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Genshin Impact Wiki

Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard is an unobtainable Character Card in Genius Invokation TCG.


Rapid Hammer Strike Character Card SkillRapid Hammer StrikeNormal Attack12
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
Raging Charge Character Card SkillRaging ChargeElemental Skill3
Deals 3 Electro DMG.
Thunderblast Hammer Character Card SkillThunderblast HammerElemental Burst33
Deals 3 Electro DMG. This character gains Electro Elemental Equipment.

Electro Elemental Equipment
The character to which this is attached takes -1 DMG and deals +1 DMG.
This status will provide 2 instances of Electro Application (Can be depleted using Elemental Reactions): Once the instances are depleted, this status will be removed, and the character to which this is attached will be unable to use Skills until the end of this Round.
Combat Resupply (Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard) Character Card SkillCombat ResupplyPassive Skill
(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains 2 Energy.

Stage Appearances[]

Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard appears in 8 stages:

Dongdong Icon DongdongGrumpy SoldiersAdventure Challenge
Fodil Icon FodilVisit DeniedAdventure Challenge
Pitot Icon PitotLeisure ExpenditureAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Cycle CrisisAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Cycle CrisisAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Cycle CrisisAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceEndless Swarm: Bursting BloomsAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Hot PotatoAdventure Challenge


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectLet's begin.
No more words.
Raging ChargeMmhragh!
Let's end this quickly!
Thunderblast HammerStay... right there.
I will end you.
Heavy Hit TakenMedia:vo gcg monster skirmisher greathammer electric hitheavy 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster skirmisher greathammer electric hitheavy 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster skirmisher greathammer electric hitheavy 03.ogg
DefeatedUgh... this isn't good...
I guess... this is it...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard
Yúrénzhòng Xiānqiǎn Duì - Léi Chuí Qiánfēng Jūn
Fatui Skirmisher - Electro Hammer Vanguard
Yúrénzhòng Xiānqiǎn Duì - Léi Chuí Qiánfēng Jūn
Fadyui Senkentai - Zen Hokosaki-gun - Kaminari Hanmaa
Fatui Skirmisher - Vanguard - Electro Hammer
Korean우인단 선발대・번개 해머 돌격대
U'in-dan Seonbaldae - Beongae Haemeo Dolgyeokdae
Fatui Advance Party - Lightning Hammer Shock Troops
SpanishSoldado Fatui - Electromartillador de VanguardiaFatui Soldier - Electrohammerer Vanguard
FrenchTirailleur Fatui - Frappeur ÉlectroFatui Skirmisher - Electro Striker
RussianЗастрельщик Фатуи: Электро молотобоец
Zastrel'shchik Fatui: Elektro molotoboyets
Fatui Skirmisher: Electro Striker
ThaiFatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard
VietnameseĐội tiên phong Fatui - Quân tiên phong chùy LôiFatui Vanguard - Electro Mace Vanguard
GermanFatui-Plänkler Elektro-Hammer-StürmerFatui Skirmisher - Electro Hammer Striker
IndonesianFatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard
PortugueseSoldado dos Fatui - Vanguarda de Martelo Electro
TurkishFatui Avcı Eri - Öncü Elektrik BalyozFatui Skirmisher - Vanguard ElectroElectroElectroElectroTooltip for ElectroElectro Sledgehammer
ItalianSchermagliatore dei Fatui Electromartello d'assalto

Change History[]

