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Félix Yogue is an event-exclusive NPC that first appears in the Evermotion Mechanical Painting event.


During Evermotion Mechanical Painting
During Duel! The Summoners' Summit!

Quests and Events[]


Event Dialogue[]

Evermotion Mechanical Painting[]

Félix Yogue: Salutations to you once again, Honorary Knight, would you like to try piecing the Evermotion Mechanical Painting together?
Félix Yogue: Hmm? It seems that you have some questions for me, yes?
Félix Yogue: Aha! Are you interested in the Daydream Club, by any chance?
Icon Dialogue Talk Daydream Club? What is that?
Félix Yogue: Hmm, let me think, how should I explain this... So generally, a "club" is... a loose assembly of people sharing the same interests.
Félix Yogue: But... the Daydream Club is bound by something more than "interests" — that is to say, "dreams."
Félix Yogue: However, these "dreams" are often criticized as unrealistic. So we said to ourselves, "why not just name the club 'daydream'?" And that's what we did.
Félix Yogue: As for us, the members of the club are naturally "daydreamers" holding to our "daydreams."
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me more about the members of the Daydream Club...
Félix Yogue: Ah, we are not great in numbers, but our members are all extraordinarily imaginative.
Félix Yogue: I, Félix Yogue, wish to create an energy source that can operate in perpetuity!
Félix Yogue: And I want to use purely mechanical structures to build it, requiring no materials that regular people can't handle.
Félix Yogue: Next up is Xavier, the genius artist and creator of the Film Kamera — which, by the way, is an exquisite product, I'll tell you that.
Félix Yogue: However, his hidden talents are most stirringly displayed in the Films he creates.
Félix Yogue: We believe with all our hearts that this man will become the greatest Film Maker in Teyvat.
Félix Yogue: That said, I haven't heard from him since his journey to Inazuma. Honestly, what has he been doing?
Félix Yogue: Then there's another one of us — Mr. Garcia, who's working on a Numbering Machine.
Félix Yogue: Well, he does zone out from time to time... but trust me, he's a natural-born mathematical genius.
Félix Yogue: Last but surely not least, we have the brothers, Mécantre and Babisse, with their boundless energy.
Félix Yogue: They are working on a super-sized cannon. Their schematics state that it shall fire missiles that can fly high enough to touch the stars of Teyvat... all while carrying people inside.
Félix Yogue: They are still searching for the right fuel for the project, but their "daydream" is the craziest plan I've ever heard.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you... serious?
Félix Yogue: Of course! We're absolutely serious about our "daydreams," haha! I mean, isn't "Daydream Club" a perfect name for us?
Félix Yogue: If you're interested, do visit the town of Petrichor in the Court of Fontaine. That's where our members gather.
Félix Yogue: That said, if you went there now, you'd probably encounter a rather downcast pair of brothers...
Icon Dialogue Talk Um... I've actually met Xavier in Inazuma... (Available after completing Tatara Tales: The Last Act)
You tell Félix Yogue about your experiences with Xavier in Tatarasuna...
Félix Yogue: Ah, fabulous, fabulous! "Tatara Tales" shall make Xavier, bless his heart, famous overnight. Mark my words!
Félix Yogue: ...But honestly, I am just really relieved. I thought he might've, you know...
Félix Yogue: That said, since things have been dealt with, why hasn't he even sent one letter back...?
Félix Yogue: Whatever, I'll send a letter back to Petrichor later to tell Mécantre the news, so that he can stop worrying...
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Félix Yogue: Farewell. Once more, I salute you, Honorary Knight.

Duel! The Summoners' Summit![]

Félix Yogue: Ah, Traveler, it's you. Would you like to try this painting out?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yep.
Félix Yogue: Haha, great! I'm sure you'll solve this mechanical painting in no time.
Félix Yogue: The mechanical painting's over here. You may begin whenever you're ready.
Icon Dialogue Talk I've got something else to do.
Félix Yogue: Uh... okay then. Feel free to stop by when you get the chance! I won't be going anywhere for the time being...


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishFélix Yogue
Fēilìsī Yóugé
Fēilìsī Yóugé
Ferikkusu Yuugu
Pellikseu Yogeu
SpanishFélix Yogue
FrenchFélix Yogue
RussianФеликс Йог
Feliks Yog
ThaiFélix Yogue
VietnameseFélix Yogue
GermanFélix Yogue
IndonesianFélix Yogue
PortugueseFélix Yogue

Change History[]
