Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Flower-Feather Clan: Western Coast
Location: "Flower-Feather Clan", Quahuacan Cliff, Natlan
One of the fishing points registered with the Natlan Fishing Association. It is in the west of the Flower-Feather Clan territory, and contains a wide variety of fish.
Fishing Point Flower-Feather Clan Western CoastFishing Point Flower-Feather Clan Western Coast Context
MedakaFruit Paste Bait 13.45% Medaka
MedakaFruit Paste Bait 9.40% Medaka
Dusk SunfishSpinelgrain Bait 28.21% Dusk Sunfish
Display Limit: 5
Total Fish: 12+