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Genshin Impact Wiki

Fallen Characters are characters who have been incapacitated due to their Health dropping to zero (death), due to drowning, or due to falling out of bounds.

Dead characters can be revived with certain Dishes, by certain Constellations, or by visiting a Statue of The Seven. After dying, they lose all their Energy.



Death is a combat and exploration mechanic related to Health and is one of the two ways that falling can occur.

Death is normally triggered because the incoming Damage or HP Loss exceeds the current character's or enemy's HP, and there are no active Statuses, Talents, Constellations, or other special conditions that would prevent the character or enemy from normally dying.

Triggering Character Death[]

Enemies generally trigger character death by causing more Damage or HP Loss than the character currently has. However, some character Talents and Constellations have the effect of negating death altogether.

Other ways that character death is commonly triggered include:

Effects of Characters Dying[]

During a character death, the relevant fallen character voice-over and animation is rendered. The character's energy is reset to zero, the character will not be able to move, the player cannot switch to another character, and, depending on the character, their associated Combat and Passive Talent and Constellation effects will end.

Dead characters are unable to be dispatched on Expeditions, and unable to be switched in during combat or exploration until revived. They can still be added to a party, but attempting to add a fallen character to the slot of the active character in the current party or attempting to deploy a party consisting of only fallen characters will return the error message "Character is down".

Dead characters may or may not continue to provide Combat or Passive Talents until they are revived. Some Talents and Constellations end when their associated characters die, while others will continue.

When character death is triggered but not detected by the client before the character is switched out, the fallen animation can be entirely skipped, but the character nonetheless cannot be switched back in until revived.

Effects Triggered on Death[]

Certain passives, such as talents or constellations, trigger when a party member dies (or would otherwise die). Some apply to the current character with the passive, while others apply to other party members except the current character. This does not apply to death that follows drowning or falling out of bounds.


There are 3 Constellations that match the category selection:

Constellation Description Level
Butterfly's Embrace Butterfly's Embrace
Hu Tao Hu Tao
Triggers when Hu Tao's HP drops below 25%, or when she suffers a lethal strike:
Hu Tao will not fall as a result of the DMG sustained. Additionally, for the next 10s, all of her Elemental and Physical RES is increased by 200%, her CRIT Rate is increased by 100%, and her resistance to interruption is greatly increased.
This effect triggers automatically when Hu Tao has 1 HP left.
Can only occur once every 60s.
Dedicating Everything to You Dedicating Everything to You
Barbara Barbara
When Barbara is in the party but not on the field, and one of your own party members falls:
  • Automatically revives the fallen character.
  • Fully restores the revived character's HP to 100%.
This effect can only occur once every 15 mins.
To Ward Weakness To Ward Weakness
Kuki Shinobu Kuki Shinobu
When Kuki Shinobu takes lethal DMG, this instance of DMG will not take her down. This effect will automatically trigger when her HP reaches 1 and will trigger once every 60s.
When Shinobu's HP drops below 25%, she will gain 150 Elemental Mastery for 15s. This effect will trigger once every 60s.
Game Over Screen[]

The Game Over screen is triggered upon all characters in a party dying. Clicking Revive will respawn the party at the nearest Teleport Waypoint with 35% HP remaining.

When the player's entire team falls, the following sound effect plays:

Cause of Death Tip(s)
Out of Bounds
Fell into the abyss
  • Make sure to pay attention to where you are going.
Fall Damage
Fell to death
  • Always assess your stamina levels when climbing. You will take damage if you fall from too high.
  • Stamina does not regenerate while swimming. You will drown if it runs out.
Killed by enemy or other hazards
Beware of enemies! / Watch out for traps!
  • Eat some food to restore your HP if you become injured in combat.
  • Retreating to live and fight another day is a sound strategy.
  • Analyze opponent numbers and their habits to formulate a combat strategy.
Killed by Wooden Shieldwall Mitachurl
Beware of enemies!
  • Shieldwall Mitachurls are impregnable from the front. Attack from the back.
  • Wooden shields can be easily ignited. Without their shields, Mitachurls are defenseless.
  • Hydro-enchanted wooden shields are difficult to ignite.
  • A charging Wooden Shieldwall Mitachurl can deal heavy damage. Evade it, and seize the chance to strike back.
Killed by Blazing Axe Mitachurl
Beware of enemies!
  • A Mitachurl with a burning axe does increased damage.
  • Elemental reactions also apply to a burning axe. Use that to your advantage.
  • Use Hydro to extinguish the flames of a burning axe.
  • The best time to attack is when a Mitachurl stops to ignite its axe.
Killed by Eye of the Storm
Beware of enemies!
  • Ride the wind currents generated by the Eye of the Storm's Hurricane Sphere to evade damage.
  • An Eye of the Storm moves quickly. Use Hydro and Cryo to freeze it in place and make it easier to hit.
  • An Eye of the Storm will become exhausted after using Whirlwind Blast. Use this time to strike.
Killed by Pyro Abyss Mage
Beware of enemies!
  • Pyro Abyss Mages' Pyro attacks are highly dangerous. Do not get burned.
  • Pyro Abyss Mages have Pyro shields. Use Hydro to break through their defenses.
Killed by Cryo Abyss Mage
Beware of enemies!
  • Beware of Cryo Abyss Mage's Cryo attacks if you're Wet.
  • Cryo Abyss Mages have Cryo shields. Use Pyro to break through their defenses.
Killed by Hydro Abyss Mage
Beware of enemies!
  • Hydro Abyss Mages' attacks make you Wet, allowing Cryo attacks to Freeze you.
  • Hydro Abyss Mages have Hydro shields. Use Electro to break through their defenses.[Note 1]
  • Hydro Abyss Mages' bubbles are highly dangerous as they can immobilize you for a short time.
Killed by Pyro Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • A burning Pyro Slime explodes upon death.
  • Hydro can extinguish the flames of a burning Pyro Slime, making it less dangerous.
Killed by Geo Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Though Geo Slimes do not react readily with other elements, still don't let down your guard.
Killed by Large Geo Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Explosive, claymore, and Geo attacks can easily break a Large Geo Slime's Geo Armor.
Killed by Anemo Slime or Large Anemo Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Anemo Slimes can be easily killed when they puff up and float.
  • Anemo Slimes contain the power of Anemo, unleashing air blasts when killed.
  • Because they are so light, Anemo Slimes can be blown far away.[Note 2]
Killed by Dendro Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Dendro Slimes ambush you from underground. Watch out for suspicious-looking plants.
Killed by Large Dendro Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Large Dendro Slimes can summon other Slimes to assist in battle.
  • The bud above the head of a Dendro Slime is its weak spot. Use Pyro to burn it off and weaken them.
Killed by Cryo Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • If you become Wet, beware of a Cryo Slime's Cryo attacks.
Killed by Large Cryo Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Pyro attacks can rapidly melt a Large Cryo Slime's Cryo Armor.
Killed by Electro Slime or Large Electro Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Electro Slimes intermittently emit electric currents. Seize the opportunity to attack between jolts.
  • Electro attacks inflict Electro-Charged on Wet targets, dealing additional damage.
Killed by Mutant Electro Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Mutant Electro Slimes set off electric arcs between themselves and other Electro Slimes. Take them out first for a safer fight.
Killed by Hydro Slime or Large Hydro Slime
Beware of enemies!
  • Cryo attacks can Freeze Hydro Slimes.
Killed by Hydro Samachurl
Beware of enemies!
  • Hydro Samachurls heal their allies. Take them out first to save yourself from a difficult fight.
Killed by Dendro Samachurl
Beware of enemies!
  • Dendro Samachurls can summon thorns to obstruct you. Burn them away with Pyro attacks.
Killed by Anemo Samachurl
Beware of enemies!
  • Anemo Samachurls can summon dangerous whirlwinds to sweep across the battlefield.
Killed by Ruin Guard
Beware of enemies!
  • Ruin Guards' exposed energy cores on their back and heads are their weak spots.
  • Ruin Guards' tracking missiles can deal massive damage. Pull back to get out of its tracking range.
Killed by Hilichurl
Beware of enemies!
  • Do not underestimate even an empty-handed hilichurl.
Killed by Hilichurl Fighter
Beware of enemies!
  • Wooden clubs can be ignited by Pyro attacks. Try out a range of attack methods.
Killed by Wooden Shield Hilichurl Guard
Beware of enemies!
  • Wooden shields can be ignited by Pyro attacks.
  • A hilichurl can defend against all frontal attacks when its shield is raised. Try a different attack method.
Killed by Hilichurl Shooter, Pyro Hilichurl Shooter, or Cryo Hilichurl Shooter
Beware of enemies!
  • Hilichurl Shooters are ill-prepared for melee combat. Rushing them will prevent them from having a chance to shoot.
Killed by Hilichurl Grenadier
Beware of enemies!
  • Be careful - Some hilichurls will throw Pyro Slimes at you like bombs.
Killed by Hilichurl Berserker
Beware of enemies!
  • The best time to attack a Hilichurl Berserker is after its charge attack.
Killed by Electro-Charged bodies of Water
Electro-Charged Water Bodies
  • Electro-Charged bodies of water will deal damage to characters inside them.
Killed by burning Grass
Burning Plants
  • Burning vegetation will deal damage to characters inside the area.
Killed by Sheer Cold
Sheer Cold
  • When in Cold environments, pay attention to the accumulation of "Sheer Cold."
  • After "Sheer Cold" reaches the limit, characters will quickly lose HP.
  • When adventuring in a Cold environment, pay attention to the locations of heat sources.
Killed by Balethunder
  • Electrograna can negate the effects of "Balethunder."
  • "Balethunder" will quickly deplete your character's HP.
Killed by Electrified Water
Electrified Water Bodies
  • When adventuring, be careful to avoid bodies of water that are Electrified.
Killed by Dark Mud
Mysterious Black Mud
  • "Dark Mud" can inflict serious damage. Avoid staying in it for too long.
Killed by The Withering
Decayed Regions
  • When the "Decay" inflicted by The Withering reaches the limit, all the characters in your party will fall.
Killed by Wenut
Master of the Sandstorms
  • A warning will appear on the ground just before a Wenut attacks...
Killed by Hot Water
Hot! Hot! Hot!
  • Watch out for hot water!
Killed by "Allogravity-Condensed Water Body" affected by energy flow
Post-Explosion Water Body
  • These bodies of water are severely affected by the flow of energy. Staying in them for too long will result in taking severe damage.
Killed by Thorny Cyst
Dangerous Creatures in the Water
  • The poisonous substances secreted by the Thorny Cysts will damage characters in affected bodies of water.
Killed by Contaminated Bacterial Mat
Contaminated Bacterial Mats
  • Some contamination cores have attack capabilities. Pay attention to your HP when clearing them out.
Killed by Liquid Phlogiston
Melted Down
  • Liquid Phlogiston contains high thermal energy, making it rather dangerous. Indeed, to fall into it is to face swift death.
  • Only Koholasaurs and some People of the Springs have the ability to travel atop Liquid Phlogiston for a short time.
Fallen inside domain
Challenge Failed

(recommended stats)

All members have fallen

There are 7 Achievements obtainable from Fallen Characters:

Achievement Category Description Primogem
Boared to Death Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Be defeated by a wild boar. 5
The Bleak Midwinter Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Succumb to Sheer Cold... 5
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Be defeated by The Great Snowboar King. 5
Shocking... Positively Shocking Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Get struck down by Balethunder... 5
"...Smells Like Asphalt." Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Be brought down by the contaminants within the black mud for the first time. 5
"Hot! HOT!" Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Not a good place for a swim... 5
The White Path Between Two Rivers Wonders of the World Wonders of the World Lose in the duel against the legendary Hunter's Ray... 5

Triggering Enemy Death[]

Generally, enemy death is triggered when their HP reaches zero. However, the conditions for triggering death can differ based on the enemy.

  • Azhdaha, while buried in the ground, cannot be killed and will require one more hit to kill upon resurfacing.
  • Abyss Heralds and Abyss Lectors die after their shield is completely destroyed.
  • The Rimebiter Bathysmal Vishap and Bolteater Bathysmal Vishap in the Coral Defenders challenge will not die until both enemies' HPs reach zero.
  • The various Hypostases (except for the Pyro Hypostasis) require destroying the various constructs they make at critical HP before they are defeated or can be killed. Even if their HP drops to zero because of incoming attacks that happen before the critical HP/revival stage, they will not die.

Effects of Enemies Dying[]

Some enemies have their own voice-over and animation which is triggered upon death. Others only make specific sound effects when killed. Regardless, the behavior of enemy death is the same, but their triggers may be different:

  • The enemy's hitbox disappears, and Talents cannot select them.
  • Any enemy effects which trigger on death (such as an ignited Pyro Slime or Specter explosion) occurs.
  • The enemy is removed from the scene.
  • If the drop limit for that enemy group is not reached, the enemy will provide an assortment of materials.
  • Enemies in combat may be alerted to the death of one of their comrades. For example, when one Kairagi or Ochimusha is killed, the others in battle will revive and enter a stronger state.

Some enemy attacks and constructs continue to persist even after their associated enemy dies. This includes the Anemo Samachurl's Triple Tornadoes and the Large Cryo Slime's Regeneration mist. Others will be removed, including the Slimes dug up by the Hilichurl Grenadier or the Geo constructs created by the Geo Samachurl.


Out of Bounds and Drowning[]

Going Out of Bounds and Drowning causes all characters in the party to fall. This, however, does not trigger the death of the active character. Instead, all characters' energy is reset to zero, the character is respawned where their stamina was last at maximum, and all characters lose 10% of their current HP. The team will be sent back to the last known location; in a general Domain such as a Character Ascension Material domain, the team will be sent back to the entrance, while Story Quest-unique domains will have the team spawn at the nearest Door of Resurrection.

If, after the penalty is applied, a character reaches zero HP, they will die and remain fallen until revived.

When drowning is triggered but not detected by the client, the fallen animation and voice-over may be played instead if the character is on land.

In Fontaine, drowning can be avoided after interacting with any of the nation's Statue of The Seven once. This will grant a blessing that allows players to dive, replacing normal Stamina with Aquatic Stamina, which will not drown the player even when fully depleted. This effect only applies in mainland Fontaine; while the Nostoi Region is part of the nation, it is not located within the mainland and thus normal swimming mechanics apply instead.

In Natlan, Tepetlisaurus and Yumkasaurus cannot swim on water, and will automatically drown upon being forced to swim and an active character will be ejected from said Saurian. If a character dies in Liquid Phlogiston, the rest of the party will be treated as if they drowned.

Most enemies will immediately die regardless of how much health they had upon being knocked into deep water, where the drops may either float on the surface or fall to the ground. Specific enemies, such as Specters, Hydro Slimes and Mimics, are immune to drowning effects.


Effects Retained After Falling[]

Effects Retained[]

Some effects remain for their full duration when the character falls.


There are 29 Talents that match the category selection:

Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost
Qiqi Qiqi
Using the Icevein Talisman, Qiqi brings forth the Herald of Frost, dealing Cryo DMG to surrounding opponents.

Herald of Frost
  • On hit, Qiqi's Normal and Charged Attacks regenerate HP for your own party members and nearby teammates. Healing scales based on Qiqi's ATK.
  • Periodically regenerates your active character's HP.
  • Follows the character around, dealing Cryo DMG to opponents in their path.
Elemental Skill
All Of My Treasures! All Of My Treasures!
Klee Klee
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Boon of Crystal Flame Boon of Crystal Flame
Kachina Kachina
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, 20 Stamina will be restored when interacting with some harvestable items. Additionally, the location of nearby resources unique to Natlan will appear on your mini-map.Utility Passive
Celestial Shower Celestial Shower
Ganyu Ganyu
Coalesces atmospheric frost and snow to summon a Sacred Cryo Pearl that exorcises evil.
During its ability duration, the Sacred Cryo Pearl will continuously rain down shards of ice, striking opponents within an AoE and dealing Cryo DMG.
Elemental Burst
Demarcation Demarcation
Mika Mika
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Encyclopedic Expertise Encyclopedic Expertise
Yanfei Yanfei
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Liyue on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Encyclopedic Knowledge Encyclopedic Knowledge
Tighnari Tighnari
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Sumeru on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Explosive Puppet Explosive Puppet
Amber Amber
The ever-reliable Baron Bunny takes the stage.

Baron Bunny
  • Continuously taunts the enemy, drawing their fire.
  • Baron Bunny's HP scales with Amber's Max HP.
  • When destroyed or when its timer expires, Baron Bunny explodes, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.

Adjusts the throwing direction of Baron Bunny.
The longer the button is held, the further the throw.
Elemental Skill
Fantastic Voyage Fantastic Voyage
Bennett Bennett
Bennett performs a jumping attack that deals Pyro DMG, creating an Inspiration Field.

Inspiration Field
  • If the health of a character within the AoE is equal to or falls below 70%, their health will continuously regenerate. The amount of HP restored scales off Bennett's Max HP.
  • If the health of a character within the AoE is higher than 70%, they gain an ATK Bonus that is based on Bennett's Base ATK.
  • Imbues characters within the AoE with Pyro.
Elemental Burst
Former Life Memories Former Life Memories
Qiqi Qiqi
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Liyue on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Guoba Attack Guoba Attack
Xiangling Xiangling
Summons Guoba, who will continuously breathe fire at opponents, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.Elemental Skill
Illusory Heart Illusory Heart
Nahida Nahida
Manifests the Court of Dreams and expands the Shrine of Maya.

When the Shrine of Maya field is unleashed, the following effects will be separately unleashed based on the Elemental Types present within the party.
  • Pyro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the DMG dealt by Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is increased.
  • Electro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the interval between each Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is decreased.
  • Hydro: The Shrine of Maya's duration is increased.

If there are at least 2 party members of the aforementioned Elemental Types present when the field is deployed, the aforementioned effects will be increased further.

Even if Nahida is not on the field, these bonuses will still take effect so long as party members are within the Shrine of Maya.
Elemental Burst
Kamisato Art: Suiyuu Kamisato Art: Suiyuu
Kamisato Ayato Kamisato Ayato
Unveils a garden of purity that silences the cacophony within.
While this space exists, Bloomwater Blades will constantly rain down and attack opponents within its AoE, dealing Hydro DMG and increasing the Normal Attack DMG of characters within.
Elemental Burst
Kazuha Slash Kazuha Slash
Kaedehara Kazuha Kaedehara Kazuha
The signature technique of Kazuha's self-styled bladework — a single slash that strikes with the force of the first winds of autumn, dealing AoE Anemo DMG.
The blade's passage will leave behind a field named "Autumn Whirlwind" that periodically deals AoE Anemo DMG to opponents within its range.

Elemental Absorption
If Autumn Whirlwind comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro, it will deal additional elemental DMG of that type.
Elemental Absorption may only occur once per use.
Elemental Burst
Loci-Based Mnemonics Loci-Based Mnemonics
Lynette Lynette
Shows the location of nearby Recovery Orbs on the minimap. The Aquatic Stamina and HP gained from touching Orbs will be increased by 25%.Utility Passive
Mirror Reflection of Doom Mirror Reflection of Doom
Mona Mona
Creates an illusory Phantom of Fate from coalesced waterspouts.

Has the following special properties:
  • Continuously taunts nearby opponents, attracting their fire.
  • Continuously deals Hydro DMG to nearby opponents.
  • When its duration expires, the Phantom explodes, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.

Utilizes water currents to move backwards swiftly before conjuring a Phantom.

Only one Phantom created by Mirror Reflection of Doom can exist at any time.
Elemental Skill
Night Vigil's Harvest Night Vigil's Harvest
Clorinde Clorinde
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Fontaine on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Pyronado Pyronado
Xiangling Xiangling
Displaying her mastery over both fire and polearms, Xiangling sends a Pyronado whirling around her. The Pyronado will move with your character for the ability's duration, dealing Pyro DMG to all opponents in its path.Elemental Burst
Seeker of Shinies Seeker of Shinies
Gorou Gorou
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Inazuma on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Signature Mix Signature Mix
Diona Diona
Tosses out a special cold brew that deals AoE Cryo DMG and creates a Drunken Mist in an AoE.

Drunken Mist
  • Deals continuous Cryo DMG to opponents within the AoE.
  • Continuously regenerates the HP of characters within the AoE.
Elemental Burst
Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered Frost Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered Frost
Chongyun Chongyun
Chongyun strikes the ground with his greatsword, causing a Cryo explosion in a circular AoE in front of him that deals Cryo DMG.
After a short delay, the cold air created by the Cryo explosion will coalesce into a Chonghua Frost Field, within which all Sword, Claymore and Polearm-wielding characters' weapons will be infused with Cryo.
Elemental Skill
Stellaris Phantasm Stellaris Phantasm
Mona Mona
Mona summons the sparkling waves and creates a reflection of the starry sky, applying the Illusory Bubble status to opponents in a large AoE.

Illusory Bubble
Traps opponents inside a pocket of destiny and also makes them Wet.
Renders weaker opponents immobile.
When an opponent affected by Illusory Bubble sustains DMG, it has the following effects:
  • Applies an Omen to the opponent, which gives a DMG Bonus, also increasing the DMG of the attack that causes it.
  • Removes the Illusory Bubble, dealing Hydro DMG in the process.

During its duration, increases DMG taken by opponents.
Elemental Burst
The Trick Is to Keep Smiling! The Trick Is to Keep Smiling!
Mualani Mualani
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, 15 Phlogiston will be restored when interacting with some harvestable items. Additionally, the location of nearby resources unique to Natlan will appear on your mini-map.Utility Passive
Thoth's Revelation Thoth's Revelation
Sethos Sethos
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Sumeru on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Trail of the Qilin Trail of the Qilin
Ganyu Ganyu
Leaving a single Ice Lotus behind, Ganyu dashes backward, shunning all impurity and dealing AoE Cryo DMG.

Ice Lotus
  • Continuously taunts surrounding opponents, attracting them to attack it.
  • Endurance scales based on Ganyu's Max HP.
  • Blooms profusely when destroyed or once its duration ends, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
Elemental Skill
Trivial Observations Trivial Observations
Lyney Lyney
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Fontaine on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Trove of Marvelous Treasures Trove of Marvelous Treasures
Ningguang Ningguang
Displays the location of nearby ore veins used in forging on the mini-map.Utility Passive
Trump-Card Kitty Trump-Card Kitty
Collei Collei
Trusty Cuilein-Anbar comes to save the day!
Throws the doll named Cuilein-Anbar, causing an explosion that deals AoE Dendro DMG, creating a Cuilein-Anbar Zone. Cuilein-Anbar will bounce around within this zone, dealing AoE Dendro DMG.
Elemental Burst
Wind's Grand Ode Wind's Grand Ode
Venti Venti
Fires off an arrow made of countless coalesced winds, creating a huge Stormeye that sucks in opponents and deals continuous Anemo DMG.

Elemental Absorption
If the Stormeye comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro, it will deal additional elemental DMG of that type.
Elemental Absorption may only occur once per use.
Elemental Burst

Effects End[]

Some effects will end when the character falls.


There are 12 Talents that match the category selection:

Cat's Creeping Carriage Cat's Creeping Carriage
Kirara Kirara
When Kirara is in the party, animals who produce Fowl, Raw Meat, or Chilled Meat will not be startled when party members approach them.Utility Passive
Cutting Torrent Cutting Torrent
Tartaglia Tartaglia
Normal Attack
Performs up to 6 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack
Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, the power of Hydro will accumulate on the arrowhead. An arrow fully charged with the torrent will deal Hydro DMG and apply the Riptide status.

Opponents affected by Riptide will suffer from AoE Hydro DMG effects when attacked by Tartaglia in various ways. DMG dealt in this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
  • Riptide Flash: A fully-charged Aimed Shot that hits an opponent affected by Riptide deals consecutive bouts of AoE DMG. Can occur once every 0.7s.
  • Riptide Burst: Defeating an opponent affected by Riptide creates a Hydro burst that inflicts the Riptide status on nearby opponents hit.

Plunging Attack
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
When Tartaglia is in Foul Legacy: Raging Tide's Melee Stance, he cannot perform a plunging attack.
Normal Attack
Devotion Devotion
Noelle Noelle
When Noelle is in the party but not on the field, this ability triggers automatically when your active character's HP falls below 30%:
Creates a shield for your active character that lasts for 20s and absorbs DMG equal to 400% of Noelle's DEF.
The shield has a 150% DMG Absorption effectiveness against all Elemental and Physical DMG.
This effect can only occur once every 60s.
1st Ascension Passive
Easy Does It Easy Does It
Aloy Aloy
When Aloy is in the party, animals who produce Fowl, Raw Meat, or Chilled Meat will not be startled when party members approach them.Utility Passive
Guhua Sword: Raincutter Guhua Sword: Raincutter
Xingqiu Xingqiu
Initiate Rainbow Bladework and fight using an illusory sword rain, while creating the maximum number of Rain Swords.

Rainbow Bladework
  • Your active character's Normal Attacks will trigger consecutive sword rain attacks, dealing Hydro DMG.
  • Rain Swords will remain at the maximum number throughout the ability's duration.
Elemental Burst
Nightrider Nightrider
Fischl Fischl
Summons Oz. The night raven forged of darkness and lightning descends upon the land, dealing Electro DMG in a small AoE.
For the ability's duration, Oz will continuously attack nearby opponents with Freikugel.

Hold to adjust the location Oz will be summoned to.
(PressPress/TapTap) again any time during the ability's duration to once again summon him to Fischl's side.
Elemental Skill
Ryuukin Saxifrage Ryuukin Saxifrage
Yoimiya Yoimiya
Yoimiya leaps into the air along with her original creation, the "Ryuukin Saxifrage," and fires forth blazing rockets bursting with surprises that deal AoE Pyro DMG and mark one of the hit opponents with Aurous Blaze.

Aurous Blaze
All Normal/Charged/Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts by any party member other than Yoimiya that hit an opponent marked by Aurous Blaze will trigger an explosion, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
When an opponent affected by Aurous Blaze is defeated before its duration expires, the effect will pass on to another nearby opponent, who will inherit the remaining duration.

One Aurous Blaze explosion can be triggered every 2s. When Yoimiya is down, Aurous Blaze effects created through her skills will be deactivated.
Elemental Burst
Stormbreaker Stormbreaker
Beidou Beidou
Recalling her slaying of the great beast Haishan, Beidou calls upon that monstrous strength and the lightning to create a Thunderbeast's Targe around herself, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents.

Thunderbeast's Targe
  • When Normal and Charged Attacks hit, they create a lightning discharge that can jump between opponents, dealing Electro DMG.
  • Increases the character's resistance to interruption, and decreases DMG taken.

A maximum of 1 lightning discharge can be triggered per second.
Elemental Burst
Tailing on Tiptoes Tailing on Tiptoes
Yaoyao Yaoyao
When Yaoyao is in the party, your characters will not startle Crystalflies and certain other animals when getting near them.
Check the "Other" sub-category of the "Living Beings / Wildlife" section in the Archive for creatures this skill works on.
Utility Passive
Thought and Intent, Like Silken Scent Thought and Intent, Like Silken Scent
Lan Yan Lan Yan
When Lan Yan is in the party, your characters will not startle Crystalflies and certain other animals when getting near them.
Check the "Other" sub-category of the "Living Beings / Wildlife" section in the Archive for creatures this skill works on.
Utility Passive
Transcendence: Baleful Omen Transcendence: Baleful Omen
Raiden Shogun Raiden Shogun
The Raiden Shogun unveils a shard of her Euthymia, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents, and granting nearby party members the Eye of Stormy Judgment.

Eye of Stormy Judgment
  • When characters with this buff attack and deal DMG to opponents, the Eye will unleash a coordinated attack, dealing AoE Electro DMG at the opponent's position.
  • Characters who gain the Eye of Stormy Judgment will have their Elemental Burst DMG increased based on the Energy Cost of the Elemental Burst during the Eye's duration.

The Eye can initiate one coordinated attack every 0.9s per party.
Coordinated attacks generated by characters not controlled by you deal 20% of the normal DMG.
Elemental Skill
Yoohoo Art: Silencer's Secret Yoohoo Art: Silencer's Secret
Sayu Sayu
When Sayu is in the party, your characters will not startle Crystalflies and certain other animals when getting near them.
Check the "Other" sub-category of the "Living Beings / Wildlife" section in the Archive for creatures this skill works on.
Utility Passive


Characters have certain voice-overs for when they fall in battle.


  1. Although the tip suggests using Electro, in reality, Dendro and Cryo are more efficient elements for breaking the Hydro Abyss Mage's shield.
  2. The tip is wrong. Anemo Slimes have the same Weight and Interruption Resistance as any other slime.

