilichurl Berserker Character CardHi­li­churl Ber­ser­ker4
Reserve Lineup
Electro Hilichurl Shooter Character CardElectro Hilichurl Shooter3Hydro Samachurl Character CardHy­dro Sa­ma­churl4Hydro Slime Character CardHydro Slime4

Change History[]

