Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Footprints of the Traveler Vol. 3 is the third version trailer soundtrack album for Genshin Impact.

It features 9 tracks produced by the HOYO-MiX team, each one an original composition for the version trailers of Genshin Impact from Version 4.0 to Version 4.8.


No.Soundtrack NamePlayed In
01As Light Rain Falls Without ReasonVersion Trailer: 4.0
02To the Stars Shining in the DepthsVersion Trailer: 4.1
03Masquerade of the GuiltyVersion Trailer: 4.2
04Roses and MusketsVersion Trailer: 4.3
05Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring BreezeVersion Trailer: 4.4
06Blades Weaving Betwixt BrocadeVersion Trailer: 4.5
07Two Worlds Aflame, the Crimson Night FadesVersion Trailer: 4.6
08An Everlasting Dream IntertwinedVersion Trailer: 4.7
09Summertide Scales and TalesVersion Trailer: 4.8


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFootprints of the Traveler Vol. 3
流星的轨迹 3
Liúxīng de Guǐjī Sān
Trails of the Shooting Star 3
流星的軌跡 3
Liúxīng de Guǐjī Sān
Japanese流星の軌跡 3
Ryuusei no Kiseki San
Trails of the Shooting Star 3
Korean유성의 궤적 3
Yuseong-ui Gwejeok Sam
Trace of Falling Star 3

