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Special Training is a part of Prepare for Tournament in the Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event.

On the event screen, it is represented by the Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Special Training icon.


Coordinated Assaults
Tutorial Contest Rules 1
In the Fabulous Fungus Frenzy gameplay mode, your Elemental Skill will be changed to the Focus Attack command, which can command all the Fungi in your team to attack a single target.

Tutorial Contest Rules 2
Click on the corresponding button or avatar and select the Fungus to unleash its Skill, which is a powerful ability that can help you take control of the battle.

Tutorial Contest Rules 3
Each of your Fungi can only use its Skill a limited number of times. Pick up Plauditory Protections that appear during the battle to increase the number of uses their Skills have.
Plauditory Protections can only exist for a limited duration of time. Make sure to pick them up in time.

Tutorial Coordinated Assaults
During Coordinated Assaults, you must command your Fungi to destroy 3 zones held by your opponents.
The less time you take to defeat these opponents and the fewer Fungi you lose in the process, the higher your battle score will be.

Tutorial Contest Rules 4
In some stages, you can switch supporting Fungi into combat if one of the current active Fungi falls.
Zone Defense
Tutorial Contest Rules 1
In the Fabulous Fungus Frenzy gameplay mode, your Elemental Skill will be changed to the Focus Attack command, which can command all the Fungi in your team to attack a single target.

Tutorial Contest Rules 2
Click on the corresponding button or avatar and select the Fungus to unleash its Skill, which is a powerful ability that can help you take control of the battle.

Tutorial Contest Rules 3
Each of your Fungi can only use its Skill a limited number of times. Pick up Plauditory Protections that appear during the battle to increase the number of uses their Skills have.
Plauditory Protections can only exist for a limited duration of time. Make sure to pick them up in time.

Tutorial Zone Defense
During the Zone Defense challenge, you must command your Fungi to defend a Ley Line Monolith.
The less damage the Monolith has taken and the fewer Fungi you lose by the time the challenge ends, the higher your battle score will be.

Tutorial Contest Rules 4
In some stages, you can switch supporting Fungi into combat if one of the current active Fungi falls.

Coordinated Assault[]

Through the Battlefront[]

After recalling your special training with your Fungus friends, you and Paimon have a thorough discussion and formulate a plan...
Enemies in the domain are constructing a line of defense around their powerful leader. Perhaps using tough Fungi to spearhead targeted attacks on vital areas of the enemy front would be a worthwhile tactic...
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Coordinated Assault: Through the Battlefront
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Coordinated Assault: Through the Battlefront
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Coordinated Assault: Through the Battlefront
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Elemental Stratagems[]

After recalling your special training with your Fungus friends, you and Paimon have a thorough discussion and formulate a plan...
Enemies of many Elemental Types are gathering in the Domain. For maximum efficiency, we can dispatch appropriate Fungi to target these enemies' weaknesses...
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Coordinated Assault: Elemental Stratagems
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Coordinated Assault: Elemental Stratagems
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Coordinated Assault: Elemental Stratagems
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Rapid Chase[]

The enemies have spread out all over the battlefield, trying to slow down the rhythm of our attack.
Rapid rotation of our troops on gathering groups of enemies to one location might be the winning strategies for this sepcial training...
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Coordinated Assault: Rapid Chase
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Coordinated Assault: Rapid Chase
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Coordinated Assault: Rapid Chase
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Combined Tactics[]

There is a wide range of different enemies in this special training, without a focus on any single Element. Attacking with a balanced and comprehensive Fungi team should be the safest option...
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Coordinated Assault: Combined Tactics
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Coordinated Assault: Combined Tactics
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Coordinated Assault: Combined Tactics
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Marauding Adversary[]

Multiple powerful enemies are working together to counter our advance, creating a formidable lineup.
We need to carefully construct a Fungi team that will take into account possible setbacks during battle and push steadily towards final victory.
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Coordinated Assault: Marauding Adversary
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Hero's Wit 2
Score 1000 points in Coordinated Assault: Marauding Adversary
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Coordinated Assault: Marauding Adversary
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Zone Defense[]

Precise Firepower[]

After recalling your special training with your Fungus friends, you and Paimon have a thorough discussion and formulate a plan...
Multiple types of Hilichurl archers are attacking from different positions to destroy our Warding Stone.
Move swiftly around the Domain and quickly dispatch enemies at every position to protect the target in this special training...
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Zone Defense: Precise Firepower
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Zone Defense: Precise Firepower
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Zone Defense: Precise Firepower
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Raid Disruption[]

Some Fungi Friends struggle to deal with airborne enemies. If those enemies can also use Elemental powers, they could disrupt the combat ability of the entire Fungus team. Those types of enemies will require extra attention in this special training...
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Zone Defense: Raid Disruption
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Zone Defense: Raid Disruption
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Zone Defense: Raid Disruption
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Spherical Threat[]

While enemies come in all shapes and sizes, elemental lifeforms are among the most difficult for Fungi to handle. In this defensice challenge, your Fungi friends will need to fend off various types of spherical elemental lifeforms...
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Zone Defense: Spherical Threat
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Zone Defense: Spherical Threat
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Zone Defense: Spherical Threat
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Three-Dimensional Defense[]

Due to your Fungi friends' watertight defense, the enemy changed tactics and used common monsters to divert your attention, while creating opportunities for their nimble main force to approach and destroy the Monolith. With this in mind, you need to summarily dispatch enemies approaching from behind...
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Zone Defense: Three-Dimensional Defense
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Zone Defense: Three-Dimensional Defense
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Zone Defense: Three-Dimensional Defense
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

All Domain Suppression[]

In this special training, the enemy employed the most traditional tactic, pairing melee shield Mitachurls with tanged hilichurl archers to launch an aggressive yet steadfast attack.
You cna only defend against the enemy's attack by deploying appropriate Fungi!
Challenge Rewards
Challenge Rewards
Score 500 points in Zone Defense: All Domain Suppression
Primogem 30
Fungus Medal 120
Mora 20,000
Score 1000 points in Zone Defense: All Domain Suppression
Fungus Medal 80
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Score 2000 points in Zone Defense: All Domain Suppression
Fungus Medal 40
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
97Swirls of the StreamForest of Jnana and VidyaFayz Trials (challenge #1-3), Tablet Analytics, Special Training, Championship Progress, Second Blooming, Concocted Reaction, Brewing Developments, Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #3, 5, and 7), Perilous Expedition, The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #1, 3, and 7)
Combat, Domains, Special Gameplay
98Rhymes of ValesForest of Jnana and VidyaFayz Trials (challenge #1-3), Tablet Analytics, Special Training, Championship Progress, Second Blooming, Concocted Reaction, Brewing Developments, Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #3, 5, and 7), Perilous Expedition, The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #1, 3, and 7)
Combat, Domains, Special Gameplay
99Gilded RunnerForest of Jnana and VidyaFayz Trials (challenge #1-3), Tablet Analytics, Special Training, Championship Progress, Across the Wilderness (challenge #3), Second Blooming, Concocted Reaction, Fulminating Sandstorm, Brewing Developments, The Recollector's Path (Tranquil Trail), Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #3, 5, and 7), Perilous Expedition, The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #1, 3, and 7)
Combat, Domains

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSpecial Training
Qiánghuà Tèxùn
Special Power-Up Training
Qiánghuà Tèxùn
Kyouka Tokkun
Special Power-Up Training
Korean강화강화 특훈특훈
Ganghwa Teukhun
Special Power-Up Training
SpanishEntrenamiento de fuerzaStrength Training
FrenchEntraînement renforcéReinforced Training
Special Training
VietnameseHuấn Luyện Cường Hóa
GermanSpezialtrainingSpecial Training
IndonesianPelatihan KhususSpecial Training
PortugueseTreinamento Especial

Change History[]
