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Floating Spirits — The Investigation Begins is an Event Quest that unlocks the investigation mechanic in the Spectral Secrets event.


  1. Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma City

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Players cannot claim rewards from Katheryne while the quest is active.


UI Quest Quest Description

Recently, more and more adventurers have encountered a floating elemental being. Inazuma City's Katheryne is releasing a series of commissions to minimize needless risks and lay the groundwork for further investigation.
(Talk to Katheryne)
Katheryne: Ad astra abyssosque, Adventurer. We're thankful for your arrival.
Icon Dialogue Talk Any new commissions for me?
Katheryne: Indeed, we are about to begin a new round of ecological surveys, in fact.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I know where we're going with this...
Katheryne: Oh? You've done such commissions before? That's great, then.
Katheryne: Nonetheless, let me begin by explaining the situation.
Katheryne: Recently, eyewitness reports concerning "Specters" have been increasing at an alarming rate.
Katheryne: This is usually a very rare sort of elemental creature. As such, there must be some special reason behind their sudden resurgence.
Katheryne: The Guild's understanding of these creatures is still very lacking, so we are currently mobilizing for an all-hands-on-deck investigation.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is it really such a powerful creature?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're mobilizing that many people?
Katheryne: Due to the suddenness and strangeness of this event, we know little about the state of these Specters or the amount of danger they pose to people.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then I accept.
Katheryne: Thank you for accepting this commission. What we need you to do is quite simple, actually. You simply need to travel around Inazuma with your companions and observe the peculiarities of these Specters.
Katheryne: The form these investigations will take is very similar to the Expeditions you've undertaken in the past. We've already sorted out the various sightings of these Specters.
Katheryne: Here, allow me to show you.
(Opens Spectral Secrets Expeditions menu)
Katheryne: Due to the fact that Specters are elemental creatures, you should get optimal results so long as you follow the elemental guidelines recommended by the Guild when dispatching your companions.
Katheryne: There will be special commissions in which you will have to go and perform an on-site investigation personally, owing to a lack of good intel. Once you've completed such missions, I will continue to organize the dispatches.
Icon Dialogue Talk So this is preliminary prep work, then.
Katheryne: Indeed. These commissions would usually be quite tough, but I believe that you will see them done with ease.
Katheryne: I will update you with new information concerning the Specters every day. You can have faith that I will support you and your companions in any way I can.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFloating Spirits — The Investigation Begins
Piāofú zhī Líng, Diàochá Qǐdòng
Floating Spirits, The Investigation Begins
Piāofú zhī Líng, Diàochá Qǐdòng
Fuyuu Suru Rei, Chousai Kaishi
Floating Souls, The Investigation Starts
Korean떠도는 정령, 조사 시작
Tteodoneun Jeongryeong, Josa Sijak
Floating Spirits - The Investigation Starts
SpanishEspectros flotantes: Comienza la investigaciónFloating Specters: Investigation Starts
FrenchSpectres flottants, l'enquête est ouverteFloating Specters, the Investigation Is Open
RussianПарящие призраки: начало расследования
Paryashchiye prizraki: nachalo rassledovaniya
Floating Spectres: Beginning of Investigation
VietnameseBóng Ma - Khởi Động Điều Tra
GermanGeheimnisvolle Gespenster Die Untersuchung beginntMysterious Spirits - The Investigation Begins
IndonesianRoh Gentayangan — Investigasi DimulaiWandering Spirit — Investigation Begins
PortugueseEspíritos Flutuantes, iniciar investigação

Change History[]
