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This page is about community-derived information, concepts, or terminology.
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This discusses special cases regarding Elemental Auras. (Note that these are different from the Auras that can be found in some domains.)

Aura Tax

If an aura is created from an elemental attack, there will be an Aura Tax, which reduces 20% of the gauge.

Self Auras

Self Auras or Elemental Effect Auras refer to elements applied to a player's character via elemental effects. These include the Pyro Aura from Bennett's Burst, the Hydro Aura from water, the Cryo Aura from Condensed Ice, etc. In general, they can arise from the environment (campfires and water), talents that imbue a character with an element, Ley Line Disorders, and enemy elemental attacks.

These auras have some different features from the auras of elemental attacks:

  1. Their durations are fixed and are not determined by gauges.
  2. Their durations can be infinite, like the auras from elemental shields and Elemental Nodes.
  3. There is no Aura Tax on them.


  • When another element triggers a reaction with the self aura, if it has a higher gauge unit value than the self aura, the self aura will transition directly to the other element.
  • Self Auras can serve as sources for Elemental Absorption.

Swirl Aura

The swirl aura is the aura created from the Swirl reaction.

Swirl Aura Gauges

There is a special feature for the gauges of swirl attack:

  • Origin Aura means the aura with Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo. It considers the gauge decay.

There is also an Aura Tax for the swirl aura.

Swirl Aura Duration

The time is in seconds.


Freeze is a state created by the Frozen reaction. The Freeze state is maintained by the Freeze / Frozen Aura.

The "element" on Freeze Aura is Frozen. Frozen is a sibling element to Cryo, but it has some special features:

  1. Frozen doesn't react with Hydro
  2. The Frozen Aura Gauge can be depleted by poise damage from Blunt Attacks. More details can be found in Shields/Enemy.

Freeze Aura Gauges

  • Origin Aura means the aura with Hydro or Cryo. It considers the gauge decay.

Freeze Aura Duration

The Freeze Aura Duration is supposedly given by the following formulae (does not work for enemies who have an "innate aura"):[1]

The time is in seconds.

Derivation of the first formula: this accounts for the aura tax (multiply by 0.8) and assumes linear decay of the initial aura for the time between Cryo and Hydro application. That is is the duration for 1A, 2B, 4C type applications (for the initial Cryo or Hydro aura applied before the Frozen reaction). Dividing the time between Cryo and Hydro application by the duration gives the portion of the gauge depleted. The portion of the gauge remaining is 1 minus that (assuming a linear decay model).


When there is a Blunt attack to the target with the Freeze Aura, Shatter will be triggered and the gauge of Freeze Aura will decrease by 8. When the Freeze Aura gauge hits 0, the target will no longer be frozen.

  • The + denotes the positive part of the expression (it is 0 if the expression is non-positive).
  • Initial Gauge considers the gauge decay.

Coexistence of Elements

During the Freeze state, some elements can coexist and they will still decay slowly. One is Frozen, another is Cryo or Hydro. The Cryo or Hydro in Freeze State is called underlying Cryo or underlying Hydro.

When the Pyro/Electro/Anemo attack without Blunt is applied to the target with Freeze state, the underlying Aura will always react with them first.

  • Pyro/Electro will not react with underlying Hydro.


Shock is a state created by Electro-Charged. Shock is maintained by Electro Aura and Hydro Aura. Once one of auras is depleted, the shock state will not exist.

Special Decaying

Besides the normal decaying, there is a special decaying for both auras in Shock State. Both auras will lose 0.4U gauges per tick of DoT.

Element Coexisting

During the Shock state, Electro and Hydro can coexist and they will still decay slowly.

When Pyro/Cryo/Anemo/Geo is applied to the target with Shock state, the Electro Aura will always react with them first.

