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Floral Pursuit is an Event Quest during the Windblume's Breath Event.


  1. Go to Mondstadt's side gate to look for Plauen
  2. Talk to Plauen


UI Quest Quest Description

Plauen of the Adventurers' Guild seems to be busy with something...
(Talk to Plauen)
Plauen: *sigh* Can the Guild really manage this amount of work...
Plauen: Ah, Traveler! My apologies for not noticing you sooner. I had some Guild affairs on my mind...
Plauen: You must be here in Mondstadt for the Windblume Festival, I presume?
Plauen: You're just in time: The Guild has just come up with a little game — a guaranteed romp with prizes to be won!
Plauen: How about it? Wanna give it a go?
Plauen: Let me introduce this little game to you first. The person who designed it calls it "Floral Chess."
Plauen: He said that his inspiration came from the billowing petals and the wind that pursues them...
Plauen: And the game is meant to imitate the... romanticism of pursuing these flower petals...
Icon Dialogue Talk That's, uh, quite the story...
Icon Dialogue Talk That's, ah, kinda complicated...
Plauen: Well, this inventor is a bard, so he has more of... You know, an imagination.
Plauen: Basically, when you're playing this form of chess, you need to collect as many Bloom Balloons within the chessboard as possible.
Plauen: You'll have to avoid various obstacles in the process... and there'll be some tools on hand to lend you some support...
Plauen: That fellow even wrote an entire manual for this game, which I'll let you have a look at later.
Plauen: If you're interested, you're welcome to play. Remember, prizes are guaranteed just for participating!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFloral Pursuit
Wànfēng Zhúhuā
Ten Thousand Winds Chasing Flowers
Wànfēng Zhúhuā
Burossamu wo Oimotomete
Pursuing Blossoms
Korean꽃을 쫓는 바람
Kkocheul Jjonneun Baram
Wind Chasing After Flowers
SpanishPersecución floralFloral Chase
FrenchPoursuite floraleFloral Pursuit
RussianЦветочная погоня
Tsvetochnaya pogonya
Floral Pursuit
VietnameseMuôn Gió Nghênh Hoa
GermanBlütenjagd der zehntausend WindeFlower Chase of Ten Thousand Winds
IndonesianAngin yang Mengejar BungaThe Wind Chasing Flowers
PortuguesePerseguição Floral
TurkishÇiçek Kovalamacası
ItalianInseguimento florealeFloral Pursuit

Change History[]
