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For the global release of the album, see Footprints of the Traveler.

Footprints of the Traveler is the version trailer soundtrack album and the thirteenth album released for Genshin Impact.

It features tracks produced by the HOYO-MiX team, each one an original composition for the version trailers of Genshin Impact since Version 1.1.

The album was first announced on August 13, 2022, during the Special Program for Version 3.0. The tracklist was announced on September 19 and the album was released on September 20.[1]

After its release in China, the album is updated with subsequent version trailer soundtracks.


No.Soundtrack NamePlayed In
01A New Star ApproachesVersion Trailer: 1.1
02The Chalk Prince and the DragonVersion Trailer: 1.2
03All That GlittersVersion Trailer: 1.3
04Invitation of WindblumeVersion Trailer: 1.4
05Beneath the Light of JadeiteVersion Trailer: 1.5
06Midsummer Island AdventureVersion Trailer: 1.6
07The Immovable God and the Eternal EuthymiaVersion Trailer: 2.0
08Floating World Under the MoonlightVersion Trailer: 2.1
09Into the Perilous Labyrinth of FogVersion Trailer: 2.2
10Shadows Amidst SnowstormsVersion Trailer: 2.3
11Fleeting Colors in FlightVersion Trailer: 2.4
12When the Sakura BloomVersion Trailer: 2.5
13Zephyr of the Violet GardenVersion Trailer: 2.6
14Hidden Dreams in the DepthsVersion Trailer: 2.7
15Summer FantasiaVersion Trailer: 2.8
16The Morn a Thousand Roses BringsVersion Trailer: 3.0
17King Deshret and the Three MagiVersion Trailer: 3.1
18Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame RisesVersion Trailer: 3.2
19All Senses Clear, All Existence VoidVersion Trailer: 3.3
20The Exquisite Night ChimesVersion Trailer: 3.4
21Windblume's BreathVersion Trailer: 3.5
22A Parade of ProvidenceVersion Trailer: 3.6
23Duel! The Summoners' Summit!Version Trailer: 3.7
24Secret Summer ParadiseVersion Trailer: 3.8
25As Light Rain Falls Without ReasonVersion Trailer: 4.0
26To the Stars Shining in the DepthsVersion Trailer: 4.1
27Masquerade of the GuiltyVersion Trailer: 4.2
28Roses and MusketsVersion Trailer: 4.3
29Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring BreezeVersion Trailer: 4.4
30Blades Weaving Betwixt BrocadeVersion Trailer: 4.5
31Two Worlds Aflame, the Crimson Night FadesVersion Trailer: 4.6
32An Everlasting Dream IntertwinedVersion Trailer: 4.7
33Summertide Scales and TalesVersion Trailer: 4.8
N/AFlowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched SojournVersion Trailer: 5.0

Production Credits[]

Position Staff[2]
Composer Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸), Yijun Jiang (姜以君), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌), Xin Zhao (赵鑫), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Arcangelo Chen (陈子敏), Lunan (路南), Yuxi Wang (王予曦), Yang Lee (李洋), Qian Ding (丁谦), Ziyu Che (车子玉)
Arranger Yijun Jiang (姜以君), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Lunan (路南), Yuxi Wang (王予曦), Xin Zhao (赵鑫), Jiade He (何伽德), Yang Lee (李洋)
Orchestra International Master Philharmonic Orchestra (国际首席爱乐乐团), Art of Loong Orchestra (龙之艺交响乐团), The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
Electric Guitar Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌), Yijun Jiang (姜以君), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Xin Zhao (赵鑫)
Accordion Churan Li (李楚然), Jiaqi Ge (葛佳麒), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Acoustic Guitar Peijia You (尤裴佳), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌), Yijun Jiang (姜以君), Ye Fan (范晔)
Dizi Jiannan Gu (顾剑楠), Xiaokui Ding (丁晓逵)
Erhu Jiajun Ma (马稼骏), Yue Jin (金玥), Ying Wang (王颖)
Ukulele Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Shakuhachi Jiannan Gu (顾剑楠), Xiaokui Ding (丁晓逵)
Pipa Wenqing Shi (施文卿), Yuanchun Yu (于源春)
Xiao Xiaokui Ding (丁晓逵)
Bansuri Jiannan Gu (顾剑楠)
Duduk Jiali Zhang (张佳理)
Saz Chang Liu (刘耳朵)
Oud Kian
Cello Xiaolong Chen (陈小龙), Yi Sun (孙艺), Ping Zhang (张平)
Violin Qin Zhang (张琴), Yue Zhu (朱玥)
Guzheng Jingya Shang (尚靖雅)
Saxophone Xiaoguang Liu (刘晓光)
Classical Guitar Ye Fan (范晔)
Suona Di Yao (姚笛)
Recording Studio Jintian Recording Studio (金田录音棚), SKY FIRE STUDIO (九紫天诚录音棚), 52Hz Studio, Shanghai Media Group (上海广播大厦), 2496 Top Music, Ready Steady Sound!, Smecky Studio, TZ Studio, YX STUDIO (上海音像公司录音棚), Jingtian Recording Studio (金田录音棚), Soundhub Studios (升赫录音棚)
Recording Engineer Xiaosi Wang (王小四), Zach Huang (黄巍), Jiawei Mo (莫家伟), Xinguang Chen (陈鑫光), Fangyu Dong (董方昱), Guannan Chen (陈冠男), Kun Wang (王昆), Ziyang Sheng (盛紫洋), Wanqiu Liu (刘婉秋), Gen Yue (岳艮), Jan Holzner, Tianxiao Xu (徐天晓), Bardge (麻锅), Yan Pang (庞岩), Wang Xiaosi (王小四), Kevin (刘瀚文)
Mixing Engineer Yijun Jiang (姜以君), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Zach Huang (黄巍), Lunan (路南), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌), Yuxi Wang (王予曦), Xin Zhao (赵鑫), Yang Lee (李洋)
Mastering Engineer Yijun Jiang (姜以君), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Zach Huang (黄巍), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌), Yuxi Wang (王予曦), Xin Zhao (赵鑫), Yang Lee (李洋)
Production HOYO-MiX

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFootprints of the Traveler
Liúxīng de Guǐjī
Trails of the Shooting Star
Liúxīng de Guǐjī
Ryuusei no Kiseki
Trails of the Shooting Star
Korean유성의 궤적
Yuseong-ui Gwejeok
Trace of Falling Star


