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Gaseous Phlogiston is an exploration mechanic in Natlan.

It is a form of Phlogiston that can occur freely (e.g., leaking out of the ground) or form Phlogiston Currents, Phlogiston Wind Tunnels, or Scorchwind Confluxes. Being in contact with gaseous Phlogiston will damage the active character for 2.5% of their max HP every 0.5 seconds, however Qucusaurs, members of the Flower-Feather Clan, and Mavuika will not take damage.

For Qucusaurs and members of the Flower-Feather Clan, interacting with a Phlogiston Current, Phlogiston Wind Tunnel, or Scorchwind Conflux will refill their Phlogiston meter. This is mostly the same with Mavuika, except for being unable to use Phlogiston Wind Tunnels.

The effect conferred by a Scorchwind Conflux lasts for about 8 seconds. The Scorchwind Conflux will respawn shortly after.


Gaseous Phlogiston
Tutorial Gaseous Phlogiston
A form of Phlogiston that resembles a gas.
In essence, it is still Phlogiston, and it contains massive amounts of heat, making it very dangerous. While in Wind Currents formed by gaseous Phlogiston or areas with large amounts of gaseous Phlogiston, you will be burned by the high temperatures.
However, Qucusaurs and some tribespeople who have adapted to gaseous Phlogiston's high temperatures have mastered the art of using it without being burned.
Phlogiston Wind Tunnel
Tutorial Phlogiston Wind Tunnel
A one-way path formed by gaseous Phlogiston eroding rocks. Enter them, and you can swiftly reach the exit on the other end.
However, only Qucusaurs and members of the Flower-Feather Clan who understand their internal structure can use these freely.
Scorchwind Conflux
Tutorial Scorchwind Conflux
In some specific circumstances, interactions among the gaseous Phlogiston can result in it becoming mutually entangled, forming Gaseous Phlogiston Lumps. Qucusaurs and some tribespeople familiar with the Lumps' inner workings can use their power to maintain a state of having full Phlogiston and not consuming any. Using a Plunging Attack while in this state can even result in the creation of a short-lived Phlogiston Current...


Gaseous Phlogiston Environment
  • A form of Phlogiston that resembles a gas.
  • In essence, it is still Phlogiston, and it contains massive amounts of heat, making it very dangerous. While in Wind Currents formed by gaseous Phlogiston or areas with large amounts of gaseous Phlogiston, you will be burned by the high temperatures.
  • However, Qucusaurs and some members of the Flower-Feather Clan have mastered the art of using gaseous Phlogiston without getting burned.

Other Languages[]

Gaseous Phlogiston

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGaseous Phlogiston
Kitai Nenso
Gaseous Phlogiston
Korean기체 열소
Giche Yeolso
SpanishFlogisto gaseosoGaseous Phlogiston
FrenchPhlogistique gazeuxGaseous Phlogiston
RussianГазообразный флогистон
Gazoobraznyy flogiston
VietnamesePhlogiston Thể Khí
GermanGasförmiges PhlogistonGaseous Phlogiston
IndonesianPhlogiston Gas
PortugueseFlogisto Gasoso
TurkishGaz Filojiston
ItalianFlogisto aeriforme

Gaseous Phlogiston Environment

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGaseous Phlogiston Environment
Kitai Nenso Kankyou
Gaseous Phlogiston Environment
Korean기체 열소 환경
Giche Yeolso Hwan'gyeong
SpanishZona de flogisto gaseosoGaseous Phlogiston Zone
FrenchEnvironnement de phlogistique gazeuxGaseous Phlogiston Environment
RussianСреда газообразного флогистона
Sreda gazoobraznogo flogistona
VietnameseMôi Trường Phlogiston Thể Khí
GermanUmgebung mit gasförmigem Phlogiston
IndonesianLingkungan Phlogiston Gas
PortugueseAmbiente de Flogisto Gasoso
TurkishGaz Filojiston Ortamı
ItalianAmbiente di Flogisto aeriforme

Change History[]

